the truth

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*ps guys the chapter called MEMORY FILE 29 was not about me it was a memory of one of the characters in this but the song dose have a meaning to me also Bryan's POV* i was slowly waking up my head hurt a lot i heard a voice it was faint i cant make out who it is :???:"Bryan's waking up leave molten" Well i know who it is now "ughhh" :Springtrap:"Well good morning Bryan~" "oh shut up" :Springtrap:"YOU-never  mind lets get down to business haha So HOW DID YOU GET IN THAT CELL AND HOW DID YOU GET JON OUT?" "i don't know guess you hit my head to hard" :Springtrap:"YOU I'LL- you know what i put a shock bracelet why don't i use it hehe" then springtrap shocked me i let out a scream of pain :Springtrap:"haha now how did Jon get out?" "......." Springtrap punched the button that made the shock bracelet shock me i screamed again "Will-Will w-why" :Springtrap:"what did you call me" "Will-Will" :Springtrap:"no one has called me that sense..wait" *in a springtrap flash back,back when springtrap and molten found the picture and news paper* "w-what happened to him?" "Springtrap?" "Molten lets just go" "okay what are you going to do with the picture and news paper" "keep it" "Why" "Because now lets go" *flash back springtraps POV* i remember him what ever happened to him *out of flash back world and back also Bryan POV* :Springtrap:"no you're UGRHHH" springtrap pressed the button again  :Springtrap:"what about now do you 'remember' Bryan?" "Nope will-will" :Springtrap:"WHY I JUST STOP CALLING ME THA-what was that?" its was a noise a very....Annoying noise *??? POV* i was making noise by tying everything with the rope and running around it was making a lot of noise then springtrap came out a ran around more and then left it and ran to bryan or "Bryan!" :Bryan:"G3556 you are here!" "Yeah i'm here to get you out" i untied Bryan then i teleported him out of the room to the portal and we jumped through *sorry its short im to busy crying over rockstar foxy and the orange thing with a long noise(idk how to spell his name or what animal he is sooooooooooo) but like i wanna kill springtrap so lets all make a army and kill him!*

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