Will you marry me?

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Hey Guys,
So I'm back on this account and I have already thought of the plot for this one shot. I read the last part of the last one shot and knew instantly where I wanted to continue.
Anyways Let's get into it.

Varun has been very good these past couple days since our shoot started.
I had broken up with Ranbir and was currently in Varun Dhawan world. We had just arrived in Kota, Rajasthan for continuing the shoot of Kalank with Adi and Sona and Abhi had let us off for the day. We were now re exploring Seven Wonders park where we had come to chill and sight see as a couple.
I suddenly become sad for some reason and Sona was cheering me up.
" Alia, what's the problem? " Sona asked coming up to me.
" She's fine." Varun tells Sona.
" Yeah I'm fine. Just emotional." I tell her.
Sona comes  over to me and sits down on the bench and console me.
" Somethings up with you Alia. Usually when you're in a wonderful place like this you're happy." Sona noticed.
" I've just been thinking what if I didn't break up with Ranbir. What would have happened then?" I questioned.
" Alu, you're a beautiful, smart sensible girl. There is no one in this world you could have other than Varun. Varun is a that guy who  is kind, sweet extremely considerate and doesn't tune out when you speak. Besides he's been in love with you ever since you started out together." Sona said.
" Yeah. You're right. I don't know what I'll do without him.
Then I saw Varun and Adi coming back towards us.
Sona gave me a handkerchief and I wiped my tears.
" What happened Alia?" Adi asked as soon as he came close.
" Girl problems." Sona interjected.
" Thank you." I mouthed.
" Shall we go for dinner?" Varun asked
" Are you hungry V?" I asked suprised.
" More hungry than you think." He replied.
Then we exited the park and went in search of a decent restaurant.
We finally found one and went in.

Skip Dinner( Sorry I think I'll just skip this part because have other things I want to write)

After we got back to the hotel, I honestly was very tired so I kissed Varun good night and went to lie down. He went to change and came out wearing his boxers.
" V, what's going to happen tonight?" I asked.
Nothing. Just us being us." He replied.

Then he came and lay down next to me and hugged and I thought something would happen that night, but the only thing we did do was hug each other and sleep.
The next morning
I had just woken up when I felt something on my forehead.
He had obviously written a note and stuck it on my forehead so I could see it when I woke up.
Alu, come to the lobby in your pyjamas when you wake up.
I was beyond confused but he would have to wait because I knew there was something special planned.
I brushed my teeth, found the key to our room and went down.
Once I got out of the elevator, there was some people in costumes and Aashiq Surrender was playing and I couldn't see Varun any where.
I was eager to see him.
Then the people moved and I could get a glimpse of Varun.
Varun was in a suit with a tie and everything and he had asked me to come down in my pyjamas.

Then he came towards me and from his pocket took out a box.

Ever since Alia has come into my life, my life has been up hill from there.
In the beginning we were very close, then we great apart as we started acting in other movies, then when we were doing Humpty we were very close again and my relationship has not changed once in these 7 years.
Alia has been great. She waited for me when I was dating Natasha and actually because of Alia and because I was in love with Alia did I break up with Natasha.
I didn't realize I was so in love with her that I would end up proposing to her.
I knew she was in pyjamas and I didn't ask her to change so I went towards and her and first hugged her.
" Varun, what is all this?" She asked once we pulled away.
" You'll see." He replied.
Then I looked to Sona and since we had talked about this beforehand, she knew what to do.
She played the rest of Aashiq Surrender and Alu was wondering what was going on.
Once it stopped and Badri ki dhulhania had started playing she paused so  I could speak.
I went down on one knee and said
" Alu, we known each other for so many years now. You were my first co star and real friend. You were my best friend and you still are. Over the past few years we've gotten close and drifted apart. This is obviously in due that we would have fallen in love with each other. I know you have fallen in love with me and I have too. The only other thing I can think of is if you love me and I know you do, so will you make me the happiest man on this earth and marry me? " I asked afraid because I didn't know what she'll say.
" Varun, yes I'll marry you. I love you. You're the guy I've always wanted." She replied.
Then  we hugged each other because I was so happy she accepted my proposal.
Sona and Adi came forward and congratulated us.  Abhi was also standing there and came forward. 
" So married huh guys?" He asked.
" Yes. We love each other." I told him.
Then Adi and Sona hugged us one by one.
" So happy for you guys." Adi complemented.
" You made the right decision, Varun." Sona said
" Yeah. I am also happy." Alia interjected.
Then we went into the dining room and we were soo suprised.
Everybody was there.
My proposal was known to my parents and her parents.
" How?" I asked confused.
" Varun, you proposed finally." Rohit bhaiya said.
" I did at that." I replied.

