Chapter 13: Old Memories or New Beginnings

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P.O.V Cathia

"What's this dad?" Leo asked Sir Liam, looking at the tapestry hanging by the wall of the stairs. Sir Liam had minor plastic surgery because of the accident he had, the reason Leo and Darren were unable to recognize him. I didn't know what to call him because he looked so young due to the surgery, so he officially became Sir.

"Stephan gave me this, but I received it on the day he died."

"What? I mean... how?" I was bewildered. 'How can he get it on the day my father died?'

"He sent it a week earlier, but because of rainstorms, I got it late," He explained, looking at me with his deep blue eyes, the same as Leo's. "Well, Cathia, what about you? What do you do?" I stopped breathing and thought about a single damn thing worthy to tell him.

"Umm... I..."

"She just says silly things and gets embarrassed." Leo winked at me and went along Darren, making me fume in anger.

"She sure gets embarrassed even without saying silly things," Sir Liam said and I looked away immediately, unfortunately at the mirror by the stairs. I was literally blushing, and looking at myself made me blush even more. And that stupid Leo laughed, making everyone smile.

"Stop it, Leo. Don't make her explode," Sir Liam scolded Leo, but I felt the amusement in his voice and sentence. We were exploring his huge mansion. It was fantastic. The only part we didn't see was the third floor because it was being renovated.

"Sir, the dinner is ready," A servant informed Sir Liam, and he asked him to serve it. While going down towards the dining hall, Sir Liam held my wrist lightly, making me stop.

"Never forget this, Cathia, you're my best friend's daughter, and I love you as my own. If you ever want to share something with me, feel free to do so," He said in a fatherly manner. I felt the warmth in his tone, which made me smile, nod, and tremble, remembering my dad.


"What are you doing, Leo?" Caitlin asked Leo, who was playing with his food, instead of eating it.

"Nothing you should worry about." He narrowed his eyes.

"Ohh... The sweet kid is upset." Caitlin pouted and then laughed.

"Do they both always fight like this?" Sir Liam whispered in my ear. I smiled with a 'yes'. "They have the same relationship as me and Rose." He became lost in the memory of his friend suddenly. "Okay, enough, you two. Don't you have table manners?" He scolded them, and I mentally clapped.

"No, my manners of all kinds were robbed," Leo said carelessly.

"Along with your brain, right?" Caitlin asked him mischievously.

"Yeah, and you were the robber, right?" Leo mimicked her tone.

"It's been a long time since I last had an interesting dinner." Sir Liam smiled at Leo and Caitlin.

"He meant you're a jocker," Caitlin whispered in Leo's ear.

"And you're a clown," Leo snapped back at her. Ignoring them, Sir Liam looked at Darren, who was lost in his own thoughts.

"What are you thinking, Darren?"

"Nothing, dad, just..." His voice trembled. "Just that, I never thought that I would be able to meet you again." He looked up at his dad, and then I saw little teardrops in his eyes and at his cheeks.

Sir Liam hugged him slightly. "I thought that Leo will make you a strong boy." He stopped, "Only if you both lived."

"So... you lost hope?" I didn't want to ask him about how he felt after waking up from the coma, finding out that his two beloved sons were gone, maybe gone forever, but still, I asked.

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