•| Chapter 4. The Grieving |•

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Three days after the trial, Lillian Blackwood and Holland Timberflake were walking through the army of Waquary soldiers and stated.

"Be ready for the inevitable, be ready to see the terror of Waquary and Monument Valley citizens and cities. Be ready to act on command at any given second for you always need to be ready."
Lillian and Holland said at two different sides of the army walking through a small human made hallway, yelling at all the soldiers in sync.

"You must and have to fight at all times, even if you are on a break, or are sleeping, you are still fighting. Make sure you stay on all platforms and streets because if you fall off, the planets gaseous  gravity will pull you through a weather you have never seen before. This war will be fought in all 18 sectors, facets, and states. Not every facet or state has full panelled floors. Be ready to brace yourself for a harsh way down if you fall. You must kill, you must shoot, you must fight one on one, you must push as many off as you can into the cloudy abyss beneath us. This planet may be new and may be hard to get around if you have not been here long. It is nothing at all like earth or Mars. There is no ground or earth beneath these clouds. Just gas, and massive storms, hurricanes, and lightning, acid, and sulfur. You will NOT! fight your own kind in this war, the goal is to get as many communists murdered and taken down as possible, you must defeat all of Monument valley. You must take down the council, the king, and all communist citizens. If the king dies before the citizens, they will all be liberated and forced into camps worse than Auschwitz for their acts of terror and murder. Almost every single Monument Valley citizen will be handed weapons they don't even know how to use. You must take them out before they do it to you."

Lillian and Holland went on for a few minutes given them instructions and orders. Rose and Tyler stood next to each other while listening to them both go on. "Seems like this is going to be bad." Tyler said quietly to Rose. "Maybe we can fake it till we make it." Rose said back. "It's quite easy to do that, I'm sure we'll be able to, we haven't been involved in war like this since Queen Faroura..." Rose said getting distracted.

Lillian screamed at tyler
"No ma'am"
Tyler said.
"No ma'am."

Holland stepped in. "Lillian! Don't!"

"Why not?! They're talking during a very, very! Important speech!" Lillian said in defense while she wiped her brow.

"Lillian, this, is Rose, and Tyler Darlington. The two I talked to you about from before."
Holland replied.

"Oh! Oh no I'm so sorry, that won't happen again, forgive me princess."  Lillian whispered to Rose.
"Forgive me my lord." She whispered to Tyler.
"Holland! Take these two to the 'confinement room' for being so disrespectful." She winked.

"Yes Lillian." Holland bowed to her and locked arms with rose and Tyler and walked away with them.

In the Rings Of Saturn High Commission Centre

One hour later.

"Rose, Tyler, how are you?" Triton Blueborn said to them.

"Could be better my lord, but I'm alright." Rose said.
"About same, since this war and all." Tyler said.

"Well, you were called here today to be set to multiple tests if you're up to it. To see if you're eligible enough for war since you weren't put in any sort of army or physical training camps from Earth or Mars before Saturn like the rest of the army. We know of your past, all of us were informed by Holland whom which you know so well." Triton gave Holland a stare. "Since he has been a guide for you both since you were children."

"Yes sir he was." Rose replied.

"Roshc! What's going on?" The Queen said as she stepped into the room.

Tyler stopped and stared. "My Queen Laurie!" He knelt to the floor. "It is truly an honor to bask in your radiance!"

The Queen looked at Tyler and then back at Triton completely disregarding Tyler and his condolences. "Well? Get to the point, Blueborn."

"Oh, yes, my deepest apologies my queen. This is, Rose and Tyler Darlington, they were from the former meant to be queen, Rebecca Darlington after the death of the magic Queen Faroura because of her war on the unarmed. We want to do specified training for them both since they didn't have proper American army training like the rest of the army on Earth. Lillian and Mary can take care of the war with Monument Valley and our troops. While Holland," he looked at Holland with a small blush. "And I, will take care of these two. If they or you need us, we can always take breaks  we have till September." Triton explained.

The Queen gave him a nasty look. "Do you really think we're going to launch our attack on a specific date? Monument valley is getting their troops ready for September, if we attack at an earlier date. They'll never know what hit them.
There is a comet, that will be close to Saturn's atmosphere around July 27th, if we launch a missile off of one of our moons at the right time. It will angle around the comet and force it's gravity to the planet and hit around August 2nd. Right onto monument Valley's capital and they won't suspect a thing that it was us, if we do it at the right time of night or day. 12:00 sharp, AM or PM. No one in monument valley will see the missile launch. Just the comet. It's 100% full proof. I just got done talking to one of the commanders, were launching next week. The comet will destroy most of MV's army and supplies, then we attack from there." The Queen said as she sounded almost insane from even thinking about that.

Mary and Lillian started to clap, "yes, I'm on board with this idea. I'm so on board." Mary said happily.
"Me too," said Lillian.
"Us two!" Holland and Triton said together.

Rose sighed. "Oh boy..."

Out of the corner of Tyler's eye, he saw Triton and Holland hold hands.

*Sigh* "oh boy..."

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