Ryoma X Female Trans! Reader (Part Two)

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|/Wednesday Morning, Y/N's POV\|

You woke up feeling......different, you felt angry and pissed off and you didn't know why. Besides that you got up, put on some clothes, got ready for the day, and had some breakfast. You remembered about your leg and looked down at where you felt the pain, all you saw was a dark almost wine red mark of some sorts. You just decided it was a scab or something and brushed it off. When you were walking down the hall you accidentally bumped into someone,
"Watch where you're going"
"I said sorry Y/N"
"*sigh* Sorry Ryoma, I'm just feeling really pissed off right now"
"That's understandable, well I need to get to History"
You nodded and said bye to him, but instead of going to class you went to the garden, or more specifically, you went to the cherry tree in the garden. After you sat down, you took your notebook out and just started sketching some made up plants and flowers you thought up of in your mind.

|/Timeskip brought to you by Sans X Komaeda THE ONLY CANNON DANGANRONPA SHIP\|

|/Y/N's POV\|

You went back to your dorm and you saw a note on your door, it read

Dear Y/N,
Please meet me in the garden tomorrow at break,
I need to tell you something important and it would mean a lot to me if you would meet me.
Your secret admirer

"Secret admirer? But I should go meet them, I wouldn't want them to feel hurt!" You said as you put the note in your pocket and opened the door to your dorm. When you got inside you ran to the bathroom to take a shower/bath and to change into your PJ's.

|/Timeskip presented by Danganronpa Abridged\|

|/Ryoma's POV\|

I walked to my first class of the day and I bumped into Y/N, the person I fell in love with. We talked on our way to our first class which we had together, well we had every class together.
"I got a note from someone last night,"
"A note?"
"Yeah, it said for me to meet them under the cherry tree at first break, and it was from my secret admirer"
'She got the note, perfect!' I thought as I looked down at my shoes with a smirk,
"Huh, weird"
"I mean yeah, I didn't really think I would have a secret admirer!"
"Yeah, that means you have a reason to be here,"
Y/N stopped walking with me and I stopped too,
"Ryoma, please stop talking about yourself like that, it's tearing you apart, and it tears me apart hearing you talk about yourself like that! So please, just stop talking about yourself like that,"
"I-*sigh* I'll try Y/N,"
"Thank you"
She gave me a weak smile and we continued to walk to our first class. When we made it to our first class we walked in and made our way to our seats.

|/Timeskip because fuck writing it's like 4 am\|

|/No one's POV\|

Ryoma and Y/N walked out of the classroom together and just talked, Y/N didn't really realize it but Ryoma was leading her to the cherry tree. When they got there Y/N said,
"Why're we at the cherry tree?"
Ryoma smirked,
"Remember the note on your door?"
"*gaSP* Ryoma, th-that was you?"
He nodded,
"Look Y/N, ever since we were kids I fell in love with you, hell I don't care that you're transgender. I just need you in my life,"
"I-I feel the same way, and I have for so long! I've been helplessly in love with you since 5th grade!"
Ryoma then picked Y/N up bridal style which somewhat surprised her. She then kissed him and she kissed back,
"I love you Ryoma, always remember that"

WOOOOOOOOOOO! Done with the second one! Now should I do any more?

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