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The whole squad was at Shane and Ryland's house. They were laughing and having fun but it was nearing 3am.
Ryland had gone to bed hours ago.

"Oh shit its 3am." Shane said looking at the clock on the broken microwave on his way to get a drink.

"Shane can I stay here tonight?" Garrett, Andrew, and Morgan said at the same time. They all went into fits of laughter.

"Yes you can all stay here tonight but you guys have to figure out were your going to sleep. I'm going to bed." Shane said walking upstairs diet rootbeer in hand.

"I call the guest bedroom." Morgan blurted out running toward the guest bedroom. "Goodnight losers."

"Well all that's left is the couch and the floor." Andrew said getting a blanket from the back of the couch.

"I'm sure you dont want to sleep on the floor and I sure dont want to sleep on the floor so we can both fit on the couch. There's enough room right?"

"Um yeah I get this side you get that side." Andrew said pointing to the different sides of the couch.

Garrett lay down on his side of the couch and Andrew lay down on the opposite side. They curled up in their blankets and attempted to get some sleep but all the coffee they all drank throughout the night was not helping.

~about 2 hours later~

"Garrett?" Andrew whispered shaking his leg with his foot.

"Yeah?" Garrett whispered back.

"I cant sleep." Andrew whispered sitting up on the couch.

"Well you didnt have to wake me up." Garrett whined.

"I need company." Andrew said moving closer toward Garrett's side of the couch.

Garrett sat up and rubbed his eyes. Andrew moved closer to Garrett until they were almost touching. He lay his head on Garrett's shoulder while grabbing a piece of his blanket to cover up with. Garrett gave Andrew more of the blanket and wrapped his arms around him. Garrett lay down on the couch leaving as much room as he could for Andrew to lay next to him. Andrew cuddled up next to Garrett, his head against his chest with Garrett's arms around him. They both slowly fell asleep as the sun rose over the horizon.

~a few more hours later~

It was 9am when Ryland woke up. He tiredly walked down the stairs into the living room.

Ryland gasped loudly and covered his mouth right after. "Oh my God." He said looking at Andrew and Garrett cuddled up on his couch.

Ryland talking to himself woke Andrew up. Ryland standing on the stairs scared Andrew and he fell off the couch which woke Garrett up right away.

"Woah, are you ok Andrew?" Garrett asked not realizing that Ryland was on the staircase.

"What were you two doing cuddled up on the couch? Ryland asked before Andrew could answer Garrett's question.

"Shit Ryland, what are you doing up so early?" Garrett asked quickly sitting up on the couch.

"I wake up at this time every morning." He answered while walking down the  stairs the rest of the way.

Andrew got up off of the floor and sat on the couch next to Garrett.

"I guess Morgan took the guest bedroom?" Ryland asked sitting on the couch next to Andrew.

"Yep." Gerrett and Andrew answered at the same time.

"Ok look, I can tell that you guys are kinda shook about me finding you on the couch like that but it's fine. I dont know what happened last night but I don't care that you were cuddled up on the couch. You dont have to pretend like it didnt happen." Ryland said getting up off the couch and walking into the kitchen. "I'm going to target." He said getting his g-key and walking out the door.

"I think I'm going to call an uber and go home." Andrew said getting up off of the couch. Andrew had rode with Garrett to Shane's the day before.

"No you dont have to call an uber I can drive you home. I was planning on going home anyway."

"Ok." Andrew said putting on his shoes. Garrett also put his shoes on and followed Andrew out the door. They got into Garrett's car and began there drive to Andrew's apartment.

"Gerrett I'm sorry I woke you up last night I just, I dont know what happened. I'm really confused but I really enjoyed cuddling with you." Andrew said looking down at his legs.

Garrett looked over at him then back to the road. "Its fine you dont have to apologize. What are you confused about, your sexuality?"

Andrew nodded his head a tear streaming down his face. Garrett saw he was crying and his heart was immediately broken.

"Hey hey Andrew dont cry, its ok." Garrett said pulling into the parking lot of Andrew apartment complex. He pulled into a parking space and quickly put the vehicle into park. He put his hand on Andrew shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"Andrew it's ok I really dont mind what happened last night. Do you want to talk about it. We can go inside and talk it through."

Andrew nodded his head and got out of the car and walked toward his apartment. Garrett followed close behind him. Andrew unlocked the door to his apartment and stepped inside. Gerrett closed the door behind them.

"Gerrett I like you. I dont know how or why or what I am all I know is that I like you like as more than friends." Andrew blurted out. He couldn't keep it inside any longer.

Garrett pulled Andrew into a hug.

"I like you too Andrew." Garrett whispered into Andrew's ear.

They let go of each other and just stood there looking into each others eyes. Garrett closed the gap between them and passionately kissed Andrew. Andrew kissed back. When they pulled apart they both had the goofiest smiles on their faces.

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