Doing anything HURTS

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Another horrible thing about chronic illness is, even doing simple things like: doing laundry, going to the dentist, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning, going places, and just basically doing anything HURTS so bad.

Today I went to the dentist which took forever and I found out I have to have my wisdom teeth taken out. Ugh. Which will be a lot of pain and money.

Just going to the dentist hurt my back and now I am in pain.

The pain feels like constant knives stabbing into my back.

It hurts,



But as my Mom would say: "it hurts like hell but it's won't kill you."

I just hate being in pain all the time.

I feel really sad that I am in pain on the time.

I am working on trying to be happy despite chronic illness but it's hard.

Right now,

I am crying.

But I hurt so bad.

I am sad because I hurt so bad.


In a few hours I have therapy so hopefully that will help.

I see my Doctor tomorrow to try to increase my pain medicine. Hopefully he will.

I guess I just want to be well but I am going to have to learn to live with pain. I can get better but don't know if I will ever be well.

I am still learning to accept my chronic illness.

I am trying, really hard.


Thank you all for just listening to me vent❤️

I love you all❤️

Thank you for reading❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

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