Okay, your actually the Potters

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Pairing: Draco X Reader
House: Gryffindor
Last name: Potter
Info: You just have to read and find out, I don't wanna spoil anything!!! :)

Third Person POV
The Potter twins were well known all around the wizarding world for being the twins who lived. Y/n Potter was raised in the wizarding world by the one and only Severus Snape. She was taken by Severus for one reason and one reason alone, she looked exactly like her mother. Y/n grew up with Severus as her foster father while Harry was stuck living with their horrid aunt. Y/n never really knew anything about Harry. She knew that she had a brother and she knew that he had the same scar as her. She always asked Severus about him and he always replied with the same answer each time, "Just wait a little longer, you will find out on your own." and she always just agreed with him, not wanting to bother him. Y/n stays with Severus during the school terms in his little 'Flat' inside of Hogwarts. Y/n is excited because in just a few days she will start her first year at Hogwarts. 

Three days, three days until ill be able to attend classes at Hogwarts! I'm so excited! I've been to Hogwarts a lot but I've only ever been in the potions classroom, the great hall and the little 'house that my 'dad' lives in. But this time I get to go to class. I realize that my dad isn't my real dad but it's just been me and him so I feel like we have a connection in a special way. But I like it just me and him, even if I do have a brother out there, I like it just me and dad.


Today is the day, the day I go to Hogwarts! I can't contain my excitement, literally! yesterday dad and I went to get all of my supplies and it was freaking awesome, I even got my wand which was the best part! My wand is Made of Alder wood with a Pheonix feather core, it's 12 1/2" and has slightly springy flexibility. It's amazing! Dad said that he wants me to ride the train by myself instead of with him so I make friends, so that's where I am now sitting in a compartment by myself waiting for people to come and sit with me. I pulled out a book and started reading it. It was a muggle book called Percy Jackson and the lightning thief, it very interesting. I got to the part where the dude takes a pen and turns it into a sword when someone knocked on the door of my compartment. I bookmarked my page and looked up to see a boy with shaggy black hair and a boy with fiery red hair. "Hello, everywhere else is full, mind if we sit?" the redhead said. I looked intensely at the boy with the glasses, "I don't mind, have a seat." they hurried into the compartment and sat across from me. The boy with the red hair was first to speak up, "Well, I'm Ron, Ron Weasley. This is Harry Potter!" He said excitedly. I stared shocked at Harry. This is him, this is my brother, I mean I see the resemblance, he looks like the male version of me. Rone spoke up again, "What's your name?" I looked at Ron and shook my head, "I'm Y/n, Y/n Potter. Well, it's technically Snape." I said quietly staring at Harry. He looked at me like I was full of crap. "You are not my sister, my sister died when he who shall not be named came and killed my parents, You are not my sister, my sister is dead!" Harry said getting slightly angry. I looked at him and then looked at the door. In the doorway stood Snape giving Harry the death glare, "Mr. Potter, Ms. Potter, please get along, I don't want a mishap on the way to school." he said in the most monotone voice. I nodded and looked down at my lap. I felt dad's hand on my shoulder and he whispered in my ear, "I know you were trying to make friends dear, but from now on why don't you just introduce your self as Y/n Snape." I nodded and he lest to go and sit with the other teachers. I looked at Harry and pushed my glasses up my nose. "Sorry Harry, forget I said anything. My name is Y/n snape." I said in a sad voice. I picked up my book and started reading it again.

~Time Skip brought you by ferret Draco~

The rest of the ride was awkward, like uber mega awkward. For me at least. Harry and Ron were fine. When the train stopped I grabbed my book and walked briskly off of the train. I walked until I saw a very large man. He started talking "Firs' years! Firs' years over here! All right there Harry?" The large man beamed over the sea of students at Harry. I rolled my eyes, I just want to eat. "C'mon, follow me -any more firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years follow me!" We started walking after the giant man.

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