Brother troubles

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Pairing: Draco X sister!Reader
House: Hufflepuff
Last name: Malfoy
Info: You are Draco's older sister and Draco is forced to ignore you because you are a Hufflepuff, but he eventully confronts you.

Third person POV

You would think being a Malfoy would land you directly in Slytherin. Well, that wasn't the case for Y/n Malfoy. She wasn't fit to be in Slytherin and that really pissed her father off. She was the too sweet to be a Slytherin, to shy to be a Gryffindor, and not wise enough to be a Ravenclaw, so here she is, In Hufflepuff. 

Y/n was friends with everyone in every house, except for the Slytherin house, the called her a blood traitor, Even her little brother Draco. He hated her, but she still made room for her in her big heart. She still made time to try and get through to him and make amends for whatever he thought she did wrong. She couldn't get through to him, but she wasn't gonna give up. And that was where she was now, trying to talk to her little brother.

"Draco just listen to me, I'm your sister, you have to trust me!" She said in a sad voice, Its Draco's 4th year and he hasn't said a word to her since his first year. He doesn't even talk to her at home, only her mother does. "Draco please, what did I do?!" She sobbed, she didn't realize she was crying. She grabbed the back of his robes as he tried to turn down a different corridor. There was now a crowd of people watching the two siblings. Y/n was sick of it, sick of Draco ignoring her, sick of being called a blood traitor, sick and tired of not feeling the love that she used to when she was a child, and she wanted Draco to know that. So when she grabbed his robed and turned him around she let it all out, "DRACO MALFOY! You listen to me and you listen good! I am so FUCKING sick and tired of all of your shit! I have wasted my time trying to talk to you because you are my brother! All I want is my brother back! I want my family back! Jesus Christ Draco, I just want my life back!" She screamed sobbing and pushing him in between each sentence. He looked at his sister with pain in his eyes. He didn't hate her, no no no, far from it. He loved her, he didn't want to ignore her anymore.

"Draco, I just want you to see that it wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault." Y/n said as she was pulled away from Draco by the Weasley twins, she stared at her baby brother as he stood there watching her. "It wasn't my fault Draco." she sobbed one last time before disappearing from Draco's sight.

~Time skip/ Y/n POV~

I broke. I had an outburst and now I'm way out of my comfort zone. I'm sitting in the Gryffindor common room cuddled up to my boyfriend Fred, crying my eyes out, because my baby brother hates me. "Baby, he doesn't hate you, its probably your father. Even though I'm, not Draco's biggest fan, I know he loves you, you are his big sister, he needs you." Fred said tipping my face so I was looking at him. "Fred, I've tried for four years to talk to him but he ignores me, I'm just done," I told him. He smiled softly at me, "Love we can go try again tomorrow, he's gonna listen eventully, but until then we are just gonna have to wait it out." I sniffled and nodded, "Okay, we will try again tomorrow. I'm gonna go to bed now Fred, I'll see you in the morning." I said kissing him softly and leaving the Gryffindor tower. I didn't really want to go to sleep, I wanted to find Draco.

I walked silently through the corridors and cast a Lumos so I could see. I walked into the dungeons, knowing Draco wouldn't be in bed due to his nightmares. He's always had them, ever since he was a baby. So when I heard someone coming up behind me I knew it was him. "Draco," I whispered to my shorter brother. "Y/n," he said, voice cracking. I looked at him through watery eyes, "I'm so so sorry Draco, I'm so sorry." I whispered to him. He let out a broken sob. "I'm alone Y/n, I'm alone and scared. When you went into your first year and sent mom the letter that you got into Hufflepuff, I knew I was gonna be alone. I don't like to admit it but I need you!" He said slowly walking to me. I held out my arms and welcomed him into a hug. He launched himself at me and sobbed into my robes. "Dray, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I left you alone, I didn't intend to, I want to keep you safe Dray, And I'm sorry that I can't. I feel like I failed you Draco, you're my baby brother and I failed you, I just had to be sorted into Hufflepuff." I said rubbing his back. His body rocked as he sobbed into me. He grabbed the back of my robes and squeezed my torso like I was gonna disappear when he let go, Which was kinda true if he was gonna keep ignoring me. "You are my sister. And I love you so much and I'm so sorry for ignoring you, but dad said to, and...and...and I just didn't want him to get mad, you know what happened last time he got mad." Draco sobbed. I walked over to a wall and sat down with Draco cuddled into my chest, arms tight around me. "Dray I know that dad hurt you but he's in Azkaban now, he's not gonna hurt us anymore. You are my baby brother and nothing is gonna change that. I'm always gonna love you when nobody else can because I'm your big sister and I always will be. You can always come to me whenever you need me, I will always be there, even when you have nightmares, I'll always be there. I love you Dray, and I'm never ever gonna stop, it's my job." I said. He looked at me and I wiped his tears, "You are a little dipshit, but you are my dipshit." I said as he laughed.

~Time skipppppp~

About a week later Draco started hanging around me more. He started to get along with my friends but was still iffy about Fred because of his so-called 'Brotherly instincts'. Fred thought it was funny, so did I. Draco started to get along with Potter as well they got along very well. I think Draco might have a crush on Potter, but I'm not gonna tell him that. Ever since Draco started talking to me again people stopped calling me a blood traitor, and everything has just been great. That was until mom sent the letter that the dark lord was back and he wanted both me and Dray to join his army.

Soooo, how did you like it? Idk hope you liked it, it was a weird one to write. I hope I did good, and uhhh, on to the next one.......Whenever i decide to write itttt!

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