One - The Beginning

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Ariana's POV
I was having quite a nice dream, I was at a mansion, walking in the garden at night. My father always threw parties for when they save everyone from danger. But this time, someone was there.. he was handsome, dark hair, eyes and an excellent jaw. I was about to walk up to him wh-

"Sweetie it's time to get up.."

I heard the voice of my dad, I opened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows. "No school.. wanna Sleep.." I said as I curled back into my covers. "This is why you don't stay up watching TV." He pulled the covers off of me and kissed my head while getting up. "Happy will take you to school." He said as he left. I sighed and got up, getting changed into a oversized pink sweater, jeans and some Adidas shoes. I yawned and unbraided my hair. It turned out to be loosely curled which was cute. I walked to the kitchen to see the others. I sat down.

"Your face is quite pink, had a dream about a boy?" I looked up and saw Jennie looking at me. "N-No.." I pulled my sleeve up to cover my hand and rested it on my cheek to hide my blush. I ate my breakfast and took a bottle of water with me to school. I hugged my dad goodbye and entered the car. As usual Happy wasn't happy at all. Soon I got to school and told Happy good bye. People automatically start staring. I mean, yeah I'm Tony Stark's daughter. But I'm still a normal girl. I walked to my class, but while I was in the hallway I immediately noticed a rather tall boy, he was slim but seemed muscular. Dark hair, dark eyes and handsome.. everything. The guy in my dreams. Peter Parker, or known as SpiderMan. He saw me looking at him and I just smiled, dunked my head down and went into class. My heart was absolutely pounding..

Peter's POV
Ned always nags at me how Mr. Stark's daughter always glances at me. She probably doesn't even like me. "She probably just does it cause we see each other at the Avenger's Tower." I finally snapped at him. "When she talks to MJ she always smiles after she does and says something. Peter. She likes you. Just as much as you do her." I wouldn't deny that I'm in love with her. She's beautiful.. Plus she's adorable. She's so small, looks even smaller in clothes that are oversized, has the perfect skin, hair, everything about her to me is perfect.. but.

We don't talk.

I really wish she would talk to me. I've never heard her voice, only her singing. But her taking must be as angelic. I snapped out of my thinking and went to class.

Ariana's POV

I got home and was greeted by my dad. I hugged him as soon as I saw him. "Are we really having a party tonight?" He sighed and looked down at me. "My daughter is excited for partying.. she's becoming a teenager." I smacked his arm gently. "I just need to know what kind, and who's coming." I sat down on the couch and began eating my lunch. "Well." He started with "Clearly everyone here, some of the guests from last party.. that's it and there's too many new guests. But. It's a costume party."
"Costume party?" I asked and he nodded. "No showing too much skin or I'll put a onesie over it all." I sighed and sipped on my water.

"Tony don't be so protective." Jennie's voice came from behind us. She came around and sat next to me on the couch. "She needs to have fun while she's young." I was sick of these conversations. Too much revolving around me. "What are you going as?" I asked Jennie. She sat up straight. "I probably won't even go.. I have to watch Lucas. But James will most likely force me out." I nodded. "Well.. I have to go back into town." I grabbed my bad and heard my dad yelling. I stopped. "Where? I do have to send a body guard to protect you." I sighed. "Just.. To a cafe.." he crossed his arms and gave me a more sassy-like stance. "Be home by 7." I nodded and hugged him goodbye, and started walking. I always went to the cafe with MJ. Mostly because.. Peter comes in a lot with his Aunt. I sat down with MJ and we began talking. "I think he's going to the party. My dad has suspicions I like him and he didn't bother to tell me if any of the new guests that are coming.." I said to her while drinking my smoothie. "Doesn't he have a crush on that Liz girl?" She said while opening her book to read. "I don't know.. she's just popular cause her family is rich." I said while crossing my arms. "Sounds like someone I know." She said. "At least I don't take advantage of it, I don't like all the attention.. I wanna be known for my music not my title." She looked up at me with the most blank and sarcastic face I've ever seen her do. And she always makes that face. "People are going to know you by a title of a singer. Yuna Ishiguro's daughter, the daughter of the best singer of all time. You inherited her powers so everyone is going to expect a lot from you." I nodded and as soon as u looked up, I noticed Peter sitting with his friend at a table. I smiled slightly and looked down. "They're such dorks but it's so cute.." MJ then looked back, which caused Ned to look this direction. He looked at me. I got nervous and just smiled slightly while waving. He waved back and Peter looked over. I blushed and hid my face. Fuck. Why am I so awkward? Soon I got done with my smoothie and ordered MJ and I some snacks before dinner. We are our feelings away and soon we said bye and I walked back home. I wonder.. was Peter going to be at that party? I need to look perfect just Incase but it's highly unlikely.. it's tomorrow on Saturday 9pm. I sighed and erased the thought, no. If he truly liked you he would want you to look the way you always do.. right?

Jennie's POV

"She obviously likes the boy. Let him come to the party." My plan is to get these two teens together. Well it's more of everyone's plan. My son, Lucas who I've been trying to feed baby food to has been rejecting it since I started. And he cried cause he was hungry. "He's just not ready. I mean the kid had lots of potential to become an Avenger. He wants to protect everyone, fight bad guys, the kid can climb on anything and has super strength. That's talent. But him with my daughter?" I looked back and nodded once Lucas finally ate the food. "Tony. She's not going to be six years old forever.. She's almost 10 years older than that. It's clear that Peter will protect her. You have to give him a chance Tony." He sighed. I know everyone hates it when I'm right but I'm right. "Fine. He can come but don't tell her. I don't want her being head over heels for him and looking weird." He then left and I felt arms snake around me, "Has our son finally ate?" James kissed my cheek and went to Lucas. "Yeah, after multiple tries he took it cause his tummy growled." I gave him another spoon full, he gummy smiled and giggled at me. Being a mother brought me so much joy, but I rarely am able to go on missions anymore cause of the little guy. And that's what I loved doing the most.. my next one I'm definitely going. I need to do something. I have James a kiss on the lips and then picked up Lucas after feeding him. He's getting so big for a baby at 6 months.. I miss him being a little newborn. Not only is being a new mother amazing, but I'm so tired. I guess James took him to the couch on purpose so I could go to the bedroom and rest. Which sounded nice, I haven't slept in days from that little guy. I made my way to the room, covered up in the bed, and closed my eyes, slowly drifting into a much needed, and peaceful sleep.

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