August 29, 1989

259 8 1

Dinger's POV
I was doing this a lot more. I'm not sure why, I just wanted to see Hope. I think we needed to talk anyways, and I was pretty stressed out from what happened with Joel today. I left my house, which was easy since my mom would never notice me leaving, and lit a cigarette.

I started out on the short walk to Hope's house, and I couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened. I just wanted to have a normal week. Is that too much to ask? Y'know maybe I want a day where it's acceptable for me to smoke and drink and be happy without someone ragging on me. I shook my head. I was at Hope's house now, and I didn't need to be an asshole to her.

I picked up pebbles to start throwing at her window, god you'd think there's a million of em! I mean every time I've come since that first day there's always been pebbles for me to throw. Maybe she buys them for me to throw at her window.

"Hah, I'll need to buy myself a boom box if I wanna keep these cliches up." I said to myself, since Hope wasn't answering me. I wasn't gonna stop until I saw her though. No way! Not now. I saw someone walk over to the window and open it. There she was. I smiled. She could always make me smile.

"Dinger, you really should try to cut back on your smoking. It's bad for you!" I couldn't tell if she was mocking an adult figure or if she really meant it, but I got frustrated. I looked at her and back at the cigarette. I took one last drag and threw it down.

"Y'know, Hope, a hello would've been nice." I said, squinting at her. It wasn't even sunny out, I don't know why I squinted. It was near two in the morning for Christ sake. "And also, y'know, how come you always gotta say Dinger? I mean it's my name, but I feel like you say it every sentence!"

I felt bad for getting so frustrated. I just had a rough time and I just wanted Hope to be there for me. I just wanted someone to give a shit for once. All I had was Bobby, and now he's not even Bobby and what do I have now? Other than Hope, I'm alone.

"Hey, Dinger why don't you come to the back door? I'll let you in, and my parents shouldn't hear." She had a near disapproving look on her face. I could tell she was worried about me. I started walking out to her back porch, and I was upset. I wasn't even sure why I was, I just wanted to sleep and cry for about a week.
Hope's POV

I looked at Dinger. He told me everything that has happened with Joel and he was pacing back and forth.

"Dinger." I said, grabbing his hand so he would look at me. "It's okay. It's all going to be fine. See. It's okay." I made him sit down on the bed and stop pacing. I was afraid it was gonna cause a lot of noise and wake up my parents.

"You're right." He sat down on the bed. "Today was just very stressful. More stress than when I was ran over with a car!" He lit another cigarette and started smoking. He handed it to me and I blew the smoke in his face. He scrunched his nose and I giggled at him, handing the cigarette back over.

"We have more important things to discuss!" I said, sitting straight up and giving Dinger a mysterious look.

"What? What happened?" He asked, his voice cracking at least five times.

I showed him my neck. "Care to explain what happened here?" I said, trying to make him feel guilty as possible.

"Um, hey, if I recall correctly, which I do, you did not object to my doings!" He got defensive. He took another long drag. The cigarette was almost gone in between our talking.

"Okay good point, but I don't recall asking for it!"

"Oh, I recall you asking for it." He winked at me.

I hit him in the arm. "Dinger! I did not!"

He nodded slowly. "Uhuh... you didn't."

I looked at the ground, wanting to ask him a question but being too scared to get the answer. I took a breath and I finally said it. "Dinger, what are we?"

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