the fight

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Finally he leant up against the wall as I silently sobbed in his chest and he sniffled from crying as well and we just fell asleep like that in the hallway of a theatre.

"Guys wake up" I heard Strange's voice. Wait what.


Was that all a dream?? It couldn't have been we were in the real world for 6 months. Last time I checked a dream doesn't last or feel like 6 months.

"How are we back?" I asked in confusion. "I brought you back." Strange simply said. I stood up off thee uncomfortable rock Peter and I were laying on and walked towards him. "So that wasn't a dream?" I asked just to be sure. "No it was not." "Why did you send us there?" I asked wanting to know exactly why we were there. "So you know how this will play out." He simply said.

"Now get ready we are showing up soon." He said. Once he finished speaking he opened a portal. Showing a battlefield, and what's left of the Avenger's headquarters. What happened here? Everyone was in a hero pose so I got into mine and just as I did Peter swung in and got into his next to me. Our hero poses were pretty much the same seeing as we both had the same powers and I learned pretty much everything I know from him.

"Ready?" I asked turning slightly to look at Peter. "Ready." He said, and that's when I heard Steve's voice. "Avengers!" he paused. "Assemble." Then we ran into the fight but that's when something hit me like a brick.

Everything that happened in Avengers Endgame... Is happening now. i tried to push the thought to the back of my head as i helped fight. I can change how this ends, I just need to figure out how.

"Peter" I called to him once I saw him. "Y/n" "It's all happening Pete. Just like in the movie." I said looking at him like a lost puppy. "I know." He said. "If-if this keeps following the same path as the movie... P-pete." My voice trembled knowing what will happen if this keeps  going the way it is. "I know Y/n." He said pulling me in for a hug. "We will figure it out." He said running his hands through my hair.

Just a little bit away from us dad was getting beat by some alien so I quickly shot a web and pulled it off my dad. Then Scott (I believe) Stepped on it. I quickly pulled out of Peter arms and ran over to my dad helping him stand up. The relief I saw wash over my dads eyes when he saw us was insane. He pulled me in for and hug and we just stood there. He kissed my cheek and pulled away that's when I saw Peter behind us with a couple tears trailing down his cheeks. My dad moved from me to Peter and just stood there for a little hugging him.

"It wasn't a dream." I heard him whisper and I knew exactly what he was talking about. The text messages between him and i.

"I missed you dad. We missed you." I said as he pulled away from Peter turning back towards me. "How's Morgan?" I asked remembering my little sister that I still have yet to meet. "She's good. She looks up to you even though she hasn't met you." "Sorry to ruin this beautiful moment, but if you haven't noticed we are still in the middle of a fight right now, so if you wouldn't mind saving the chit-chat for later and getting back on track, that would be great. Thanks." We heard Sam say through our earpeices. "Right, sorry." I said and then racing away from Peter and my dad, back into the fight against Thanos.

"Help! Somebody help!" I heard Peter's panicked voice come through my earpiece. "Cap help him!" I yelled looking over to Steve standing next to me. "Hey Queens! Heads up!" With that he through his (well really Thors) hammer in Peter's direction. 

"What the hell?" The ship had stopped firing at us and now firing at something we aren't able to see. "Friday what are they firing at?" "Something just entered the upper atmosphere." Right as Friday finished speaking Captain Marvel the unfamiliar face in my kitchen the first time we came back, came flying in straight through Thanos's ship destroying it. 

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker." Peter stuttered as she landed next to him. They never officially met. "Hey Peter Parker. Got something for me?" She said smiling down at him as he was laying on the ground hugging the gauntlet. "I don't know how you're gonna get through all of that." He said sitting up as he handed the gauntlet over. "Don't worry."  Wanda said. "She's got help." I said getting into my hero pose as all the other ladies did too. With that we were off back into the fight. 

As I was running into yet another battle I remembered something. Something I didn't need to remember at the moment, and something I never wanted to remember. Everything that has happened so far happened in the movie, which means if we continue going down the same path, my dad is going to die. 

I stumbled a little. I grabbed onto a rock to keep my balance but soon decided to just sit down, curl up in a ball and let just a FEW tears to slip out of my eyes and down my cheeks. You need to be strong. If not for yourself than for Peter and dad. I told myself. I wiped away my tears and stood back up. You can do this. You can change the ending. He doesn't have to die. Not if you can stop it. Get yourself together. 

That's when I saw it. Dad going 1v1 against Thanos. I need to get over there. "Peter." I said into my earpiece. "Y/n." He said trying to lighten the mood. "We need to get to my dad and Thanos now. We can change the ending if we try." I said hope laced in my words. "Y/n we tried last time too, but we didn't change anything." He said calmly. "I have a plan we just need to get over there Pete. I just got my dad back I can't lose him again." I said as I began making my way through to get to my dad. "Okay we can try." He said giving up but I can tell he doesn't want my dad to die either. 

I can't. I can't let him die. I just got him back. He has a five year old daughter waiting for him to come home. Pepper. 

As I turn back around towards I see him. Thanos, with the gauntlet. "I am..." "Pete. It's happening we need to get over there NOW." I said running over towards dad. Knowing he already had the stones. "Inevitable" Thanos finished as he snapped yet nothing happened. "And I... Am... Iron Man." I caught him before he snapped. "Dad. Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad. Stop. Don't do this okay. Please don't do this." "Kiddo I need to. I need to save everyone and to do that I need to sacrfice myself." "What about me? What about Morgan. Dad, what about Peter and Pepper? What about us?" I rambled tears spilling over my eyes. "I just- I just got you back dad. I can't lose you again. Morgan can't lose you." "Y/n. Y/n, y/n, y/n. Hey listen to me okay. You're going to be okay. Promise me, you'll take care of Morgan, and Pepper, and Happy, and Peter. It'll be okay. You all will be okay." "No da-" "Y/n." he cut me off. "I have to." He said as he brought his hand up about to snap, "Goodbye." "No. No. No, no, no, no, no!" I started yelling trying to reach for his hand but Rhodey grabbed on to me. 


Everything went white.

A/n: Sorry it's been a while. School started and I've been a bit stressed with everything. I'm back hopefully. I think I will be it just depends on school and dance. Hope you enjoy!

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