Safe haven

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Ember grins as Aang takes off and her hair whips in the wind. She closes her eyes feeling the wind in her face. Soon she leans against Zuko and he puts an arm around her as she falls asleep. After a few more hours of flying aang stops landing right outside of an isolated earth kingdom town. Aang hops off of Appa and says should we try to get shelter? We could but I'm not sure about fire nations most wanted over there. I'm standing right here you know and I'm not even that ...aang is. At least they want aang Alive. Zuko rolls his eyes and ember sighs. Why don't we just talk to them? What? We don't need to tell them our identities if we're not asked besides if we're on the run so to speak anyway it would be unwise to broadcast it. She's right Sokka says. That's probably how Zuko found us. You sound like you've done this before. Maybe I have. Ember says she goes past Zuko and she pulls her hood up over her face. Aang will Appa be ok outside the city? Aang nods I'll just come out to feed him but what about momo? He's for Toph. I know you can see Toph -it's ok I like momo she says just stay on my shoulder she says. Anyway ember pulls a piece of cloth out and hands it to Aang. We don't know their intentions Aang you don't have to do this. Aang sighs. I guess you're right. So what's our story? Zuko says. Uh...Ember says looking down...I always just looked for huntswoman work and that worked usually —it's ok Zuko says were trades ...people he says we have different crafts and we travel and make our crafts on sight. He says. I can bend metal Toph says. Good Zuko says. Ok. He and the rest of us go over to the gate and Zuko and Ember share a look and Zuko says hello we would like to come into the city for a stay he says. The man surveys us...zuko carefully angles his face away from the light. Then his eyes widen. Hold on he says. He leaves and comes back. Is that the girl? I look and hide my smirk when I see Tuckson smiling at me yes. Ember he says are these your friends? Yes. Ember says ...can we come in? Of course let them in Larry ember is a dear friend! Very well you may enter. The gates open and Tuckson gives ember a hug. It's amazing here! And I was able to bring slot of my books and the people love them he says. Come he says I've got a large place and you are all welcome to stay. Thank you ember says and the others follow suit ....they come into the house and Ember smiles when she sees he's used stone in light fixtures. A lot of the fanus came here he says as ember sits by him on the couch - excuse me aang says what's a fanus? Tuckson glances at aang for a moment and then he shakes his head of course he says fanus are humans but were born with an animal trait such as a tail or extra ears. What's yours? Sokka says. Tuckson grins and goes full puma and Sokka grins wicked he says as Tophs eyes widen and Tuckson notices her eyes. See something he says? Ember nods and she says actually I can see it's quite interesting what happens from my view. So...what do you do? Zuko asks awkwardly well back in remnant I had a book store I still have some of those books but it's more of a lending library now and I have people come in from all over the world and I write their stories and then someone translates it for me and then it's published and I have a special section for that. I had a king come here once he told me about his adventures with an air bender - king Bumi! Aang says. Yes Tuckson says. Tuckson do we have company? A man pokes his head in and he grins when he sees Ember. Ember! He says in surprise. Ember stands up hi Remus she says and he smiles at her and then he frowns. You're injured ...I'm fine honestly it's just a scratch Ember sits down - a scratch? Zuko says. You should've seen her she faced a two headed snake alone and beat it. A king tijitu Tuckson says impressive. And that's after recovering from being hit by lighting Sokka adds. Lighting? Remus says are you insane how did that even happen? Well Azula could produce lighting ember says and she..she...—-she was aiming for me Zuko says. It's I don't know how to redirect it...she was trying to kill me. He stands up and looks out the window. So uh...why don't you all introduce yourselves? Remus asks as ember goes over to Zuko. Aang takes off the headband while explaining that he's the avatar ...zuko. Hey he says. It's ok you know I'm not hurt anymore. But that doesn't mean you're not in pain. Pain is apart of life once we get past it we're stronger. Much stronger Ember says. Zuko turns to her and he gently pulls her o his chest. I know he says sound like my uncle. Does it help? Yes..Athem. If you two are done I'd like to know how you knew how to sneak in here. Ember turns and says how exactly do you think I know how to do this? Ember asks. Its just me but it sounds like something a criminal would do. Ember sighs and sits down. Ember? I was about seven years old when they came and I ..I was on my own for about a year. I learned how to ...survive on my own and thats how I know how to make up a story and a disguise and get into a place.   What are you talking about Katara says who came? Did you run away or something? Of course not ...but...I had to leave and thats the end of it. But why? She says. Leave her alone. Zuko says. I still don't understand Katara says. Ember puts her head in her hands. Then she looks up my mother was special and...because she was special people wanted her...they wanted to kill they could become special ...everyone thinks they're special Katara says what makes you think your mother is? Ember touches the necklace around her mother - you know what forget it you're not going to listen to anything I say. Ember stands up and goes out the backdoor to the yard. Why won't she answer me? You're interrogating her Remus says he gets up and looks out at Ember.  She's been though a lot...and she didn't have someone after. Katara.....Sokka says he reaches for her arm and she shrugs him off LEAVE ME ALONE! She syas and then she runs out the back door. That's not good Zuko says.

Ember is in the yard practicing her weapon her scroll is propped up  and her dad gives her pointers from the screen- Ember? Qrow says lets run that set again. uh...thats going to be a problem why- he stops when he sees Katara behind Ember her eyes wide. What is that? She asks. Ember picks up her scroll and she says this is my scroll it's technology ...Ember sighs I'll call you back ok sweetie he says. Ember quickly puts the scroll back on her wrist. Why did you come out here anyway? Ember says she folds up her weapon and she sits on the steps. I don't know. It was just hard they made me feel like the bad guy and I guess I just got angry. Both of the girls reach for their necklaces. That's pretty Ember says. was my moms. Was? My mother was killed during a fire nation raid but it wasn't her they were looking for it was me. The last water bender of the southern water tribe. I..I was seven. I saw it ...well what was left ..Katara says the fire bender he had no light in his eyes. He was inhuman. She takes a breath. But I still had Sokka and my dad...but they were both...torn up over I ...I just threw myself into...taking care of them. I never really grieved Ember whispers. When i left i didn't know if my mother would survive when they did catch her...the way her abilities work when she was ...dying part of her...magic went to me...and I've always had a connection to her...and I saw it all happen..I..I felt it when she died. Im going to go inside Ember says Katara stands up Ember wait. Ember turns. What? why do you trust him? Who? Zuko. she says. Ive only known him as himself Ember says.

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