Chapter 1

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I had worked for the Russian Government Constitution for about three years now. My job started off with just organizing paperwork for the ministers and running errands, since I was only 17 at the time. I was in school and felt like finding a job so that I could support myself and eventually move out from my foster family. My family was respected. My father had worked for the KGB (Security agency for the Soviet Union) and was the best dad I could ever have, while my mother was a housewife from Armenia whom had a lot of struggles with depression after she left her family, I also had an older brother who was a soldier. The whole family tree is filled with either soldiers or ex soldiers. My father died in a dangerous mission when I was around 10 years old which put a big scar on our family. My mother became an alcoholic and very depressed until we children were taken away from her. I lived with grandpa, an ex KGB captain with serious mental trauma that made him violent and very abusive. As it was clear that his father had done the same to him when he was growing up. I spent two years in his household while my brother whom was 18 at the time began his parade into the army. I was all by myself, getting hit, pushed and thrown almost everyday by my grandpa. The teachers at school saw my bruises all the time but dared to take action. I was left with no power or will whatsoever, no one would listen or do anything to stop the abuse. I suffered heavily from that and never truly covered completely. I was going from being the confident and outspoken tomboy to the quiet and insecure one. I became much more numb and reserved. But I always had hope. I had my brother and I was waiting for him to get home so that we could move and get away from the abuse. It was the only thing keeping myself alive. Though it became a lot harder to believe when the war in Afghanistan took place. I knew my brother had to get involved but I had big hopes of him coming back home. Which he didn't.

After my brothers passing I started to lose hope. I felt as if my life had no meaning anymore and there was no one that could save me. Until one day.

An old friend and employee to my father came to visit. He had been a close friend to our family even before my father got the job. His name was Vladimir Vladimirovitj Putin. Vladimir was always much more serious and focused than my dad, completing a mission was always his first priority. While my fathers was to keep his family safe and happy. Their differences would get in the way sometimes but it built up a strong friendship between them. There was though always this kind of competing feeling between the two. Both had their own ways of succeeding and their own endings. My father had the charm and the courage, he always got rewarded and he always got the girl. Meanwhile Vladimir whom was more stubborn was more focused on his work and status.

I have heard that he changed a lot when I was born. Vladimir was one of the first ones at the hospital to hold me when I was born. My father said that he had never seen Vladimir treat something with so much care and love. He could sit with me in his arms for hours, holding me as if I was his own child. He would also visit regularly to see how I was doing and progressing. He became such a big part of my childhood that I would call him ''dad 2'', which I would get yelled at for saying since that was indicating that they were married (lmao). As I grew, I felt more and more closer connection to him. It was like a weird bond that none of us wanted to break. Like soulmates. He always made sure to help me or give me a shoulder to cry on when needed.

But a lot changed after my father died. He was with him on the mission and saw what happened but never told anyone since it was classified to talk about their missions. All I can remember is that he seemed to feel a lot of guilt and remorse for not being able to change things. After he held me and let me cry out after the funeral he disappeared out of my life. I hadn't seen him until he came that day to visit.

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I was in my room terrified. I had just heard the door open and close and I knew that it meant grandpa was home. Which meant bad things would happen to me. As I quickly ran to my desk I opened up my school books to make it seem like was doing my homework. I waited for him to slam open my door any second but all I heard was chatting and laughing in the hall. Someone else was here, which made me a bit reliefed. My grandpa never dared to treat me bad in front of people, that was the main reason no one took my accusations seriously. Besides, the Soviet gave a lot of privilege to loyal workers for the state. They were almost above the law a lot of times which was why no one dared to go against them.

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