Part 3 - Its Not An Easy Task

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15 - 8 - 2019
3:14 P.M.

     James walked home from school and hung his backpack on the rack. He wipped out his phone and put Thomas' number in his phone. He texted him to let him know who it was;

JamesMads - Hey Thomas it's James

ThomasJeffy - Hey James
ThomasJeffy - We can meet up at the Starbucks on campus, at around 4?

JamesMads - Sounds fine with me

     James plugged his phone in at the bedside table and layed down. James wasn't sure if he even liked Thomas. He never understood feelings. They just met, anyways.
      The only person James ever really liked was a 6th grade friend, Dolley. Although, one day she moved without warning. James was hurt by this, but since then, learned to accept rejection. He has been scared to show feelings, so he hides them away. For noone to see. His parents were supportive of him. Well... until his mother died in a car crash in 7th. His father was full of grief, and ended his life to see her again.
     Those 2 years had been James' worst. It was like a downhill spiral since. Bullied, made fun of, threatened.
     His phone buzzed again, and a new phone number popped up.

###-###-#### - Hey. Stay away from Thomas hes a lunatic.

     James put his phone back. He recieved threats like this about Aaron aswell, but he ignored them now. He didn't know what kind of blackmail would come of this.


3:59 P.M.

     After scrolling through his instagram feed, Thomas' phone died.
"Shit," he plugged his phone in and went in his small kitchen. From the fridge, he got himself an old Subway sandwich and warmed it up. He wasn't truly sure if he liked James yet. He wanted some time to get to know him.
     James seemed so sweet to Thomas. Like someone he had to protect. No matter what happened, he had to be there. He had a weird feeling about James. Something he wasn't sure about. Although, Thomad was okay with that. Thomas doesn't truly know what love is. Wasn't sure if he'd ever find it. Of course, he wanted to, but he didn't understand the concept. He didn't want to fall for the wrong person. Thats what happened to his dear friend, Lafayette. Poor guy thought Charles was a sweetheart. He tried to help but- Thomas shook away the thought. Him and Lafayette weren't as close as they were in the past, but Thomas still hates the memory. It was a hard time for Laf. A really hard time..
     Thomas' thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock at the door. He threw away the Subway wrappers and walk to his apartment door. He opened it to see Aaron Burr on the other side, "What brings you here?" He said with a smile.
     "Hmm... don't you think there are matters we must discuss?" Aaron said, sophisticated.
     "Oh shut up. Come on in, this place is kinda a wreck. Don't mind it."
     Aaron walked in and sat in the living room. He scanned the area and smiled, "How do you feel about James?"
     Thomas sat down beside him and threw his jacket in the chair. "I'm not sure. I don't like him like that, but I asked him to coffee and he accepted. I just want some time to get to know him, ya know?" Thomas said, turning towards Aaron. "I guess... I dont know yet."
     "Well, just for further reference, his heart had been shattered a lot. im not getting into detail, but his parents passed and his first love left him without a goodbye. I'm not sure if hes okay with me spreading this information, but I trust you," Aaron propped his legs on the coffee table. He thought for a second, "He doesn't need that again."
     "I.. I see why hes so sad and collective in Math. In the hallways. He seemed happy at lunch. That was nice."
     "Well.. he has one other issue.. but I'll let him tell you himself. Gain his trust. Its.. not an easy task. He's wary of stuff like that."
     Thomas thought about what Aaron said. Stared into the abyss for a minute.
     Aaron stood up, looking at his watch, and drusted himself off, "gotta run. Duty calls."
     "See ya later Aaron." With that, Aaron was out the door.

     Thomas went into his bedroom and changed into a purple tee and sweats. He turned his phone on and checked his messages.


     Thomas frowned. He was hoping for a message from James. Thomas dropped his phone on his bed and layed down. He checked his watch -
     Thomas thoughts wondered as he thought about what Aaron said.

     It's not an easy task.

     It never is...

A/n ~ Howdy folks. I have some sad plans for this stort and Plans for Aaron's Character... Im going to start making James' parts longer cuz everyone loves James <3

Jeffmads ~ A High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now