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Ember sits in between Zuko and Ruby and Yang sits on the other side of Zuko. They're sitting in a secluded corner of the atlas academy lunch room. What is this place? It's atlas where have you lived under a rock? A student asks them. No not exactly Zuko says. Whatever the student continues the only reason you're all allowed in here is because of Schmee. Oh give it a rest Weiss says. What now? Ember mutters. What do you mean? Blake says. Well we know she has one maiden what about the others? There was another Yang says quietly her eyes down but we don't know what happened to her. So a vault has been opened? Yang nods. We were all there. Where is it? Ember asks. I've got it ruby says it's this she indicates the lamp at her hip. Humm. Ember says sitting down and studying it. It answers three questions Blake says and it's already answered two Ruby asked one. Oh? Yeah. Ruby says. She looks down. What? Apparently Salem is invincible. Did it say that? No but she's immortal yang says. Embers eye's widen. You mean she can't die? Aang says. That's awful! Yah Blake says. We learned all about it. Her and Ozpin. Ember's eyes widen. She and him? Yang nods reading Ember's face. What? Zuko says. They had kids ember whispers. Oh! Oh! He says. Katara shakes her head. He didn't tell you that? No. Yang says bitterly. There has to be a reason Aang says. Is this Ozpin your leader? Ruby nods. He's the headmaster of the school and ...he's been fighting her for years like hundreds of years since the beginning of this world Blake whispers. He's been alone for a long time Aang says. Alone? He should've trusted us we trusted him! Has he been betrayed? Aang whispers. Yeah I guess. More then once? Yes. Yang says. Then he has a reason besides Aang says put yourself where he is. He still could've told us Ruby. Says  it made uncle Qrow really mad. Ember's eye's widen. Dad is made at Oz? Ruby nods. Speaking of Ren mutters. Hey guys. Ember turns and tilts her head. Hi she says. Hi I'm Oscar he says. He sits down next to Ren. I'm confused Zuko says. Do you all know him or something? Yes he says only I'm not only me I'm also someone else. Huh? Sokka says. How can you be two people? It's complicated he says but not as painful as it was. Where is he? Yang says. He's not ...around at the moment Oscar says. Zukos eyes widen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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