Chapter 8

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 We walked through the corridors and took the elevator a level up. There was a big room but with a small balcony with glass walls that were covered with curtains.

''Hey let's open the curtains, the view is amazing up here.'' Putin said. As the big view of Moscow opened up we sat at the bench with cushions on. We sat next to each other, I took off my high heals and sat on the side to face Putin, my knees were almost touching his. My tight dress was showing off my curves on my slim body. Putin seemed to notice this and carefully gazed as I tried to sit comfortably.

''Start from the beginning''

''So Ljudmila my wife, and I got married both late in our 30's. Both of us never invested in a love life but both of us wanted company as we were growing old. Our families kept pressuring us into getting married before it was too late. So we did.'' He looked at me.

''Was there any love between the two of you?'' I asked

''No not really. We barely knew each other at the time, we just knew each others friends. I mean all I knew was that she was a good house wife, we could have guests who wouldn't leave until after midnight and she was still in the kitchen restless. But to fast forward, we got kids and moved from Leningrad to Moscow so that I could work for Kreml. We...Already had some issues early in our marriage but we thought maybe moving and having a new environment would help.''

''Did it help?''


''Then tell me about that'' He analyzed me. I didn't notice how cold I was in my tone, almost like a mean girl. I sat with my arms crossed backed onto the armrest of the bench. I couldn't control it really, it was odd for me to hear about Vladimir with another woman. He looked concerned.

''Are you sure you want to hear more?'' He asked carefully.

''Yes continue please'' I tilted my head a bit, it was like I wanted to hear it but my self-defense mechanism was telling me otherwise.

''Alright so as you may know I got promoted from being the vice president to actual President. Which completely changed both mine and my family's life, suddenly we had to have guards everywhere we go and we couldn't just visit anywhere we wanted. One of the biggest issues however was my absence, I was and still am spending more time at work than I do at home. This was not accepted by my family.'' He became quiet.

''How so?''

''Me and Ljudmila started fighting a lot, she would claim that I wasn't man enough to take care of the family or that I didn't care enough when... I did'' He looked down onto the floor for almost a bit in shame. He continued.

''I mean I wanted to make them happy, take them out to trips and do fun activities together as you do as a family. But I just wasn't home at all to do all of those things. As soon as I got home she would just ignore me or argue over what a bad husband I am. That I wasn't making her feel like a real women because we stopped going out for dinner and because I didn't pay enough attention to her. Kinda like with you.'' Putin turned to look at me. He had sorrowed eyes that was glimmering.

''Vladimir I-'' my defense dropped and I could feel myself getting emotional.

''No no, don't make excuses for me I am the one to blame. I abandoned my family and I abandoned you Y/n which I will never forgive myself for.'' He started to have a hard time breathing through every word. It was like his sadness was choking him. I was crushed by that. My vision got blurry and suddenly there was tears running down my cheeks. Putin was looking away as he tried to hide his tears.

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