Chapter Four

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I stand with my back against the tree - or, I suppose its counterpart - with an alarmingly large amount of weapons being pointed at me.

I've landed at some kind of campsite, it would appear, and there are several faeries with savage looks on their faces gathered around the tree where I'm standing. Fantastic.

I can only assume they're faeries; they don't all look like Quinn and Celeste. Some have wings, some have different animal parts, but they're all unearthly beautiful. Or would be, if they weren't looking at me like I was a feast and they hadn't eaten for years.

One steps forward, and I'm fairly certain I know the name for the kind of creature he is. He has the body of a man from the torso up, if you don't count the large horns, and goat legs on the bottom - a satyr. He eyes me up with a malicious smile on his face. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

"A human," I pipe in to answer his clearly rhetorical question, "who would very much like to be on her way, seeing as you all seem like reasonable peop - er, faeries."

He laughs as if I hadn't spoken. "And a feisty one at that. We're going to have fun with you." The rest of the faeries smile in affirmation.

I'm beginning to panic. Why haven't Quinn and Celeste found me yet? Could the portal take different people to different places?

The faeries converge on me, and there are hands pulling me across the campsite. I struggle, but it's no use; they're all much stronger than me.

I'm shoved roughly against another tree, facing them. A rope flies up by itself and starts to wrap itself around me and the tree. I would be geeking out about the magic if it weren't tying me up right now.

I don't know what they're planning on doing to me, but it can't be good. Images flash through my mind. Are they planning to kill me? Enslave me for 1000 years? Do faeries eat humans? My mind is whirling.

Suddenly, I think of one thing that might save me. Might as well go for it.

"The king," I say loudly. The faeries' faces all go blank. Even the rope stops midway through knotting itself. "I'm in Faerie because the king summoned me, and if he hears I've gone missing, he will be very angry." It's then that I realize I know absolutely nothing about this king. Is he even the vengeful sort? I should have probably learned these things before agreeing to meet with him.

The faeries now look uneasy, and they begin to murmur among themselves. I begin to hope. Maybe they'll be so afraid of his retaliation that they'll send me right back.

The satyr scoffs at them. "Oh, come on. Are you seriously going to let a human brat's lies get in the way of some fun?"

A faerie with deep purple wings steps forward. The color reminds me of Celeste, and I feel an unexpected pang. "I don't know, Arion. What if she's telling the truth? What if the king comes to hunt us down?"

Arion gives them a scornful look. "If we let her go, she'll just go running back and tell him exactly where we are. Honestly, am I the only one here with some brains?" He smirks. "And besides, when have threats from the king stopped us before? He hasn't found us yet!"

There are a few cheers of assent, and my heart drops as I see how riled up they are again. There goes my plan.

"Let's deal with her tonight. We could use a little entertainment after dinner," suggests Arion, to which the crowd roars.

I groan silently. How the hell am I supposed to get out of this one?

* * * * *

Waiting like this is torment.

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