II. Setting Up

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     What are those? Those bright things, like flashing lights? I think I’ll go near it. One step, two step-nearer and nearer. I want to touch it badly.  However, I cannot. I could not help other than squint my eyes. It is blinding me, but it is beautiful. I will take another step; wait what? I am flying. Huh? Something, something is pulling me. Wait! Ahhh!

     “Mama Elsa? What happened? I felt like I am being pulled towards a light. It is blinding, but beautiful. Then, I felt like something is pulling me down.”

     “Oh dear, that’s only a dream. Maybe that’s the ray of sun touching your skin by now,” giving off a slight laugh.

     “Okay? Oh my, what time is it?”

     “It is already 8 in the morning. Don’t you have to go to school today, dear?”

     “That’s it! I am already late! I got to go Mama Elsa. I really need to go and prepare as fast as I can. Gosh!”

     “Oh good child, be careful! You might slip.”

     As I took my shower, I am thinking how unlucky I am in this very morning. I am sure I set the alarm clock last night. Why didn’t I hear it? Oh positivity, get over me!

     After a few minutes, I am ready for school. There’s no time left so without brushing my hair, I ran to the garage that I almost trip.  And I somehow shouted to our driver to drive fast. Oh life! I will just say sorry later.

     The drive to school seems like hours; when actually it took only 10 minutes from home. Maybe it is really like that when you are in a hurry, time ticks so slow.

     Before getting off the car, I apologize to Gaston about earlier. He doesn’t deserve to be yelled at when it is my fault for waking up late.

     Now, I am both walking and running along the hallways with bunch of students from different levels. It is already time for the third period and students are rushing to their next classes. Good thing nobody notices me, or so I thought?

     “Oh, there you are little miss aspiring photographer! Why aren’t you in the first two periods?”

     Ugh! Juliet! Why now? Why does she have to pop in the action? I don’t have time for her and even if I have, I will never spend it for her. So I just turned around and head for the other way to the classroom.

     “Hey! I am talking to you?” she nearly shouted.

     I turned around and looked at her. “What is your problem? You know, I have so much time but sorry, nothing is reserved for you,” I said then I went off.

     I knew she was shocked by the look on her face before I turned around. It was funny. Until now I can’t believe that I could make her feel that.

     Oh yes, she is Juliet Hatkinson and she is in the same level as I am. I have been schoolmates with her since pre-school. Those days were just plain memory and those memories were as good as gone. She has this group named JFY Pretties. It is highschool-ish. I know, right? But maybe, I’ll let them stuck with that. JFY is an acronym for their names-Juliet, Francesca, and Yzabella. They are best of friends and they are fond of making people’s life miserable, or maybe more precisely, putting MINE in misery? But whatever, I am getting used to them.

     Obviously, I am late for my History class for taking the long route. I just wish that the substitute professor for Ms. Adams will be as good as her.

     As I held the doorknob, I don’t know why I couldn’t turn it. My heart’s racing a bit. Maybe it is because of the long walk? But as I stepped in, I mumbled, “Or maybe not”. I stood like stone at the door.

     “Good morning! You are too early for your next class Ms. Nelton. I assume you already know me. And you know that I don’t like students who come late in class.”

     “Ugh. Yes Ma’am,” that’s all I could say. All students are somehow afraid of her for the reason that she is very strict.

     “So, here, detention for an hour.”


     “No buts, Ms. Nelton. You know me.”

     Before leaving, I saw JFY giggling at me.

What a heck of a day!

     First, I woke up late for school. And now, I will have to keep up for an hour in the detention. How lucky, really!

     While walking to the detention office, I am thinking about my best friend. I haven’t seen her and I wonder what she’s doing right now.

     Then upon reaching my fate, I opened the door, and there I saw a familiar figure. Guess who? It is none other than, Ashley Mason!

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