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(Just so you aren't confused, this little chapter is cutting into the middle of a conversation between Garrett and Andrew. It starts with Garrett speeking)

"I dont think you understand Andrew."

"Well then enlighten me Garrett. Make me understand. I want to know why you seem to be avoiding me. Its driving me insane. Your my best friend Garrett."

"Well if you didn't already know, I like you, alot, not just as friends. I cant seem to keep control over myself when I'm around you. I just want to hug you for ages and kiss you whenever I please. I want to hold your hand and take you on cute little dates or casually flirt with you in front of friends. I just cant help but think of how beautiful you are and how good you look all the time. I've never felt that I could tell you these things because I was afraid that you would think i'm just some big weirdo and that you would never want to be friends with me after. I cant let that happen. I know this sounds dumb but I cant live without you Andrew. I cant live without your sweet smile or that contagious laugh. I cant live without you brown eyes and beautiful fluffy red hair. I cant live without you laughing at all of my horrible jokes. I cant emigine a world without spending countless hours playing video games or just sitting on my couch talking about stupid shit with you. I'm sorry I just said all of that. I'm sorry if it makes you feel weird, but I couldn't hold that inside me any longer. Those are my reasons why I've been distant. I hate that I've been distant but I couldn't help myself. I didnt know what I was doing. Just please forgive my dumb ass."

Andrew looked at Garrett shocked at what he had just said. He was confused on how he said it so perfectly. He didnt know what to say.


They sat in silence for a few minutes trying to comprehend what just happened.

"You dont have to be sorry Garrett. You cant help that you feel those things. And no, I'm not going to stop being your friend because you just shared that with me. I'm really proud you told me. all of that was prabably really hard to say and I really appreciate that you felt comfortable enough to share. Garrett I never thought I would be sharing this with you but I feel that same. I also want to hug you forever and kiss you whenever I please. I also want to hold your hand and go on cute little dates, and casually flirt in fron of friends. I also cant live without you. I cant live without your perfect blue eyes and your beautiful dirty blonde hair. I cant live without you cute little smile and your adorable laugh. I cant live without the video games and late night conversations about stupid shit. I like you alot too Garrett. Like in a more than a friend way."

Garrett looked at Andrew astonished. He couldn't believe what just went into his ears. He couldn't believe that for all these years Andrew had felt the same all along.

"Just kiss me already." Andrew said leaning into Garrett.

They shared a long passionate kiss. Garrett's hands cupping Andrew's face and Andrew's hands wrapped around Garrett's waist. They hugged for what seemed like forever. They fell asleep of the couch cuddled up with each other. They couldn't wait for what was to come.

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