Part 1 - Back At It

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15 - 8 - 2019
6:30 A.M.

     James entered the classroom with flashbacks flooding in. Room 165. Everything in this classroom reminded him of the past. He sat down in the back of the class, crossed legged with his hands in his lap. He layed his books and his binder on the his desk, everything else stored in his locker, number 184.
     You see, James was smart enough that him and one other student got thrown in an 11 grade math class. Alexander Hamilton. Not that he was excited about it, but he was a little proud. Calculus wasn't going to be easy for him.
     He studied the classroom cautiously, as if something was going to jump out at him. Last year, in 9th, he was bullied by a number of people. The Revolutionaries. His only friend, Aaron, would stick of for him sometimes, but other times would watch in fear. James wasn't use to many friends, so this was fine with him. Well, sure, Eliza was always sweet to him but she just pitied him. He deserved it anyway. Or.. so he thought.
     He see's someone come into the classroom and he puts his head down; as if he was trying to hide. He looked at his sleeved arms pulled them down further.
      Back at it... he thought.


6:00 A.M

     Thomas sat up tiredly and snatch his phone from the floor. It must've fallen from the bedside table. He looks at the time and he snakes out of bed. He didn't care if he was late. First Period as Math is going to be the worst.
     He strolled over to his closet and decided on black jeans, a t-shirt and a black leather jacket. He went to take a shower. After god knows how long, he clothed himself and made his hair perfect. Thomas was always a pretty well liked guy. His teachers hated how he was late and how he often made rude comments, but he was smart and relatively kind to most people. That's good enough for him.
     He looked down at his watch and the display showed 6:36. He grabbed everything he needed for the first day of class and walked out. He got in his Toyota Camry and drove to the high school, Princeton University. He was planning on William & Mary, but his apartment complex was too far away from that, and this was more convenient. Most of the students went to the same apartment complex, which could work with you or agaisnt you.
     Thomas parked his car and looked at his watch. 6:49. Look whos not late today. He thought sarcastically. He grabbed his backback from the passenger seat and walked up to the school. A lot of kids were walking in now aswell.
     The Revolutionaries shot him dirty looks as they all walked in as a group. He shot a sarcastically scared look and walk into the school. He slammed the door infront of The Revs and they got slightly flustered. He chuckled while walking to his locker, number 185. He threw his backback in and got all he needed. An empty binder and a pen.
     As Thomas strolled into room 165 along with a few other students, he studied the room. He wanted to be familiar with it. He looked at all the students aswell. Alexander Hamilton looked at him and stuck his tongue out, asif to brag he beat him to the classroom. Thomas rolled his eyes in return and looked around. Angelica. Yikes. King George. Ok... Maria Lewis. Eh. James Rynolds. Mk. And a few other familiar folk. Rynolds looks at Thomas and flashed smile. It looked slightly evil... but Thomas smiled back anyway. They used to be friends but something felt off about that smile.
     He knew two 10th graders would be in this class. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. He hated Hamilton, for obvious reasons, but he didn't know this Madison fellow. He looked around the room and the only kid he didnt recognized was is the back. Score he thought. He sat a few seats away and studied him. His head was down and he was fiddling with his sleeves. Thomas didn't think anything of it. He just seemed nervous. Quiet nerd. Heh.. he joked with himself.
     The teacher walk it an introduced herself as Mrs.Washington. First name Jane. She recognized a few students from the Beta Club. Some stupid math club.
     Thomas wasn't a fan of math. He preferred Literature and history. He thought the past was always something important. He also was fond of learning about the government and how it was run.
     He watched Hamilton and Angelina chat in the front of the classroom. Hamilton threw a paper ball in his direction. Instead of hitting him, it rolled over and hit Madison's foot. Madison looked up from his book and and saw Hamilton snicker. Thomas looked over at Hamilton and glared.
     He watched as Madison picked it up and read it. His posture scrunched down and put his head down. Thomas frowned at the action.
     Mrs.Washington introduced herself sweetly and asked everyone for their names. She looked at Thomas and smiled.
     "Thomas," He said. Deadpanned.
     Her smiled weakend slightly, but she moved over to what Thomas assumed to be James.
     He lookes up in suprise, "Oh.. er.. James. James Madiosn." He looked down immediately afterword. He started to fidget with his sleeves.
    Thomas watched in wonder. He didn't want any stupid first impressions for anyone he might have to work with. He noticed Madison look up slightly, raising his hand.
     "Yes James?" Mrs.Washington asked joyfully.
     "Ma'am may I go to the.. uh.. r-restroom?" He said quietly.
     "Sure! No need to call me ma'am, school isn't a prison!" She said cheerfully.
     Speak for yourself. Thomas thought. He watched as Madison stood up, laying his book down carefully, and left quickly. Thomas was smart enough to know that wasn't for a restroom break.

A/n ~ Hello there! I plan on updating this often. Saying I have nothing to do for a few weeks, I'll attempt to update 2 or 3 times a week. I also don't want Thomas to be a jerk ;-; it maka me sad. Well, heres the first chapter. Feel free to DM me suggestions and I'll give credit where credit is due.

Im also planning on just downright venting at the end of one of these soon because 1. Noone knows this exists and 2. You guys are pretty cool. <3


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