Getting closer

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As you're strolling the rest of the upstairs your arm linked with Cate's, she briefly lets you know what rooms are what as you pass their doors, you catch a glimpse of the library, you pause yours & Cate's walking briefly to look through the arches at the beautiful bookcases, the vintage furniture.
But what catches your eye the most are the three record players around the room, one in particular. You love old music especially on vinyl, they'd have to be antiques.

"Do you use the record players ?"
You say, your eyes locked onto that particular one,
a fully wooden base & beautifully shaped horn also made of wood.

"I do!" She says excitedly dragging you to the one that you had taken interest in

"I've only ever seen them with brass or tin horns never wood, it's beautiful! I can just imagine the sound"
You say, gently running your finger over the smooth glossy wood & resting your hand were it sits

"I hadnt seen wooden ones either until I this one, she's special. I'm told timber horns were an optional extra offered at the time, apparently making for better tonal quality, it really does sound divine"
She says removing her arm from yours.

She crouches down to the shelves below flicking through records. You can't help but feel an odd disappointment in loosing the contact of her arm, the disappointment is quickly replaced with excitement as you see some of the records she has.

She takes a record from its sleeve you can't see what it is but you're happy to be surprised, you watch as she sets it up

"This player is my favourite & she is the oldest"
She says, flicking her eyes to you with a quick smile before getting back to set it up.

The was she speaks & looks at you is like she wants you to know shes been paying attention to you, so much so that she can tell your fondness of things even with minimal conversation.

"Andrew tries to make me use the others because they aren't as rare, hence the sort of collection we have gathered. His attempt at preserving an antique."
She says motioning her hands before continuing
"But there's just something about this one & how it plays that is just-
I dunno, special"
She smiles to herself as she fiddles.

"I like that you use this one & I like that you call her, her. She is much like a female I suppose, much more than just beauty yet some are too fixated on that exterior to explore the vastness"

She looks at you with a glimmer in her eye
"Very true darling. I do enjoy looking deeper beyond  aesthetic"
She says with smile looking at you like that statement had many meanings before she continues
"You certainly are wise beyond your years, that's probably why you like this musical lady so much, she's the same age as your mental age"
She says with a laugh
"Well she has a name now then"
She says as she lowers the needle with a smile
"(Y/N), it suits her well"
She says

She just named her favourite record player after you.

As soon as she finishes her sentence the music plays almost like magic, the song is smoke rings by the mills brothers, such a beautiful song.

Cate closes her eyes & sways to the music, you listen to the instruments as you watch her floaty movements, you completely take in the moment & think how lucky you are to be experiencing not only the beautiful sound but to see her, Cate, like this. So completely comfortable in her special place & to let you in to a part of it is completely mystical.

You feel a rush of happiness come over you, goosebumps rising as you feel the vibrations of the music underneath your hand that rests just next to the player.

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