Chapter 8

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Scott POV

I made sure that as soon as he was well enough, Mitch went back home to his mum. He wanted to stay here with me and although I did too, it would have been irresponsible. I can imagine what the police would say as they found a missing boy with his teacher, especially given the state he was in.

I need to get Alex thrown out of school somehow. And soon. The damage he is already doing to Mitch is horrendous. This could have long term effects as well. His head has been bashed in so many times; he might have dementia or something when he is older.

It just makes me so MAD! I begin to pace around my now empty apartment and I get angrier and angrier. I decide to calm down by arranging a new song for the school choir. I start to arrange 'Say Something' by Christina Aguilera and I don't know why, but I do it imagining Mitch as the soloist. I don't even know if he can sing!

I begin to sing to myself and at some point I must have fallen asleep.

Mitch POV

*1 week later*

I have to go to school tomorrow, no matter what. This is so unfair! Just because my injuries are better now, it doesn't mean I can go to school and be back with... Alex.

Even his name sends shivers down my spine. I shouldn't live in fear anymore. I can't do anything though! I'm tiny and it's not like any of the teachers care. Apart from Scott though. But I wouldn't want to get him into trouble. I can cope. I'll be fine. Won't I?

*The Next Day*

I am sat in English at the moment which is actually so boring but I am trying not to burst from excitement as I have music next! Aaah! I will be able to see Sco- Mr Hoying. It would be awful if I call him Scott. I am literally counting down the minutes until I can sit and stare at his face for AN HOUR.

Finally. I steady my breathing and walk in. He smiles when he sees me and I smile back. We are both trying to keep our cool and not make it obvious how close we are.

Kirstie sits down next to me and hugs me. God I missed her.

"How have you been? I heard that you had a virus. Are you still contagious?"

She scoots her chair away from me. I laugh.

"I'm not contagious any more. I'm fine now." My mum and I decided it was best to not let the school know that I had been beaten to a pulp and just pretend that I had been sick. I think my mum is a bit embarrassed that I can't stand up for myself. I do try to. The are all just so big!

Sco- Mr Hoying starts to talk and I am mesmerised. After spending a night with someone (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY) then you really get to see a different side of them. For example, you wouldn't think that he finds it difficult to get a boyfriend yet he's only ever had one, and he was a douche so he's actually pretty inexperienced in the 'having a relationship' area.

I sit and enjoy an hour of beauty, and the. I stay behind at the end.

"Did you enjoy the lesson?"

I grimace.


Scott looks horrified and I laugh and slap his arm playfully

"Is that even a question? You were teaching it so obviously it was fab."

He laughs and looks around. I look behind me.

"What are you-"

My sentence is cut off by a pair of soft, smooth lips against mine. My eyes widen in shock and then close, focusing on the kiss. It sends shivers up and down my body and I put my hand on his neck, leaning into him. Scott groans and makes the kiss stronger. Our lips move in perfect synchronisation and we move in harmony. We are so perfect for each other. This moment couldn't be spoilt.

The door flies open and we spring apart but it's too late. The headmaster is stood there with a thunderous look on his face.


Scott looks and me and then back at the headmaster.

I almost die at the words that leave his mouth.

"I don't know sir, Mitchell here just attacked me. I was trying to push him off as you came in here. It was all him sir, I'm not even gay."

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