September 1, 1989

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It was the first day of school today. I was honestly terrified for so many reasons. What if everyone hated me? What if I failed out? What if I tripped and then I got remembered as the girl who tripped on the first day of school? I got ready, and picked up my book bag. I was about to leave after eating a quick breakfast when someone was knocking at the door.

"Hope were going to be late! Please don't make us be late because then I'm gonna have to explain to my teachers why I am late because the new girl doesn't know where she's going! And none of the teachers are gonna believe me!"

"Okay Dinger, I'm coming." I giggled at him, he was always himself, no matter the circumstances. Or the consequences.

"Oh good. They all know me and they all know that I'm full of shit!" I smiled at him, and shook my head.

I opened the door and walked outside onto the sidewalk, and Dinger put his arm around my waist as we walked. He told me about the teachers, since he knew all of them from his numerous detentions. Sometimes I forgot how much of a dumbass Dinger really could be. As we walked, Bobby and Lainie were there and we all had a good time together. Some old man had offered to let us walk through his backyard but Bobby refused several times. I wasn't sure what the backstory to that was, but Dinger looked pretty annoyed.

We walked into the school, and Dinger led me to the office. The bell was about to ring, so he ran off, but turned around blew me a kiss on his way. I rolled my eyes and waved him bye and walked into the office.

There was a younger looking lady in the chair, maybe about 25, who was the secretary.
"Um, hi. My name is Hope Smith and they told me to come here for my schedule."

"Okay!" She warmly smiled, pushing some blonde hair behind her ear. "Go to the second door on the left, and knock. She should be in there, but if not you can wait with me!"

"Thank you!" I smiled at her. I hoped more people in the school would be like that. I walked over to the second door and knocked. Nobody answered right away but I could hear some shuffling, and I played with the bracelet Dinger had got me while waiting for the door to open. Finally, the door opened to reveal a short lady with dark curly hair. she had piercing blue eyes, which took away from her otherwise welcoming look. She looked to be about 65 or 70, and tired.

"Hi, I'm Ms. Paisley." She had a shaky voice, but still sounded like there was hope or youth in there. "Based off your previous grades we will let you into AP classes if that's what you want, although you will have to do an alternative assignment if the class had summer homework."

"Okay. I think I'll just do normal classes this year." I didn't want to overwork myself, especially considering I didn't know what the workload would be.

"Okay, that's good. Less paperwork for me." She winked and smiled. I giggled at her, and I decided I liked her as well. "You can also take two extra curricular classes, but we do suggest a foreign language."

"Oh um, I'll take art. And German 3." I had already taken half of German three this summer, so I was hoping that it would be an easy class. I sat with the guidance counselor a little longer while she explained the classes and where the rooms were. I didn't have the heart to tell her I already knew where everything was.
I ended up taking English 3, trigonometry, anatomy, German and art, and a world history class. I really hoped some of my friends were in my classes.
The bell rang which marked time to go to second period. I thanked Ms. Paisley and went to my trig class. To my luck, I was late and knew absolutely nobody. I handed the teacher my pass, and he told me to sit wherever I wanted. I took a seat on the left side of the class and took out a note book. Thankfully the teacher seemed to be pretty cool and I might actually learn something.
"Hello class! My name is Mr. Stevens. If you pay attention, you'll only have to have me this year."
He chuckled but some of the kids seemed scared. Didn't they realize that's kinda the way it was for every class? Whatever.
It was finally lunch time, which came as a relief for an end to classes, but a scare since I wasn't sure if I had lunch with anyone I knew. I mean, I could make friends but it's kind of hard since this is junior year and everybody already has their own friends. I walked into the cafeteria and I saw Dinger. I mean, how could you miss him? He's got bright red hair and acts like a five year old 95% of the time. I started to walk over to him, and since he was facing away from me I figured I might be able to scare him. Y'know, pull some freshman shit.

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