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This book is part of a series of stories based on the original folklores collected by the real Grimm Brothers. However, the plot twists, comedic retellings, and opinions are works of both authors, and other sources of inspiration both fictional and real. Therefore, do not take anything in the collection of TEA's works as bearing the opinions of the two great story compilers, Disney, or any other organization real or otherwise.

Any mention of real people, places, events, or opinions of political, social, or religious weight...are most likely purely coincidental.

There is no hate for any reader based on race, sex, faith, nationality, gender, and any other unmentioned self-identifying trait. Therefore, do not take any offense in the course of this project. Please remember this is a work of fiction.

On that note, none of the images in this book, except for the book cover, are owned by us and belong to their original, and rightful, owners.

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