Chapter 2

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The next morning Eddard and Robert go on a hunt. Cassana goes to the classes with the septa with her young cousins. Cassana did not enjoy sowing but it was expected of her to do it well, Cassana enjoyed reading even better. Her father however insisted that she needed to take classes, so she could someday be the queen. Cassana did not want to be queen, she wanted to marry a man and live in a farm away from all the politics. This was a dream she never spoke aloud to anyone, for it would be pointless to do so. After the septa dismissed the girls, Cassana goes to the training yard to see her cousins and brothers' practice.

"What are you doing here?" asks Joffrey.

"I'm simply observing the sword practice," answers Cassana.

"Why don't you go do womanly things," mocks Joffrey.

"It is usual for woman to sit and observe men and boys' practice with their sword," reasons Robb.

"I don't want her here," says Joffrey.

Cassana gets up and leaves to avoid problem with Joffrey's mother. Sandor follows the princess with his eyes, and notices Ned Starks' bastard following her.

"That was not a kind way to treat your older sister, "chastises Robb.

"I am a prince I can do as I wish," says Joffrey.

Joffrey looks at his loyal dog and smirks, "Go see to my dear sister tell me if she says anything about me," orders Joffrey.

Sandor goes in the general direction he saw Cassana walk towards. He reached the gods wood and sees Cassana and the bastard sitting on a log.

"How do you pray here?" asks Cassana.

"You just speak out loud or in your mind," says Jon.

"We don't have Weirwood trees in Kingslanding," informs Cassana.

"Do you like Kingslanding?" asks Jon.

"No, I would prefer living a noble life," says Cassana.

Sandor approaches the pair.

"The prince sent me to care for you," says Sandor.

"I am with my cousin Jon, he has a sword, you can do as you wish," says Cassana.

Sandor stay in place, ignoring the girl's words. He was going to stay and spy on her, report to the prince. Sandor did not like the idea of spying on the kind girl but alas he did what was asked of him.

Cassana kept talking to Jon about different things, like Jon joining the Night's Watch. Their conversation was interrupted by the yelling. Both Cassana and Jon stood and ran back to Winterfell to see a crowed around a small body. Bran had fallen from the tower, the measter took Bran to his room. Once the measter allowed some visitors Cassana entered the room to sit with Lady Stark. Cassana stayed beside Lady Stark for hours, until her father and uncle arrived.

The next morning, she was stopped by Lord Tyrion who was standing next to Joffrey and Sandor.

"Cassana, how is the boy?" asked Tyrion.

"The measter says that if he survived through the night it would only be a matter of time before he woke up," says Cassana.

"Have you paid you sympathies to the Starks?" Tyrion asks Joffrey.

"The boy means nothing to me, I am not found of the wailing of women," Joffrey says smiling looking at Sandor.

Tyrion slaps the boy, Cassana looks at the small man in shock. She feared that Joffrey would tell Sandor to harm his uncle. Joffrey only held his cheek and Sandor did not move.

"Say one more word I'll slap you again," threats Tyrion.

"I'm telling mother!" whines Joffrey.

Tyrion slaps Joffrey again, "You will go tell the Starks that your thoughts and prayers are at their disposal," orders Tyrion.

Joffrey leaves with his hands in his cheeks.

"Who is wailing now," retorts Tyrion.

Sandor and Tyrion chuckle, Cassana says nothing.

"The queen wishes for Lord Tyrion to eat breakfast with her and the children," says Sandor.

"Just me?" asks Tyrion with a frown.

Sandor nods.

"I will invite you..." Tyrion started to say.

"Do not worry Lord Tyrion I will go with Lady Stark and stay with her," says Cassana.

Cassana leaves the two men alone. She goes back to Bran's room to make sure that Lady Stark ate some food and rested.

Tyrion looks at the tall man, "I saw you following her yesterday, what were you doing?" he asked.

"The prince asked for me to guard his sister," says Sandor.

"You mean to spy on her, see if she spoke ill of him," says Tyrion.

Sandor does not say anything, knowing that the dwarf knew his nephew intentions.

"Does she speak of him?" asks Tyrion.

"No, my lord," answers Sandor honestly.

"She is too kind to speak ill of her brother, even if he and his mother mistreat her," says Tyrion.

Sandor says nothing, only think of the dark- haired beauty who was kind to all even if they don't deserve it.

Cassana walked to the boy's room and sat near Lady Catelyn, a maid brought breakfast for the two women. Queen Cersei walked into the room looking at the boy lying in bed.

"I am sorry I am not dressed properly your grace," says Catelyn.

"It is alright," says Cersei.

Cersei looks at the girl next to bed, Tyrion had asked her why she did not invite Cassana for breakfast. The queen knew why, she hated the girl, Cassana had her father's love while she never did.

"He is quite handsome," says Cersei.

Catelyn says nothing, and Cassana only kept reading a book.

"My first born a dark-haired beauty looked like him, before the fever took him," says Cersei.

"I did not know," says Catelyn.

"It is alright, he was buried in the crypts, Robert and I were devastated, I have never visited him in the crypts," says Cersei getting teary eyed.

Cassana remembered her infant brother, he was handsome and lively. She was five at the time and she remember the cries of her father and step mother. She also remembers that since then Cersei started to hate her, 'it should have been you,' she had told her. Even at the age of five Cassana knew that Cersei saying it out of grief but rather hatred.

"I will pray to the mother, maybe this time she'll listen to me," says Cersei leaving the room. 

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