1 hour

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"Aweee. You guys are just the cutest. Now please stop being couple goals before I puke." Quill said which made Peter and I both laugh. "Yeah yeah whatever." I said shooing them away and then proceeding to kiss Peter again catching him by surprised but he quickly responded by kissing me back. "Eww stop itttt." I heard quill say. I pulled one arm out from around Peter's neck as I felt him do the same around my waist and we both flipped off as we continued to kiss each other.

Y/n's POV

"Karen how long has it been?" I heard Peter ask his A.I. "You have got to be kidding me?!" Peter said frustrated as he walked around in his suit. "How long has it been Peter?" I asked as I walked up to him wanting to calm him down. "An hour." He said annoyed as he turned to me. "Pete? Are you okay?" I asked noticing how broken he is yet frustrated and annoyed. "Yeah. I just don't want to be stuck here. I just want to go home." He said as he loosened up looking into my eyes. "I know I do too Peter but we got to give my dad a little bit of time." I explained

Narrator's POV

Little did Y/n and Peter know that it had been a full year on Earth. Tony and Pepper found out Pepper was pregnant a little while after Tony returned home and now they had a precious new born named Morgan Stark. Tony hasn't forgotten about Y/n or Peter in fact he has a couple pictures of the 3 of them hanging around their lake house. He has been trying everything but finally just gave up because there wasn't any way to get them back. Or so he thought.

Y/n's POV

We need something to do or else I think Peter and I both might go insane. The guardians went off and are doing their own thing so Peter and I are alone right now. "We gotta find something to do Peter or else you and I both might actually go insane." I said with a smile on my face as I looked at him. "Yeah yeah I know I just don't know what to do." He said turning toward me. "I do-" I was cut off from him tickling me. "AHAHAHAHA- STOP- AHAHAHA- I- AHAHAHA TICKLESS AHHAHAHHAH." I yelled as he proceeded to tickle me. "PETER- AHAHA - BENJAMIN AHAHAHAHH PARKER STOP AHAHAHAHAHA IT!" I yelled once again finally getting him to stop.

It took me a minute to finally catch my breath and for my core to stop hurting from all the laughing but I had finally calmed down. "Really that's the one thing you just had to do?" I asked him sarcastically. "Well I mean yeah I got to see your gorgeous smile so like, if you ask me that was a win." He said sweetly as he smiled softly at me. "What did I do to deserve you Peter Benjamin Parker?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck as his snaked around my waist. "I should be the one asking you that question." And then we just smiled. 

It's crazy how much Peter can make me smile. Honestly, even in the hardest times like right now. Ever since I met him he's always really had that affect on me I just never truly realize it until now.

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