Court Day

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2 weeks later

Philips POV

During those two weeks. Me and George were working and talking about the court. I had to go to George's work and I had to tell them all what happened. Since I had to go to George's work, we had to work together with my pops, Uncle James and Uncle Thomas. When we were all in the same room my pops made me sit far away from George. It made me mad but whatever. During the two weeks me and George did nothing sexually. Minus some kisses here and there, but that's it. It was the big day. The court didn't start until 7:30am. Me and George woke up at 5:30am to get ready. I wore a light peach button down shirt with dark grey long dress pant, a light grey ish belt with polished black shoes. I had my hair down. George wore a light blue button down shirt with black long dress pants, black belt and black polished shoes. He wore his gold watch. I was super nervous about this whole thing. I was walking around doing absolutely nothing since I was nervous. George caught on to me doing this and pulled me in for a kiss. Of course I kissed back. Then he pulled away. "I know your nervous babe but don't be. You got four lawyers. I'll be right next to you in this case. Don't worry." George said. I calmed down. I looked at the time and it was 7:00am. "We better go" I said. George nodded and we went to his car and he drove us to where the court will be taking place. When we got there he parked and we both got out. He grabbed his paper work or stuff like that. We both held hands as we walked into the court room. I sit down in one of the seat. I look over and saw my pops, Uncle Thomas and Uncle James. Then a police man came in. "All rise" he yelled. Then the judge came in. She sat down and said. "Be seated". We all sat back down. "Today we are looking in the case of Philip Hamilton and Zack Cofer. Mr. Zack and Mr. Philip do you both promise to say and tell the truth and only the truth." The judge said. "I promise" me and Zack both said. "Okay Mr. Chris will you please state your case." The judge said. The dude got up and walked in the middle of the room. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Zack did not do any of that to Mr. Philip. Zack wouldn't even hurt a fly. People of the jury everything that these people say is all a lie. Philip just hurt himself to get attention and get back to his ex who broke up with Philip. Everyone do not believe the lies that these people will say to you." That lawyer said then walked back over to his seat and sat down next to Zack. "Thank you Mr. Chris. Mr. Eaker will you please state your case." George got up and went to the middle of the room. "Thank you, your honor" George said then turned and faced everyone. "Ladies and Gentlemen. The words that just came out of Mr. Chris mouth was all a lie. I have enough evidence to prove that Zack Cofer did do all of that to Philip Hamilton because Philip broke up with Zack. People of the Jury and your honor the evidence that me, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison and Mr. Jefferson have all found is very disturbing. I hope you will see over This mans lies and agree that Zack Confer is Guilty." George said then walked back over to the seat next to me and sat down. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. "Okay thank you Mr. Eaker." The judge said. "Can I have Nurse Eliza please come up and sit at the table next to me." The judge said. Aunt Eliza walked up and sat down. "Thank you Nurse Eliza for being here today." The judge said. "Oh it's no problem ma'am." Aunt Eliza said. The judge nodded. "Now Nurse Eliza do you have any photo proof that Philip was hurt in any type of way by Zack?" The judge asked. Aunt Eliza nodded. "Yes your honor. The photos on that board is everything that happened to Philip." Aunt Eliza said. Everyone looked over at the board and gasp from shock. Then my pops got up and walked over to the middle of the room. "Your Honor may I state something?" My pops asked. The judge nodded. "Okay now everyone. The pictures that are all on the board are all real. They are not fake or edited. Nurse Eliza can I please take some of the photos of the board for a minute." My pops said. Aunt Eliza nodded. My pops grabbed a few photos. "Now everyone I want you to look really hard at these pictures. These marks, scratches, bruises, cuts could not have come from Philip. I know my son very well and he is not the type to hurt himself. I'd also like everyone to look over at the side of this cut." My pops pointed to one of the huge cuts I had on my back. "There is a name cut on his back. Now it took me awhile to find this name that was cut in. But if you look closely the name that was cut in Philips back is the name Zack." My pops said. Everyone in the room gasped in shock again. My pops puts back the pictures and faces the judge. "Your Honor that's my case." My pops said then sat back down next to me. The court went on for five hours. Until finally it was time for results. A police officer comes in with a paper. "In the case of Philip and Zack relationship. Those scares that we saw in those pictures... Zack is Guilty..... to raping Philip and sexually harassing him. In the case of Philip and Zack's relationship.. Zack you are guilty." The police officer said. I hugged George super tightly. "Zack you will be sentenced to life in prison." The judge said. Zack got cuffed and lead out and into a police car. We all walk out of the court room. Everyone that was there was Me, George, Mr. Washington, Mr. Fredrick, My ma, My pops, Uncle Lafayette, Hercules, James and Thomas, Theo, Angie, Aunt Peggy, Maria, Angelica an Eliza. We all decided to celebrate with Ice cream. George drove to a ice cream place and we all got ice cream. We all talked about the court.

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