Ryoma X Depressed! Reader Chan (Part One)

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|/(Y/N)'s POV\|

I had just started my first week at Hopes Peak and I somewhat hated it, I was bullied, hurt, and thrown into Despair. No, not the Despair Junko was so turned on by, the Despair that makes you feel worthless. But besides all of that, I had made a friend, he was somewhat like me and I met him on the first day, and I may or may not have a crush on him. His name was Ryoma Hoshi, he was the Ultimate Tennis Pro. He rambles on about how I should stay away from him because of his past, but I'd rather be around him than anyone else. I'm hoping he likes me the way I do, but I shouldn't get my hopes up.

|/Monday, 9:00 Am, during class\|

"Now class, today we will be doing a group project, the group must contain 2 people. I will let you choose your partner. The projects are all different because I will assign different ones to each group"
The class cheered at this news, I just sat in my seat in the back of the class. Ryoma was next to me, I didn't notice him turn to me because I was looking out the window.
"Hey Y/N, wanna be my partner for this project?"
He said scratching the back of his neck,
"Hm? Oh sure," I said unenthusiastically.
He gazed at me with a somewhat concerned look as I pulled up my hoodie and put the hood on my head.
"C'mon, lets go check out what our assigned project is,"
We walk up to our teacher and he assigned us our project,
"Your project is to make a weapon, but use things that have to do with your talents to make it"
"Ok Mr. Owada"
"Got it Mr. Mondo"
"Ok you can start now, and if you need me I'll be in the teacher's lounge"
Ryoma and I nodded our heads and went back to our desks to start working on our project.
"So, what should we make?"
"I dunno Y/N, hmm, what's your Ultimate again?"
"Ultimate Piercer (Piercer as in ear piercings or body piercings) as you can see by my eyebrow and ears"
"I think I have an idea"
"What is it?"
"We could combine some spike piercings with a tennis ball and make a mace or a spike ball"
"Yeah, that's a cool idea" I said with a smile.
"I'll go get my bag, it has some stuff we could use"
"Ok, I'll stay here, I already have my stuff,"
"See ya in a bit Y/N"
I waved to him as he left, as he left the room I put my head down on the desk and shut my eyes.
Before I could do so much as a sigh, I was thrown out of my desk by my bully. He was a complete asshole and he knew it.
"Nishishi, you're so weak Y/N," he said as he kneeled down to meet me face to face,
"You've always been such an issue, I don't know why you even bother living on this planet"
"Are you listening to me?" He pulled me by the hood of my hoodie so he could be closer to me when he said this
"Answer me you freak,"
I'd been punched in the face, I felt tears form in my eyes but I held back my tears, I didn't want him to know he was winning.
"Hey Y/N I'm bac- KOKICHI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" RYoMa said as he ran over to us both
"Nishishi, what does it look like? I'm doing my job as the Ultimate Supreme Leader and putting the weak in their place" he said with a smirk
"You're sick,"
"And you're short"
"OW! RYOMA'S MEEAAAAAAAN!" The Purple Grape Child said as he ran off.
"Y/N, are you ok?" Ryoma says as he extends his arm for me to take
"........Yeah, I'm.....fine," I say as I take his hand so I can stand up.
"Y/N we need to tell a counselor or something, maybe Mr. Taka could help?"
"The counselor most likely wouldn't do shit, and I don't wanna bother Mr. Taka, he has a lot on his hands right now, he's raising a kid with Mr. Owada too," I say as I shove my hands in my pockets,
"No, we're going, I don't care what you say, we're going"
".......!" He took my arm and we walked over to the Teacher's Lounge, Mr. Taka was usually there so we checked there,
"*knock knock* Mr. Taka? We need help" I say as I open the door to the Teacher's Lounge.
What I saw will most likely scar me for life,
"Oooohhhh jeez"
Mr. Owada and Mr. Taka we're making out on the table,
"Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, We'll come back later," I say as I close the door behind me and Ryoma.
"I-I can never unsee that,"
"Sure they're married but, at school? Oh My JeSuS."

|/Lunch Time\|
I sat at the lunch table by myself, well that was until a tall boy with long Cyan hair sat down across from me.
"Hello there Y/N, how are you doing on this fine day?"
"Hey Korekiyo, I'm ok, I guess"
"What do you mean "You Guess", what happened?"
"Kokichi happened," I say as I move my hair away from my bruised eye,
"Oh my, I should take you to Nurse Mikan,"
Kiyo takes hold of my hand and brings me to Nurse Mikan,

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