Love, Y/n Weasley

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Pairing: Hermione X Fem!Reader
House: Gryffindor
Last name: Weasley
Info: Y/n Is bullied a lot because of her sexuality and her Weasley heritage, so she writes a letter to each person that is important to her telling them how she wishes them the best and she explains her situation.
WARNINGS: Depression, suicide
A/N: If any of you are going throug anything like this please try and talk to someone. I know how it feels and even though you dont really want to, it really helps.


Dear Ron,
     Hey, This might seem strange, but I wanted to tell you some stuff that I can't say out loud. I love you, you are the best twin anyone could ask for and I'm glad that we got to share 15 years of life. I'm sorry that I'm leaving but I thought that before I go I should explain some things. As you know, I like girls. Apparently, the whole school found out and a lot of people have been bullying me because of it. I have tried really hard to block out the comments but it hasn't been working. I'm so sorry for doing this Ron but it has to happen. I'll see you soon. 
Your sister,
           Y/n Weasley

She slipped that letter into his cloke during DADA and whispered, "There is a letter in your pocket, open it at Midnight."

Dear Harry,
   You are like the other brother that I never asked for but was happy when you came. I am so happy that I got to call you my friend and I will miss you dearly. When I am gone I need you to watch over Ron and Ginny. they will take this the hardest. I trust you to watch over Ron. You know why I'm leaving. I mean you were with when Pansy wrote 'FAGGOT' on my books. Please don't try and stop me, I need to do this. I love you, Harry. You truly are a part of the family.
Yours truly,
                      Y/n Weasley

She slipped that letter to him during potions and said, "Wait until midnight to open it."

Dear Mom, Fred, George, Ginny, Dad, Bill, Charlie, and Percy,
    You are the best family that I could have asked for. Mom, I love your extravagant cooking and your Unending Kindness, You are the best mother I could have ever asked for. Fred and George, You are my favorite brothers(Sorry everyone) I could have never asked for better prank pals! I love you dearly, even though my hair is now permanently lime green. Ginny, you are my one and only sister, and I'm grateful that after me there was one other girl. I am so happy that I can trust you with any secrets. Dad, thank you for everything you've ever done for me. And for threatening boys, not knowing that I was into girls(Yeah, I'm gay) And finally to my oldest brothers, Thank you for being my guides. I am grateful for your good advice on everything. I truly love every single one of you and I will miss you. you are my family, and I'm happy about that. I'm leaving now and I hope you understand.
Your favorite child/sibling,
                                                     Y/n Weasley

She handed it to her mom before she went back to school after the winter holiday and said: "Don't open this until after midnight on the 25 of May."

Dear Draco,
    I always knew you weren't such an asshole when you stood up for me all of the first years. Even if you hate my family(which I know you don't) I still love you like a brother. You were the second person I came out to and I really am happy that you are in my life. I won't be here much longer, not even 4 hours to go before I leave. but I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you've done and tried to do. I will never forget what you've done for me.
Your best friend,
                                     Y/n Weasley

She slipped that letter to him as he was walking to his common room and said: "Don't open this until after midnight."

Dear Hermione Jean Granger,

    This is gonna sound so weird to you. And I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. But I'm in love with you. I love everything about you. And it hurts to know that you are in love with my brother. During our talks of boys in the middle of the night, it hurt to hear you talk about how perfect my twin is. I truly love you and I have since the first year. I thought it was just a silly crush at first but it isn't. I can't go on knowing that I can't be with you. Hermione, I wish you the best life with my brother. Please don't try to stop me. Because when the clock strikes 12:30 AM, I'll be gone. I love you Hermione Granger, And I won't ever stop.
           Y/n Weasley.

She handed that to Hermione as she walked out of the common room and said, "It's been an honor, Hermione. Bring this to Harry and open it with him." She smiled sadly and walked out of the common room to the top of the astronomy tower.

Hermione's POV

I was worried, Y/n Handed me a letter and then ran off. She said to find Harry so that's what I'm doing. Y/n is so important to me and I love her. I don't wanna let her know though.
"Harry? Ron?" I yelled into the common room. "Hermione?" Ron askes worriedly looking at me. I run to him and Harry. "I read the letter, it's 12:28, she's gone!" I screamed. The two boys grabbed my arms and ran me towards the astronomy tower.

Third Person POV

She was standing on the edge. Hair flowing in the wind as she looked over the school. With all the bullying and beating, she couldn't take it anymore. So here she stands, ready to end her life. 

"Y/N STOP!" screamed Hermione. Y/n looked back at the girl. standing behind Hermione was Ron, Harry, and Draco. Y/n gave a sad smile. "It been a pleasure living with you four, but it's my time to leave and I know it will be less painful when I'm gone." She said as she fell over the railing. As she fell her friends all screamed. Ron held back Hermione as Harry held back Draco. Seconds later they heard a sickening crunch and what soundind like a rocket being shot into the air. They all looked up with teary eyes and saw "Love, Y/n Weasley." Written in the black sky. 


Sooooooo, that was depressing butttttt, who cares! Sorry i havent been active lately, school has kept me busy. Buttttttt im back for now and hope to return/ start a regular writing schedule <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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