Then my father spoke" If you're happy with Alia, we support your decision. She is a very smart girl and full of energy just like you." My father said.
" Thanks papa." I replied.
" We have always wanted you to be happy  in life. If it was with  Natasha or Alia, I've just witnessed how happy you look. " My mother said.
" Thanks ma." I replied.

I don't know what has happened. At one point Deepika-Ranveer are married, Nick and Priyanka are happy with each other, and now Varun has proposed to me.
I wasn't expecting our parents to land up in Rajasthan where we were shooting.   They don't come where we are shooting. Its always been " I'll see you when I get back or I'm back."
I was so happy and had tears in my eyes because not only Varun has proposed but our parents are here to witness it.
Then I went up to my sister.
" Shaheen, how come you're here  on such short notice?" I asked.
" To be honest, Sona called us and said it was kind of urgent and said we should be here." She replied.
" Sona called you." I asked.
" Yeah she did." My sister clarified.
"Then my mom was standing next to my sister.
" Ma, hi." I said.
"Alia, main bohot khush hoon. Varun  bohot aacha ladka hai aur  he'll make you happy."
" Ma, I am so happy you're here." I said and hugged her.
" Alia beta, I trust Varun very much and I wish he'll make you happy and give you all the love always." My dad said in his non chalant way.

Then Varun came over and said,
" Um Alia my parents want to see you. Hi Soni Aunty and Mahesh uncle.  " Come on." He said pulling me away by my hand.
" Varun." I said running after him.
" Alu, I love you." He said stopping and kissing me.
" So, I see you pulled away from my parents not to see your parents bit to make out with me.
" Proposal kaise laga?" He asked hugging me.
" Varun, It was a very innovative way to propose. I loved it." I said.
" I'm glad. This is how I've ever wanted to propose to you." He told me.
Then I got a phone call.
" Who is it? He asked.
" I opened it and the caller I'd was showing  Dharma mentor.
" Dharma mentor?" Varun asked a confused expression on his face.
" Do you also have weird names for people on your phone?" I asked.
" No." He replied.
Then I picked it up and Karan's voice came through.
" What is wrong with you? Where are you?" He asked.
" Shooting in Rajasthan." I replied wondering why he was asking.
" Is  Varun there?" He asked not getting the answer from me.
Then I gave the phone over to Varun.

We had been  enjoying in the amazingness that was my proposal to Alia. Both sets of our parents had come up from Mumbai to see us I don't know how.
Then after we talked and I sneaked Alia away, I seriously wanted time to just spend with her and just be happy with her when Karan called her.
He then said he wanted to talk to me so she gave the phone to me.
" Varun, how have you been?Anything happened today that's worth sharing?" He asked.
" No. Nothing. Just a regular day of Kalank shoot, that's all." I explained.
" Are you telling me the truth or are you just lying to me?" Karan asked.
" Karan I'm telling you the truth. Nothing is new here. Just ordinary scenes and Abhi shouting at us." I told him.
" Varun, ok so now I literally have nothing to do so I googled you and figured what you and Alia are up to." Karan told me.
" Oh, and what is that?" I asked afraid that my proposal gossip is already out in the media.
" Alia, are you also there?" Karan asked.
" Yes. I'm here Karan." Alia said.
" Okay, Varun I'm going to ask you this once. Did you propose to Alia?" He asked me.
I didn't want to give wrong information and even if I tell him the truth he  will kill me for that.
" Karan, I'm at cross roads right now. I can't think straight. Even with Alia next to me. Yes I did. I  did propose to her and she said yes." I finally managed.
" Well, congratulations. You too are perfect for each other." Karan complements.
" Thanks." Alia says looking very happy.
" Ok anything else?" I asked.
" No. We will celebrate when you get back. " Karan says.
" Sure." We both reply.
" Now bye Karan." Alia says  obviously wanting  time with me.
" Bye." He replies.

Hey Guys
So another fun one shot on this account. I really had fun here because  I had to write the proposal. But I love the way it came out.
Anyways hope you guys read and comment and vote
P.S. I also take one shot suggestions so if you have an idea for a varia one shot please feel free to comment
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