Tera story mera story hai

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Hey Guys,
So I'm here again on this account and I want to start this story when Alia goes to Bangkok with Varun for Coolie No 1.
Anyways, here we go.

I was happy and excited to get back to Mumbai after New York because one I won't need to see Ranbir again until the next schedule and two I am leaving with Varun in 5 days to Bangkok.
It was an exciting time.
It was finally the day where we had to leave for Bangkok and Varun was busy in the kitchen that morning.
I woke up and went down and was wondering what he was doing.
" Oh good morning Alia." He said like he wasn't doing anything.
" What is happening? Why are you up this early?" I started to ask when he came close and cut me off with a kiss.
" Since we are leaving today evening didn't want to trouble and get you up early this morning." He told me.
" Oh that's sweet but it's for your shooting we're going for,you know and you'll be tired, not me." I explained.
" Still. I don't like seeing you like that." Varun said.
" So anything special we're doing today?" I asked him.
" Well, we could go see my parents before we leave."Varun said looking at me.
" Not such a bad idea, I would say Varun." I said.
" Then the plan is made. We'll call them and tell them we'll come over until 3."Varun said.
" Okay that's done." I said happy.

Later in the afternoon
We had informed Varun's parents we would reach just before lunch.
We reached the driveway of the house and Varun stopped the car.
" Why'd you stop it?" I asked.
" Because we need to get out and go in. " He replied knowing I would know when he stopped the car.
" Yeah Ok. Let's go in." I said as I got out of the car.
We got out and confidently I went and rang the doorbell.
We waited and finally Karuna Aunty opened.
" Mom, we're here." Varun said as she let us in.
" Toh beta, why did you come?" Karuna Aunty asked.
" Ma, ek reason hona chahiye hum ane ke lie?" Varun asked.
" No." She replied staying silent.
" Actually Aunty let me speak for this idiot here. " I said.
As we took seats on the sofa in the house, I explained.
" Actually Aunty today evening we're leaving for Bangkok and we thought we should spend some time with you and uncle before we leave." I said straight forward.
" Really?" Karuna Aunty asked.
" Oh yeah, that's what we want to do. Alia explained it well." Varun said.
" Well okay. Have you kids had lunch?" Karuna Aunty asked.
" Isn't that what we came for? " Varun whispered as I pulled him up and told him to shut up.
Once we were seated and were served, Karuna Aunty asked me.
" Toh Alia anything interesting happening in your life recently?"
" Not really Aunty. Just shooting and interacting with people." I said.
" Oh so what new movies are you doing?" She asked.
" Well, I'm working on Brahmastra. I'm also going to start Sadak 2 soon. I'm not exactly sure when but soon." I told her.
" Varun keeping you busy?" She asked suddenly.
" Huh? Ma. What are you saying." Varun questioned his mother.
" Beta, you know what I mean." She answered.
" Aunty actually we are still engaged. Not married yet." I said.
" Oh. I thought." She said puzzled.
" Ma, believe us any decision we take we will take your blessings and Alia's parents blessings when we decide." Varun said to clear the fact.
" Ok. Then I will wait." Karuna Aunty said.
" That took a turn?" Varun whispered.
" Yes it did." I said.
Just then David Uncle came from the stairs and saw me and Varun.
" Hi Dad. So excited to leave for shoot?"Varun asked.
" Oh yeah maybe." David uncle replied.
" Why what happened Papa?" Varun asked worried.
" Nothing. Just thinking of changing a couple of things in the script but other than that ready for shoot." David uncle said.
" Oh since I'll be there, I'm excited to see the remake. I loved the original." I said.
" Thank you Alia." David uncle.

Later after lunch
We had finished eating and we were sitting and talking when we realized we had to get home.
" Oh ma, I think we have to get home." Varun said.
" Oh already?" Karuna Aunty asked.
" Yeah." Varun replied.
As we were leaving the house, I said
" Thank you Aunty so much. The food was delicious."
" Bye beta. Thank you for coming." She said.

Later at the airport
I had been excited and happy. I was getting a chance to act in a film directed by my father, and having a co star as a girl of 23 years and getting my 26 year old fiance to go with me. I was ecstatic. It was also a film which the original was directed my him so it was more special.

Alia and I had left my parents house and told my father we would directly meet him at the airport.
We had asked Manoj to come get us and the previous night we had put the luggage in the car, so not a big deal.
Then the only thing to do was arrive to the airport.

Once we were in the car and driving Alia asked me.
" So you nervous, excited to shoot a film that your father originally made and you are staring in it again?" Alia asked.
" What? Alia it isn't the first time. Judwaa 2 was also there." I explained.
" Yeah but at that point I didn't come for the shoot." Alia said.
" Oh haha. Yeah." I clarified.
Once we reached the airport, paps will definitely have some questions so we were ready to answer if any.

Once we got out of the car, held hands and started walking, the questions started coming.
I: So Varun and Alia, how come you are going together?
V: Well Alia has decided to come with me for my shoot of Coolie No 1.
I: Really Alia?
A: Well I'm here so I'm going.
I: Now, I want to ask you the question you don't want to hear but I'm going to ask anyway.
V: Spill it.
I: Any wedding bells ringing?
A: As of now, no. We are taking it slow. And even if there is, the media will be the last to know.
I: Thank you.
We finally escaped the media and entered the airport.
" Alia, what you said back there about the media being the latest to know about our wedding was brave." I commented.
"Really? It was?" Alia asked me quizzically.
"Alu, Something like that even if would not have been able to say." I told Alia.
" Oh then. I'm special." Alia said.
" Oh you really are." I said kissing her on the cheek.
" Haha! Yeah. " Alia said as we walked to security.

After security at the gate
We had done all the formalities and we were just waiting at the gate for our flight to be called when Alia looked up and saw Ranbir coming over.
She got up and took him to a corner. I don't know what world I was in but I wasn't paying attention.

After 5 minutes of her gone, I looked up from my screen and looked around for her.
I even tried calling Alia, Alu where are you? But she didn't reply.
I noticed her phone on the seat beside me and I knew why she had done what she did.
As I was trying to look for her, she came out from a corner and came up to me and hugged me.
" What happened? " I asked her.
" Nothing crazy Alu couldn't handle." Alia told me.
" So everything OK with Ranbir?" I asked her.
" It really couldn't be better." Alia told me.
She sat down and I realised she wanted to tell me something but she looked like she couldn't.
" Alia, what's the problem?" I questioned her worried.
" Nothing." She said and I knew that was not the case.
" Then explain it to me." I asked her.
" Ok, a couple months ago when I was coming back from New York after the shoot of Brahmastra, Ayan was fine and he let me through in the airport with no problem but after everything, Ranbir told him that he needed to show me something. He said I need to show you something and he dragged me away from the group to a corner and tried kissing me." Alia told me and I immediately started clenching my fists.
My dad was sitting with the other members of the crew when he saw me and got up and came closer.
" What's the problem, Varun?" He asked.
" Nothing Uncle. Just something Varun couldn't handle." Alia said for me.
Once he made sure everything was fine and left, Alia told me.
" I know you have a exhausting month in Bangkok so once we come back you can deal with him.
" Well, I hope to do something now but I guess not." I told her.
" Just take it easy." Alia told me.
" Ok if you are saying it, I will." I told her.
Just then our flight was called and we got up and left Mumbai for Bangkok.

Hey Wattpad family,
So hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry it took 2 weeks to publish. Anyways this week is all about Humpty so will do one shots on my other account.
So anyways
Signing off

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