Chapter 7

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A/N Yay 60 reads!!! I know that isn't a lot to some people but it is to me! Thank you guys, your comments and votes make my day! You can follow me on twitter @TaraChap12 :) I love you all 😊


Mitch POV

My eyes slowly open and I look around. Wow my head hurts. I don't recognise anything and suddenly I remember what happened.

I throw the blanket off me. Is this Alex's house? Has he brought me back here to hurt me more? What if he has already hurt me.. I suddenly panic. How will I know if he's raped me? I start to cry.

I have to get out of here. I stand up carefully and start to walk towards the door. The door starts to open and I freeze. I run and jump back into bed, pretending to be asleep.

They walk in and set something down next to me. They gently shake my shoulder. Gently? This can't be Alex can it?

"Mitch, wake up, you need to drink something."

That is NOT Alex's voice. My eyes fly open and I am staring into the blue diamonds of Mr Hoying.

"Ummm... What happened? What? Where am I?"

Mr Hoying smiles sadly at me.

"I found you in a pretty bad way. I brought you back to my place to fix you up."

This is Mr Hoying's HOUSE?!

I am in a bed he could have slept in? He could have done something else in this bed too...

My mind is filled with dirty thoughts and I go red, blushing at myself.

"Are you OK?"

He's so caring. I open my mouth to speak and it hurts so bad I almost cry.


He turns around and gets some ice, holding it to my face. It numbs the pain and I am very aware of the fact that his hand is basically cupping my cheek. I lean forwards and he does to. I can feel this breath on mine and then my lips connect with his... fingers?

"Mitch, stop. You don't want this. It's just because I'm a teacher and it's a fantasy. I barely even know you."

I pull back and look at him.

"So get to know me."

He looks surprised and nods.

"OK. Let's play Questions. I'll start. Who did this to you?"

Should I tell him? I wasn't going to, but then they can't really do anything worse to me than this.

"Alex and his buddies. Are you in a relationship?"

Mr Hoying is fuming with the news of Alex as he is such a teachers pet.

"Alex? I always knew he was dodgy. But this? This is.. I am so angry right now! What can we do? I'll speak to..."

"Are. You. In. A. Relationship?"

He sighs.

"Not yet. How long has this thing been going on with Alex?"

I give him a look.

"Can you seriously not think of anything you'd like to know about me rather than my bullies? Fine, since high school started. Erm... Ooh I have a good one. What's your first name?"

"Scott. You know what, save 'Mr Hoying' for the classroom and call me Scott all of the time."

We forgot about the game eventually and spent the whole night talking to each other and I can honestly say that I have never laughed so much as I did then. We watched Frozen, which Scott was appalled that I hadn't seen so we watched in until I knew all of the words to the songs.

We forgot about Alex, and school and for one night, I was happy.

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