Chapter 2

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Mitch POV

I'm sat at lunch with Kirstie and we are both laughing about a movie we watched last week. Kirstie looks at her watch and stands up quickly, shoving the remainder of her sandwich in her mouth.

"I've gotta go - choir practise."

I nod and smile and wave goodbye to her. She's such a good singer and she is so confident! I wish I could be like her but there is NO way I would ever be able to do that.

I sigh and put the rest of my food down. It's gross and if I'm going to be day by myself, I may as well do it in the library, and be less of a loner.

I stand up and walk towards the library. I decide to go the outside route to get a bit of fresh air before sitting in the stuffy library. I am just walking along, minding my own business when a large shove from behind pushes me onto the floor. All I can hear is laughter and taunts behind me.

"Look at the faggot in the dirt where it belongs!"

"He looks like he's going to cry. What a pussy!"

"Awww do you wish that big old Kirstie was here? Are you gonna call for her?"

I sit up, ignoring the pain in my skinned elbow.

"Oh look, it's alive! Should we kill it and put it out of its misery?"

I grimace at them and stand up. Wow I am short. Even stood up I am a good foot shorter than the smallest of my opponents. And their are 3 of them. I look at them squarely and try and use my sass to get back at them.

"Aww do you need all three of you to come and talk to me? You better be careful or you could catch my gayness - it's contagious but you probably didn't know that as you aren't as, how should we say, well equipped in the cognitive department."

These boys aren't the smartest but unfortunately for me, they don't buy it. I was hoping for a little distance for me to run away through but no such luck. If anything, I made it worse. The biggest of my opponents, Alex, laughed and moved closer to me so that he was almost touching me. he looked down his nose at me and sneered.

"I've beaten you up before and I'm not a fag am I?"

I think of answering back but before I can, a fist appears out of nowhere and hits me right on the nose. Thankfully it didn't break but I feel the hot blood running down my face almost immediately. I am stunned and can't breathe for a second. Tears prick at my eyes but I can't cry, not in front of them. Alex turns away laughing with his mates and I think of running but my feet won't move and all I can focus on is my throbbing face that I can almost feel bruising.

Alex suddenly stops laughing and turns around speedily, meeting my eye with a right hook that floors me. I watch as they walk off chuckling to themselves and leaving me in the dirt.

Once I am sure that they have gone, I slowly pick myself up, wincing as dizziness overcomes me. I stand still, praying that I don't faint and thankfully I stay upright but I wait a few moments before heading towards the toilets to clean myself up.

I look in the mirror and groan as the whole left side of my face is swollen. I can still see out of my eye which is good but it will be a hell of a bruise. I grab many paper towels and wash the blood off my face which has stopped pouring out of my nose now. I hold wet paper towels on my face to ease the swelling and it helps a little, but what I really need is makeup. I delve into my bag and pull out concealer and foundation. Wait, where is my concealer? Crap! I must've left it at home. This is awful. I consider going home but I need to stay for detention tonight. I do NOT want a letter home. Things are bad enough as it is.

I'll hide in the toilets until detention, do that with my head down and then go home.

Sounds like a plan. I find a cubicle, text Kirstie that I didn't feel well and went home, and wait...

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