Two - The Angel

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Ariana's POV

It was 7pm, the party was about to start. I wanted to wear a black skirt with a black crop top. But my maid insisted on something my father wouldn't kill me over. Instead she brought me to my mother's closet. Which had everything of hers.. Including an angel costume. "She went as an angel at the same party for Halloween. It's a short white dress with wings. It'll look beautiful on you." The maid said. I smiled and tried it on, after making adjustments it fit perfectly and brought out my figure. Now it was time for me to go to Jennie for my hair. It was pretty long. All the way down just where my torso ends. Jennie curled it at the bottom and we had a talk while she was doing so. "I've been told you like a boy." I blushed immensely. "Well I mean.. he's just a friend.." I said while playing with my bracelet. "Your mother would be proud of you. Your soon becoming a singer." I smiled and moved my black hair out of my face, "It's crazy to me. I mean.. I never thought I would be performing in front of a bunch of people." It took a while to get things settled, most companies just wanted me cause I'm Tony Stark's daughter. But soon we found one that actually knew what they were doing. And I passed the audition. It's October 31st, Halloween. And next summer I'll be releasing a song. "Your all done. Now go out to the party." I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks.." I said while leaving to the main floor to greet my dad. "There she is." I smiled and hugged my dad. Hugging was something my dad and I always did. I always felt safer giving him hugs as a child so I keep doing it. We greeted everyone who came in for the party, until my father told me to go check out the garden so I did.

I stood over a small balcony outside, a fountain behind me and the garden in front. I guess you would say it's like a fairytale.

 I guess you would say it's like a fairytale

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It was now dark. I was still outside with a drink. I rested my head against a pillar when I heard a voice. "Bored already?" I turned around and saw him. The boy in my dream.. "Peter? What are you doing here?" I asked him. I walked over and looked up at him. "I was invited by Mr. Stark." He said I nodded and sat down. He sat down next to me. "You look great." He said, I blushed. "Thanks.. you do too.."

Tony's POV

"She looks just like her. The dark hair, eyes. Pale skin. The same angel dress.." I sighed as I sat my drink down. "She's been dubbed the most beautiful girl at her school apparently.. That's what the kid told me." Said Nat. "She's just like her mother. Looks, personality, hobbies, but different in a way.." I trailed off taking another sip.

Ariana's POV
I was discussing to Peter about classes. He was in my last class unfortunately. But they gave me time to talk about him to MJ. I was nervous. My crush was next to me and I'm sure my father had this planned out for him to come, Why father.. why now? I sighed. Peter looked at me with a concerned face. "You Okay?" I nodded. "I wasn't even told you were coming here."
"Really?" "Really." I couldn't help but giggle. He was such a dork it was cute. He then chuckled and I yawned. "What time is it now?" Peter glanced down at his watch. "Past 11." I sighed and rubbed my eyes but not too much for my makeup. "I haven't ate in a while.. let's get something to eat." I said while taking his hand inside to the table with food. He fed me some I haven't seen before. Most of it was good, some were okay. Then we had a few drinks of sparkling cider, since we can't have alcohol, and went back out. I went out running into the garden with him. Then we laid down on the pavement staring at the stars.

"Do you sometimes.. Get frustrated at school? I notice you leave early a lot or miss." Peter asked. I nodded. "Yeah.. people won't leave me alone.. some don't think I'm the daughter of Tony Stark. Guys want me just because they'll have a title. It sucks.. and everyone here bugs me about having a boyfriend." I sit up and rest my head in my hands. Peter sits up a bit close..

Jennie's POV
James got up here quick after I told him Lucas hasn't stopped crying. He walked over to him, picked him up gently and put him on his shoulder. He was around 6 months old, he can't tell me what's wrong. "It wasn't even crying.. it was.. screeching." I told James handing him a blanket to wrap Lucas with. "What do you mean?" He said rubbing Lucas' back. "I think he knows something is wrong.."

Ariana's POV

"Well.. I wouldn't want you just for your title.. I mean.. this is the first time I've talked to you but I'm enjoying it. You're not the spoiled princess everyone thinks you are. You're a good person, Ariana." I smiled at him, and he smiled back. We stared at each other for a moment before jumping. Realizing what happened.. 3 gun shots went off.

I ran into the room. Peter put his arm in front of me. I looked over and saw 3 people shot on the floor.. two of which were dead. One was still up. I whimpered as Peter took me back outside to hide. "Peter people are in there dying!" I winced and clung to him as more shots went off. He ran his fingers through my hair. "Let's Get you out.. it's HYDRA.." he grabbed me by the waist and we went off into the city.

Tony's POV

Everyone was ready, we were fighting HYDRA, soon most of them were gone. But no sign of my daughter. We continued to fight until they all left. "Where's my daughter?" I looked over at Jennie who had just came through the door. "I saw her, but then she disappeared." I sighed. "See if the trackers on her costume are still on." I then left and tried to get them on, but they seemed to have never been put on, died, or Ariana had found out they were on her. Just a few moments later, there was a notification. She was at Peter's apartment. I sighed. "She's at the spidey kids place." Jennie sighed in relief. "Who's going to get her?" Asked Steve. "She doesn't have her phone so I can't warn her in coming. But I'll get her." I said getting up and going outside to the car, getting in and driving to the kid's place.

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