In the greenhouse

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Your heart races as her lips are on yours.
This kiss is different to any of the others, different to any other kiss you've ever had before.
It's like you are communicating through the kiss, your emotions transferring & discussing.

You both part the kiss &look into one another's eyes. It feels like has stopped just for you two,
if only you could stay trapped in this moment, in this feeling forever

You say in a sad tone turning your head breaking the eye contact

"What darling"
She asks as she places her hand on your face

"No, it's nothing"
You say trying to conceal your feeling, trying your hardest to turn your head back to look at her, but you can't because you know she will see right through you

She turns your face to hers
"Nothing is still something"
She caresses your face, bringing her thumb to your chin giving you a light kiss to the forehead
"Talk to me"
She says quietly as she looks to your eyes

"I- I just"
You sigh
"I'm scared"
You say nervously

She looks at you concerned, looking at you to continue

"This is like a dream, you just took me someplace, made me feel something I've never felt before. I feel like everything is forming yet crumbling all at once"
You say with a lump in your throat your eyes look away

"Y/N look at me"
She says sternly yet a kind plea,
You look into her eyes
"I haven't felt this before either, you wouldn't have felt like that if it wasn't reciprocated sweetheart & I am feeling & thinking just as many things as you"
She says with a soft tone, you can see she is speaking from her heart

"But what will happen in the future? You're married, happily married, I see the love you two have. I couldn't ever & wouldn't ever want to ruin that or compete with that"
You say fighting back tears

"Darling, I have learned, whilst filming Carol actually, that love is such a unique thing for each & every person, it is never the same, not ever. I love Andrew, he is my everything but now, I have found another love, a completely different love that I didn't know I would ever feel or find.
I know Andrew & he supports me with everything, he had already welcomed you into our lives before I did.
I want you & I need to ask you if you could understand & accept that I could never leave him.
But, that that doesn't diminish what you & I have whatsoever because it is so completely different"
she says to you as she takes your hand in hers

"What if he doesn't understand"
You manage to get out

"He is a part of me, I know him just as well as I know myself, this won't end in peril my dear girl & I don't want you to sacrifice or feel like you are sacrificing anything to be with me"
She says

"I want you & I understand"
You say, a small smile beginning to show

She smiles
"I want you to always talk to me about everything you feel, don't be worried or keep anything locked away in there"
She says as she rubs your temples

"I will & I always will talk to you"
You say

She looks at you with a cheeky smirk
"You'll have to talk more than that!"
She says playfully

You chuckle
"I'm sorry, I'm just so overwhelmed & happy, I think I'm in shock"
You say

"I'm happy too"
She says as she places a slow loving kiss to your lips before running her hand over your chest

You let out again, this time in disbelief

"I like the tone of that fuck much more"
She says with a grin before kissing your neck, slightly biting & sucking

You let out again this time in a breathy moan

You feel her smile against your neck
"Even better"
She says with a low growl, her warm breath causing goosebumps over your entire body

You grab her ass, she arches her back & grins

You feel a vibration in her pocket

She says this time in a frustrated yet worried tone
"My phone, Andrew & the kids will be waiting"

"Well that fuck doesn't sound too good"
You say smirking

She looks back at you with a devilish smirk
"We will continue this very soon, but now we have to get some dinner"
She says

"I can't wait"
You say as she hops off your lap & you stand

"To continue this or dinner?"
She says with a smirk wrapping her arm around you

"Hmm aren't they the same?"
You say flirtatiously, you can't believe you just said that

Cate laughs a seductive laugh
"Mm if you'd like them to be"
She says giving you a kiss before taking your hand & beginning to walk to the door

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