P.J.A.T.O Through Annabeth's Eyes, The lightning thief

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<P>Chapter 2</P></B></P>

<P>I need to watch over Sir. Drools alot </P>

<P>Chiron and I let the kid rest for the night after giving him some nectar. I didn't want to drown him in it so I just gave him about four drops of it. </P>

<P>The next day Chiron called me to the big house. "Hello Annabeth." Chiron said. "Hi Chiron." I told him. "Do you remember that boy from last night?" he asked me. </P>

<P>"How could I forget?" I told him. "I mean he fought the Mino-" I stopped right there because I knew not to say the creatures name. "I mean the labyrinth's monster." I corrected my self.</P>

<P>"Yes, him. I would like you to watch over him while I teach Archery class." he told me. "But Chiron!" I said practily yelling. "I'm suppose to lead my cabin through the daily activities.!" I told him. "Don't worry one of your brothers or sisters will do that. But today I want you to watch over the boy. I am worried that he might not make it if not properly taken care of." </P>

<P>I saw no use of complaining so I just gave in. I went to the infermary. The boy was there. He had a bandage wraped around his forehead like a bandana. His hands were wraped in bandages too. He had bad scrapes and deep cuts and one of his hands were in a fist. But not in anger, more like he was holding something...or someone. </P>

<P>I had almost forgotten about the satyr when as if like on cue it had came in the room. "Hey Annabeth." He said. "Grover!" I said to him excitedly. I haven't seen Grover in over a year. He'd been at Yancy Academy looking for more half-bloods. I went to hug Grover. He told me what had happened up until he blacked out.</P>

<P>"Wow," I said. "Yeah, well that's about it. I need to go see Juniper now and tell her I'm alright. Sorry I gotta leave you alone." (Don't accuse me if junipers wasn't mentioned in the book yet *evil eye*)</P>

<P>"S'okay." I told him. "Oh and by the way, his name is Percy." He left and I was stuck with this Percy kid. He started mumbling in his sleep. Saying things like, 'Grover...Mr. Burnner' 'Scary flying math teacher' 'Crazy pen sword' I rolled my eyes. I didn't care about what he was talking about really so I went to get some ambrosia and nectar. When I came back I poured the nectar in to his mouth and he started to gargle.</P>

<P>Oops. I put to much in there and he started gasping and gaging and coughing while he slept. I rubbed his thought so he could drink it up. He drank most of it but he was still choking. Then all of a sudden he stopped.</P>

<P>I panicked some more and grabbed some ambrosia pudding instead of the normal lemon squares type of it. I opened the container and feed it to him.</P>

<P>'Grover and Mr burnner...summer solictice...deadline' he mumbled. "What?!" I asked him shoving some more ambrosia in his mouth. Some of it fell out of his mouth and dripped down his lips. I smiled. He was kinda cute...wait no, no</P>

<P>I don't mean cute like dreamy I wanna go out with him cute. No more like aw look at the puppies trying to get his favorite tennis ball from under the couch cute. Or look at the kitty jumping up to get the toy. Cute like that.</P>

<P>'stolen...it was stolen. We only have until the summer solstice deadline.' I heard some of the satyrs talking only a few days ago. </P>

<P>I fed him another spoonful fast trying to get that cute thing out of my head. He flinched and his eyes fluttered. I wanted so ask him what he meant by the summer solstice so I did while I still had the chance. "What will happen at the summer solstice?" I asked him. "What?" he asked me in a struggled voice.</P>

<P>I looked around to make sure no one was going to over hear. "Whats going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!" I told him, desperate for information.</P>

<P>"Sorry," he told me. "I dont..." Some one knocked on the door and I quickly filled his mouth with pudding so he couldn't say anything else. Apparently he went back to sleep. Great, more pudding for me to pick up off his mouth.</P>

<P>'blink' Argus blinked all his eyes and popped his head in the door. "Hi Argus." I said. He waved. He made his arms like he was shooting an arrow. "Oh man, I forgot that I'm suppose to do the archery class. Is it over?" I asked. He looked back out the door. He nodded.</P>

<P>"Oh no, I better get ready for sword fighting. Argus can you watch Percy?" Argus pointed to the boy on the bed. "Yeah, him. Thanks bye!" I didn't really wait for an answer but I didn't want to miss two things in one day.</P>

<P>I ran outside and my cabin was already at the sword arena. Along with some Apollo kids. "Where have you been?" My half-brother Jacob asked. "I had to watch over some new kid." I told him. "You missed," "Archery. I know." I cut him off.</P>

<P>"Lets just start this." About an hour later when we were all finished cutting and chopping and slicing and dicing and all kinds of other types of sword fighting and what not I went to the big house again. Chiron had told me to watch over that Percy kid and I left him alone with Argus. If he woke up he would probably freak out or something.</P>

<P>When I got there Argus was still there. "Hey Argus." I told him. He waved his hand. I looked over at the boy still laying down. I felt kind of bad for him. Poor kid, lost his mom and had to fight a really powerful legendary monster with no weapons, no anything. I wasn't there the whole time so I didn't know exactly what happened.</P>

<P>He started moving in his sleep like he was about to wake up. Then Grover came in. "Hey Grover." I said. "Hey Annabeth. How's Percy?" he asked. "Uh, hes still alive." I told him. "Thats good." I suddenly noticed a shoe box in Grover's hand. "Whats in the box?" I asked him. "Nothing," he told me. What? Nothing? People, or erm, stayrs don't just carry around random cardboard boxes with them. "Okay. Whatever." I said.</P>

<P>"Hey Argus, can you help me bring Percy outside?" I asked him. Percy looked pale and after all hes been through I wanted him to ad-lest wake up to the nice view of the lake." Argus nodded. "Grover, can you bring that deck chair over there, and some nectar?" I asked him. He nodded and went to get the stuff.</P>

<P>Percy was really heavy so Grover got the chair and some necter outside on the porch before me and Arugus even got Percy off the bed. Plus he was struggling in his sleep and moving and stuff.</P>

<P>When we were all finally outside, Grover got Percy a pillow and a blanket. He also got a chair for him self. "I think that I'll sit out here with Percy until he wakes up." he said. "Alright, see you later." </P>

<P>(OHH EM GEE! Percy was soupose to be out for two days! D: oh well, no harm no foul or something, live with it! *and with that my ego increased ten fold thinking about how brilliant it was to include this!*)</P>

The Lightning Thief Through Annabeth's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now