Chapter 22

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The wildling led the pair to a small camp to talk to the Lord of Bones.

"Why are you bringing a baby crow and a girl to me?" asked a man with a skull mask.

"This is Ned Starks bastard and the girl is an important lady of the south, I think Mance would be interested in meeting them," says Ygritte.

"We already have Halfhand," say the lord of bones.

"I thought Mance would like to decide himself," says Ygritte.

The lord of bones agreed, and Cassana and Jon were taken to Halfhand to rest for the night.

"They captured you and the girl, those fuckers," says Halfhand.

Cassana slept on the cold floor next to Jon and Halfhand.

The next morning Jon and Cassana were awoken roughly and pushed to start walking. Ygritte took Cassana's rope and they walked together.

"Mance will not hurt you, you are pregnant and a lady," says Ygritte.

Cassana does not say anything.

"You traitor, just like your father!" yells Halfhand as he pushes Jon.

"Leave him alone Halfhand," says the lord of bones.

The group rested for a bit but then Jon and Halfhand started fighting. Fearing for her cousin's life Cassana started yelling for them to stop. The wildling just stood and observed as the pair fought. Jon killed Halfhand but Cassana looked at Jon in shocked. She was surprised that Jon killed a man who had been his brother only minutes before. The wildlings celebrated that Halfhand was killed. They started to walk once again and Cassana kept walking next to Ygritte.

"Are you feeling alright?" asks Ygritte.

"Yes," says Cassana.

Ygritte hands her some water, Cassana drinks a few gulps but keeps walking.

South of the wall Sandor and Arya were starving, they looked through bushes and observed the Lannister men.

"That Polliver, he killed Lommy," says Arya.

"What the fuck is a Lommy?" asks Sandor.

"He was my friend, Polliver killed him with my sword, needle," says Arya.

"Of course, you would name your sword," says Sandor.

"Who else would name their sword?" asks Arya.

"Bunch of cunts," retorts Sandor.

"I'm going to go retrieve my sword," says Arya.

"I don't feel like killing with an empty stomach," says Sandor.

Arya did not care she simply started to walk towards the tavern, Sandor followed her.

"We are not going in there," says Sandor.

But he was making late a solder walked out of the tavern. Sandor and Arya walked into the tavern and sits to the farthest table. Polliver sees Sandor and he approaches him with some ale. Of course, Sandor was not in the mood for Polliver talk about his brother.

"Fuck to king," says Sandor.

"I heard that you ran from the Blackwater, but I didn't want to believe." Says Polliver.

"You're a talker, listening to talkers make me thirsty and hungry. I would have some chicken now," says Sandor.

"You have any money?" asks Polliver.

"Not a damn penny," says Sandor.

Sandor reaches for Polliver's ale and drink it in one gulp.

"I'll have two chickens now," says Sandor.

Polliver and his men stood, and Sandor pushed the table out of the way and unsheathes his sword. They all start fighting and Arya talks her sword and kills Polliver. The tavern keeper gives them a chicken each and they both go on their way to the Twins.

Note: I know that when Arya kills Polliver her mother and brother is already killed but for the purpose of this story I changed it to later. 

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