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Garrett picks up his phone and looks for Andrew's contact. He had been stairing at his phone working up the courage to call Andrew all day. Hes been wanting to talk to Andrew about something for days and now was the time, he was finally going to tell Andrew the truth. The phone rang for a few seconds before he answered.


"Hey Andrew! Is there any chance you could come by my place? I really need to talk to you."

"Um yeah sure. Are you ok?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, I just really need to get something off of my chest."

"Ok, I'll be there in a few."

"Ok see you soon."


Garrett hung up the phone. He sat on his couch staring at the door until he hered a knock. He got up and went to the door and opened it to see a concerned Andrew on the other side.

"Come on it." Garrett said stepping out of the way so Andrew could walk in. Garrett sat down on the couch followed by Andrew.

"So what's up?" Andrew asked looking at Garrett.

"Um, I just uh... I dont really know how to say this."

"Its ok, take your time."

The two men sat on the couch in silence for the next five minutes.

"I like you, like more than a friend." Garrett blurted out. Andrew looked at him with a shocked expression on his face.

"Garrett, I dont know if you've noticed but it's a little obvious..." Garrett looked at Andrew horrified. He didnt know it had been that obvious.

"Its that obvious?"

"Yeah... a little."

"I'm sorry Andrew."

"Wait, what, why are you sorry? It's ok. That you like me I mean. Actually I'm glad you told me because I also have something to tell you..."

"Oh. Ok. Go on."

"Well... um.. when I first met you I thought you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen, and that really confused me because I had never had feelings like that toward another man. The more and more I got to know you the mlm ore and more I began to fall for you Garrett. So I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I like you too."

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