Percy Jackson and the Olympians through Annabeth's eyes The Lighting Theif

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians                                                                              (through Annabeth's eyes)                                                                                          The Lighting Theif


Alright so, something are going to be changed and cut out because you know, Annabeths point of view and everything and sit tight because Im adding a new chapter every day. Multiple chapters a day if I think that It wasnt enough for me to write about. ANYWAY I've read "Annabeths Battle of the Labryinth" BTW you should read it, check it out it is GOOD. The thing is I didn't see any book 1-3 or book 5 so Im gonna be writing those. If you want book 4 in Annabeths Point of view your gonna have to serch what I just said in wattpad serch thingy. Don't be lazy... :] So summing it all up, every chapter will be in a diffrent part. I am also re-writing the 39 clues so check out my other books. Im writng these two at the same time for the fans of both so dont get fusturated when I take to long to update or else the world will explode okay? :D Let that sink in...You know how that rick guy made up cool crazy names for each chapter right? Ima try to doo that too. I hope you went to lazy to read this little passage. NOW TO BEGIN!

Chapter One                                                                                                               Crazy Red Raincoat                                                                                                    Dude Fights the Minotar 


It started off as a normal day here at camp half-blood. The ONLY safe place in the world for kids like me. Half human half greek god. I'm Annabeth Chase. I'm the leader of the Athena Cabin. You know, goddess of wisdom and war planning and what not. Not war war like Ares, noo there is a HUGE diffrence.                           More like Maps and troops and what kind of weapons to use and where to attack. Stuff like that. Just don't get confused or else Athena and Ares might just come down from Mt. Olympus and demenstrite what they do on you. Those are some people you wouldn't want to do that to you. Dinner just finished at the sun was setting.                                                                                                                        

I went over to the beach. I had this strange feeling that something big was going to happen. I tried to ignore it but it didnt go away. It was like the feeling you get when there is a raffle going on and you brought a whole bunch of tickets and their about to announce the winner. I burried my toes in the sand then ended up splashing my feet in the water.                        

I watched the last minutes of the setting sun and than the moon was shining like the sky finnaly belonged to it and it alone. And it did. I went back to my cabin and fell asleep. I was dreaming about Rainbows and  unicorns in green medows with flowers and bublegum fountains. It was really scary because I never dreamed about this kind of stuff. It made me sick.                                                                                

Than a figure appared, a beatiful women with brownish-redish hair and an orange lily behind her ear. She had on a green evening dress. She shimmerd a goddess. I couldn't belive it a goddess! Visitng my dreams! I am so luckey. I bowed before her presense. "Lady...uh..." I felt so stupid I didn't even know her name. I scanned my mind for anything including rainbow and  unicorn loving goddesess. Nothing. "Demeter" said the lady, I uh erm mean Demeter.                                                                                                                     

I gasped in awe. A flush of realif went over me. Adlest I wasnt dreaming a super girly-girly dream. "I have come to tell you something Ms. Chase" She was making flowers grow and than killing them again than growing them back while laying on her side supporting herself with one hand. "What is it lady Demeter?" I asked poliotely. "Its about your..." The dream faded when I was woken up by my half brother Jacob.

"Hey, hey Annabeth" he was shaking me. "Huh? What? Whats happening?" I asked him with heavy eyes. This had better been important to wake me up from a dream with a Goddess's message.

"A new half-blood!" He said excitedly. "So what? Half-bloods are always comming." I told him half anoyyed. I was kind of excited because maybe this is the one I have been waiting for so I can finnaly go on my quest. "Yeah, but this one is fighting the Minotaur!" He said practily shouting. "Really! Whoa than maybe hes really important or something if the Minotaur came." I said.

I sliped on some slippers (HA! sliped on slippers :D ) and ran out side in my pajams. Believe it or not the Minotaur was there. Half man half bull all muscle. Me, my brother and about three other kids were watching  the battle. I told Jacob to tell Chiron. He looked disapointed because he was going to miss the fight. But he went to tell Chiron anyway.

The fight wasn't really a fight. A lady that I gusessed was the mother was carrying a stayr that looked alot like someone I knew. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Go percy! Separate! Rembember what I said." the women's voice was faint but I could still hear it.

The boy sprinted left and looked back at the monster. The Minotaur lowered it's head and aimed towards the boy. He stood there. I couldn't tell if he was frozen in fear or what, but at the last minute or seconded I should say he jumped to the side.

The Minotaur roared in rage and fustration and turned towards the women setting the stayr down. "Run percy," said the women going down the hill. Her voice was getting faint so I could only hear some words. "...farther! Run!"

The monster grabed the lady and she was kicking and squirming for her life. "Mom!" the boy shouted. The lasy burst into a shower of gold that sparkled. (sparkle sparkle O:) He hesitated than took off his rain coat. Why would he do that he could get sick or something? Wait, he waved it in the air like he was trying to get the Minotaur's attention.

Was he crazy?! He was untrained, he was so brave, yet so foolish. I sheilded my eyes because I knew that the boy was next. When I looked again the boy was on top of the Minotaur. Hanging on for dear life. They both smashed into Thalia's pine tree.

They were so close to me that I panicked. I ran to the big house to see what was taking Jacob and Chiron so long. Jacob had apparently ran out a few minutes ago  and was waking up some Apollo healers Chiron had informed me. I heard something being smashed and than crying. It was loud and clear because the rain had stoped. Something, someone was being dragged. I hoped the boy was alright.

The boy was dragging the styar and colapsed on the floor. He was looking up with tears in his eyes and a black eye. He was groaning. I looked down at him, thinking that he could be the one i've been waiting for so I could go on a quest. Finnaly go on a quest after five years.

"He's the one." I said. "He must be...""Scilence Annabeth." Chiron said. "He is still consious, bring him inside." The boy's face went from looking up to faced down and he stoped moving. I dragged him inside and Chiron helped me place him on the bed.

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