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(Just some quick information before the story please read because otherwise you will be confused.)

The whole squad is at Shane's house drinking and having fun, ya know, listening to music and all that jazz. Andrew had been questioning his sexuality for a little while mainly because for the last two months he couldn't keep his eyes off of Garrett. Garrett was beginning to notice that Andrew couldn't keep his eyes off of him but he didnt say anything because he didn't want to make Andrew uncomfortable. At this point the squad is pretty drunk but not too drunk. Garrett snuck to the bathroom without anyone noticing and was too drunk to remember to lock the door.


I got up from my place on the couch and slightly stumbled to the bathroom. The door was closed but without thinking I opened the door. Sometimes Shane closed the door because he didnt want the animals to drink out of the toilet. When I opened the door Gerrett was sitting on the bathroom floor leaning against the shower door in only his underwear sipping from a half empty bottle of wine.

"Oh shi...." I stopped in mid sentence when he realized that Garrett was sitting on the floor. "Garrett?"

"Oh hi Andrew." Garrett said drunkingly, smiling and waving at me. He pat the floor next to him. "Come join me, they're too loud." He said pointing out to where the rest of the group was.

I sat down on the floor next to him and took the bottle of wine out of his hands and took a swig. I handed back the bottle.

"Why are you in your underwear?" I asked looking at his underwear. I subconsciously licked my lips. He looked so hot. I noticed he was looking at my lips. I tried to stop looking at him the way I was but my drunk self wouldn't let me.

"Oh, clothes were getting annoying so I took them off." He said looking at his knees. He took a drink of the wine then offered me the bottle. I took a drink and set it on the floor between us. We sat in silence for a few minutes and then drunk me lay my head on Garrett's shoulder. I'm so stupid when I'm drunk.

"I'm tiiiiirreeed." I said whining. I moved my legs so they were laying over Garrett's legs and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Have I ever told you how cute you are?" I drunkingly whispered to Garrett. What the fuck am I getting myself into?

"No.. you think I'm cute?" Garrett said lightning up.

"Yeah." I said letting go of him a little so I could look at him.

I wasn't prepared for what would happen next. He kissed me. It was the best kiss I had ever had. I never wanted it to end.

"Andrew we're drunk." Garrett said pulling away from the kiss. "And your straight." He had horror in his eyes. "Shit Andrew I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sor-"

I cut him off by kissing him back. He looked at me kinda shook. I know I never really say the word, but that's what he looked like, shook.

"Gerrett I dont think I'm straight. I dont know what I am but its definitely not straight. I like you alot and I dont feel like hiding it anymore. I just want to openly like you without worrying about what other people think. Ya know what I mean?"

"Yeah I get what you mean."

We sat on the bathroom floor together drinking the rest of the bottle of wine until we fell asleep using each other as pillows.

A Ray Of SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now