The garage

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The car ride was special. The momentary glances, shared smiles between you & Cate amongst the laugher, singing & car dancing with the children was so heartwarming.

You pull up at the bottom of the stairs, letting the children out, they grab their bags & run up the stairs to meet Andrew & Edith waiting at the top.

"Mum can we all play in the yard"
Iggy yells from the top with a grin

"Yes sweetheart" she says before calling out to Andrew
"Hey Darl, me & Y/N will drive to the back garage, that way she can keep her car in the house garage since it will be used more frequently, we will meet you & the kids in the yard"
She says before she glances at you
"If you don't mind"
smiles a playful smile, you nod & smile back before you both look back to Andrew

"Yeah poss not a worry, see you both in a bit"
Andrew replies with a wave before turning to walk with the kids

Cate turns in her seat toward you, her seatbelt off looking comfortable
"Just follow this pebbled road, it leads to the big garage"
Motioning with her hands

"Oh the big garage, very fancy"
You say in a playful funny tone

"Smart arse"
She says with a laugh, poking your side Before resting her hand on your leg, your heart skips a beat yet again just by her slightest touch.

You pull up to the bigger garage, Cate reaches across under the steering wheel
"Just have to pop the door up"
her hand & arm sliding over your legs to press a button below opening the garage door.
As she moves back she trails her fingers over your legs seductively.
"nice pants"
She says playfully

Fuck she's a tease.

As the door opens you look inside
"Oh my god"
you let out as you see the cars in the garage; a couple of vintage sports cars & a modern car.

"Oh you like them?"
She asks, you nod open mouthed in response
"We will have to take them for a drive sometime"
She says with a wink before pointing ahead
"Just in that spot will be fine darling"
She adds as you drive into the empty space.

You pull in & turn the car off.
You begin to gather your things, slightly reaching over to collect your things from the floor by her feet
"Sorry I just have to get my bag"
You say

her hand caresses your arm as you are about to reach further, her grip tightens to keep you where you are, goosebumps raise instantly under her

"I'll get it darling"
she says,
a toothy smile appears on her face, she loves seeing your reaction to her.

She leans down & places your bag between her legs,
You remain right where she had you held.
She leans to your ear
"There you go"
Glancing toward your bag, slightly spreading her legs

You move your hand to grab your bag, rubbing her leg before grabbing the handle
She grins as you are about to back away her hand reaches behind your neck

"Uh uh. Savour every moment we have darling"
She says before brushing your hair back

"God the feeling you give me when you brush my hair back is insane"
You say

she grins before she pulling you closer & kissing you gently at first, her soft lips gently grazing yours, giving a gentle bite before kissing you more passionately, you kiss back running your hands through her hair.

Both of your breaths quicken, the kiss is intense & rushed but perfect in every way.

You both pull away to catch your breaths.
Both of you sharing in a quick chuckle

"We better go"
You say

"Yes sweetheart"
She says before giving you one last quick kiss

You both get out & you are distracted looking at the cars in awe.

She comes beside you, brushing her shoulder by yours & standing next to you maintaining the contact & taking her hand in yours.
"Sexy aren't they"
She says in her low raspy voice, taking your arm to walk closer to the vintage convertible sports car that has caught your eye

"God yes, vintage cars especially"
You reply as you step closer, glancing at her grinning at your reaction

She takes your hand & runs it along the car seat
"Feel that, they have their own little flare, all hand stitched"
She explains

You reply at the feeling of not only the seat but Cate pressed against you.
"That's amazing"
You add

You continue running your hand over the inside of the car, her hand over yours moving with it, her body pressing on you further makes a throb grow between your legs.

You both let out a pleasurable hum as you rock together.

You trail your hand from the car toward the both of you, her hand follows yours as you run your fingers up your leg up to your breast, you place her hand on it, she cups it & gently squeezes as you lean back into her weakly
"Do we have time?"
You let out breathily

"We will make time darling"
She replies into your ear, biting the lobe before you turn your face to kiss her, her free arm lowers to beside you resting on the car stabilising both of you as you reach back running your hands over her hips to her ass, something you had no idea was so full, as slim & statuesque as she is, she truly does have an ass, a divine ass at that.

A slight moan escapes her as your hands run over her body, this drives you wild & excites you even more. You grip her ass harder pulling it closer as you push your ass back into her, her grip on your tit tightens as you feel her thrust into you seeking some sort of relief.

"You're so fucking powerful"
You moan to her
Her hand moving to your throat gripping it & turning you to kiss yet again

"And you are so fucking exciting"
She says in response

You both let out a mix of moans & curse words as you grind & grab one others body's before you reach to the front of her pants, slipping your hand down the front, her hand that was around your neck lowers to enter the front of your pants following suit.
"Fuck" you both let out as you find one another's wetness simultaneously, both grinding against each other's touch.

This is the hottest moment of your life, probably of anyone's life.
To be with Cate Blanchett simultaneously fucking one another against a car is just insane.

"You're so wet Y/N baby"
She says with a low growl into your ear

"I'm not the only one"
You reply as you slip two fingers inside her,
She gasps & lets out a sexy growl before you both begin to find your rhythm.

Your hand motions match one another's before your thrusts do the same, you are both moving in sync, thrusting & fucking in exact time, moans growing as one as you both near orgasm together, your bodies tightening in the exact same moment

You let out

She moans

You both breath into one another's mouth before you both reach orgasm together, your bodies shaking together before relaxing, hugging into one another before you both remove your hands from each others pants, you both suck one another's fingers before kissing again.

You both take a moment to just take in one another.

"We better get to the rest of the family"
She says warmly

Her saying the rest of the family makes your heart race, the feeling of inclusion is incredible.

"Of course"
You reply with a smile

She takes your hand & gives another kiss before you start to walk towards the garage door

"I'll have to show you my greenhouse, but it will have to be sneaky"
She says with a wink & a smile.

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