I miss you daddy...but i don't wanna come home

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*3rd POV* everyone shook their heads and springtrap was the first to speak after Bryan said the new plans "no Bryan you can't!" "I HAVE TO WILLIAM IF NOT YOU ALL WILL GET HURT! I DON"T WANT ANYONE ELSE TO GET HURT BECAUSE OF ME!" Springtrap looked at the ground and thought for one second then Misty jumped in "Bryan please its been forever and i don't wanna lose you again....! please...." Bryan thought about how he found misty as the mangle in the scrap yard nether of us knew how she got there she just was........in fact no one but Chris knew how they got back on earth at least from what Bryan knew "Misty i know but i have to protect you i owe you everything..........so please let me do this" Springtrap looked up and then Chris spoke before Afton could "Bryan.....please......don't leave us.." "sorry Chrissy i have to..." Betty and Damion came out too "YOUR NOT LEAVING US YOU BIG MEANY OF A BOTHER" they both said together Bryan chuckled "sorry this mean big brother has to go" they looked sad but backed up then micheal said something "Look i get....you and i don't really have the best of past but if you go be safe for all our sakes" "i will.." "I'll let you go if you promise to come back safe" Springtrap said smirking knowing that bryan's weakness is promises "I hate you springtrap" "HA no you don't" Bryan rolled his eyes "Fine i promise to come back safe and sound" "Good okay everyone rest easy now!" everyone giggled then Bryan's 'Sister' showed up wow it had been a hour already she took Bryan and everyone else came up with a plan to get everyone else free the Girl took Bryan down to hell and threw him in the castle and then left after telling Bryan his father was in his old room Bryan Walked down the halls of the old ugly blood red castle and got a few eye rolls from Demons passing by he opened his old room door carefully and when he did he wanted to cry he's father ran to him and hugged him "I've missed you so much...." Bryan couldn't respond he just hugged his father back and then remembered all those times he wanted to just go home and hug his father "dad why did you do it.....why did you hurt me...." "i wanted you to come home........" Bryan just started to cry and he and his father stood there hugging for what felt like hours "dad" "yes bryan..?" "I can't stay here i have to go-" "You're staying here" "but dad-" "No i'm not losing you again" and with that Bryan's dad left the room bryan stood there knowing he wasn't a devil anymore making it nearly impassable to leave with out one of the demons thinking i was a human or something bryan went to his bed and sat down pondering what he could do to leave this place then out of no where he heard Damion's voice "Bryan!" Bryan jumped looked behind him and then slapped Damion "YOU WHEREN'T MEANT TO COME!" Bryan whisper yelled Damion rolled his eyes "Well you need help getting out don't you?" "Yes but you wheren't meant to come" "okay let me get you out" "tell me why you are here" "lets just right a note~" "Don't you ignore me young man!" "Okay and done!" "STOP IGNORING ME!!!!!!!!!!!" Bryan yelled so loud everyone could hear "Well time to go" Damion went from a 'little' boy to a black ball and wrapped himself around bryan and they left and went to earth again and when they came back they knew that had been followed Damion put Bryan down and Bryan saw all of his friends he smiled but yet didn't know how they got everyone out but then he heard someones voice

"You didn't listen......."


*Sorry for this coming out late i'm sick so i didn't wanna do anything yesterday but i got the will to write today sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy late friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

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