Part 2 - Don't Mess This Up

17 1 1

15 - 8 - 2019
7:34 A.M.

     James exited the classroom quickly. As soon as the door was closed behind him, his pace slowed. He walk with his arms crossed behind his back. As he entered the restroom, he sighed. He rested his hands against the sink counter and lookes at himself in the mirror. He hated everything about himself. Aaron hated it, but didn't know how to help.
     He studied himself. His dark, cocoa skin. His matching eyes. His slighty fluffed hair. He looked down at his sleeves. Old hidden scars rest under his skin. New ones hidden under his sleeves. He signed again, Hamilton's comments ringing in his head. Ugly ass whore. Idiot. Useless piece of shit. Might aswell die bitch.
     He straightened his posture as footsteps echoed in. He looked and saw the one and only Charles Lee. Black, slicked back hair lay motionless on his head.


     "Hey bitch. Look whos back to hiding in the bathroom... don't be scared kid," he says with a smirk. Lee took a few steps towards James.
     James took a step back, "W-what do you want..?" James said. He was trembling from past thoughts. Why me...

     You see, Charles always bullied James in the past. Samuel always dragged Lee away and told him how stupid he was... but Samuel wasn't here this time. Endless pain... He thought.
     "Awh, don't be so scared. Just the usual.. Being late wasn't so bad after all..." he said, slightly quieter, "Square up." Charles threw a punch and hit James in the arm. It stung.
     "Please... I.. need to get back to class," He said, more firm. He held on to his arm where he was hit.
     "Oh c'mon, don't you miss our fun?" Charles said, a light chuckle escaped his mouth, "Don't act tough bud. I know you're a weak little shit."
     "Leave me alone Lee," James said. He knew what Charles said was true, but he didn't want all this pain again. James ran into one of the stalls and locked it.
     "You little shit. You're not that smart. Those locks are weaker than you. Let's see..."
     By god someone help me.



     After he watched Madison leave the classroom, Thomas listened to Mrs.Washington. It's like she never stops talking. Thomas sighed and rested his head on his palm. He wondered what Madison was doing.
     "So it seems that Charles Lee is absent today," she sighed, "typical Charles." She then went on about how this class would go.
     "Mrs, can I go to the restroom please?" Thomas said after she stopped talking.
     "Yes dear, check on that James fellow for me too, would you?" She smiled.
     Thomas nodded and got up. He ignored Hamilton's faces as he walked out. He quietly stepped into the restroom and heard a voice.
     "...those locks are weaker than you. Let's see..."
     Thomas went in to see what was going on. He saw Charles fidling with the stall door.
     "..Oh! Hey Thomas! What's goin' on man! Haven't seen ya'," he said  nonchalant.
     "The hell are you doing?" He asked, passing by his greeting. "Talkin' to yourself or messing with a poor kid?"
     "Ugh. Jesus christ. Get out of the way Jefferson. I'm late for class," Lee shoved Thomas out of the way and walked out.
      Thomas rolled his eyes and knocked on the stall, "You okay?" He asked. He was a bit worried.
     The stall slowly creaked open and Madison walked out, "Oh.. uh. Sorry for wasting your time." he said, leaving the facility.
     "Woah, slow down. You're James, right? I'm Thomas."
     "Uh.. yeah, nice to meet you," he said turning around. Thomas had to look down slightly he was so short. Cute. Thomas' smirked.
     "You okay? That bitch was harnessing you."
     "I'm fine. I need to get back to class. He just punched me in the arm."
     "Alright. I'll walk with you," Thomas said, hands in his pockets.
     "Thanks." James said, avoiding looking up at Thomas.
     "Oh.. don't mention it. Charles shouldn't even be here anymore. He's all bark. His bites are weak as shit. He shouldn't be making fun of you anyway. You seem pretty chill."
     James smiled slighty. Thomas hadn't seen him smile all day. He thought it was nice to see him happy.
     Before Thomas could continue on, they reached room 165. They entered and walked to their seats.
     "Everything alright, dear?" Mrs.Washington looked at us, curious.
     "Everythings alright Mrs," said Thomas looking at James fiddle with his pen.
       "Splendid! So, now that everyone is back in the classroom, Charles Lee showed up-..." Thomas zoned out. He didn't really care about what she was saying.

     After math ended, he went to Cooking class. Granite, he couldn't cook for shit. But he wanted to try. After a few classes, he found hiself at lunch. He sat with his old pal Aaron Burr. They had to share a lunch period with the 10th grader's, so he spotted James with a tray in the distance. Aaron put his hand up and called him over. James scurried over and sat by Aaron.
     "Hey bud. You doin' ok?" Said Aaron. Eyeing his wrists.
     "I'm fine. Charles found me in the bathroom already today. You know how it goes.."
     "Eh. He can't do shit if he tried. What happened?"
     "Well.. Thomas came in and ended it. He seems pretty cool," James said, shyly.
     "Really?" Aaron said, shocked, "Thanks Thomas." Aaron leaned closer and whispered, "He could use the extra help."
     Thomas smiled. "He seems so cute and innocent..." Thomas eyes went wide. "You.. didn't here that. Don't tell a soul."
     Aaron chuckled. "Someone is sounding pretty gay right now. But hey, promise." He says chucking.
     "I'm not gay, jesus. Gay and Bisexual are two different things," Thomas said, rolling his eyes.
     James giggled and looked at Thomas. Thomas blushed lightly.
     "Didn't you just meet?" Aaron said smiling.
     "Oh shutup, you were head over heels for Theodosia is an instant."
     "..." Aaron started to blush.
     "He does have a point,"said James, looking over at Aaron.

     Soon, lunch ended and they parted ways. After Thomas's last class ended, he went to get his backpack. He found James right beside his locker.
     "So uh.. James I was wondering if you would maybe.. meet up for coffee? Tommorrow after school?"
     James looked up at Thomas, "Really? Uh.. sure. "
     WoOo! Thomas looked down at James and smiled, "Here's my phone number, I'll text you about everything later, okay?"
     "Yeah.. Sure," James closed and locked his locker," Bye Thomas."
     "Bye James!" Thomad opened his locker smiling and sighed. Don't mess this up. Thomas grabbed his stuff and left.
     Charles' faint voice yelled, "Don't come back bitch!" Thomas ignored it and drove home. He lay in his bed, stating at the ceiling. His phone buzzed and he smiled.

     Don't mess this up.

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