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Roxie couldn't believe who had just been introduced to her. Xander Austin was well known in the art community, as being the most particular about the artists he showcased. Those he chose always sold everything and shot to stardom in the art world.

"Yes, I do, it is a pleasure to meet you." Xander squeezed her hand, and another jolt went through her body. Xander had sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, broad shoulders, and very long legs. His shirt clung to his muscles, enough for her to know he kept in good shape. When he'd come over, she had to look all the way up to see his face. If she had to guess, he was around six one, which put him six inches taller than her.

"No talking shop Xander!" Josie warned. Roxie looked up at her with a smile. She didn't want to tell him no to showing her work just yet. Something about Xander pulled her to him, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

"Would you like a drink?" he asked, pointing to her empty wine glass. He had to raise his voice to be heard over the blaring music.

"Yes, I'm having chardonnay," Roxie replied. He nodded and went over to the bar. She admired him from behind, he walked with such grace and his pants hugged his ass in the most delicious way.

She looked around the club and spotted Evelyn. She had gotten up to dance with a medium build shifter. Her friend looked relaxed. She knew Evelyn worried about her since she moved in with her as her roommate. Roxie hadn't been the most social person after the man who promised to love her forever dumped her for someone younger, thinner, and in her opinion not nearly as smart.

"Hello beautiful, tell me how I can get you to come home with me tonight?" A man with slicked-back hair and beady eyes asked. He sat close enough his leg touched her, she had to suppress a shudder. He smelled heavily of expensive cologne. It made her sick to her stomach.

"I'm sorry, I already have a date who is sitting there. He went to get me a drink." She moved away from him.

"He shouldn't have left you alone. Tell me about your tattoo, does it mean you get freaky in bed?" He tried to put an arm around her, and she stood up.

"That is disgusting. I'll ask you once to please leave me alone. I am not interested in doing anything with you." Roxie dusted off her dress and left to find Xander.

"Your loss!" the man shouted. She shuddered, feeling as if she needed a shower. Looking around, she spotted Xander and noticed a sexy brunette had cornered him. She was dressed in a crop top and miniskirt. The woman leaned in and Xander shifted back.

"I'm sorry, but I have a date for the night," Xander announced. It warmed her heart to see him rejecting a woman ten times more beautiful than she felt.

"You should leave her; I saw the cow you were with. Don't you want someone you can lift?" She put a hand on his arm, and he jerked away.

"There you are!" Roxie slid in next to Xander, wrapping her arms around his waist. He put an arm over her shoulders, pulling her close.

"Hello mate." Xander dropped a kiss on her temple. She came up to his shoulder, loving how he made her feel small. The kiss sent tingles all over her body.

"Thank you for keeping Xander company while he fetched our drinks." She flashed the brunette a sickly sweet smile. Xander handed her her wine glass and picked up his own.

"Where should we sit?" Xander asked once the woman left in a huff. Roxie went to move away from him, but he squeezed her close.

"I don't know, there isn't a place to talk without shouting," Roxie replied. She looked around to see most of the seating areas full of chatting men and women, in some cases there were couples making out.

"I know the owner, come on." Xander took her hand and walked over to a door marked employees only.

"How do you know the owner?" she asked.

"He is my brother and his wife is the creator of this whole shindig." She sighed and released his hand. It really was too good to be true to find a man who wanted to talk to her.

"So you are only here to help? You don't want a mate?" She stopped, turning around to walk back the way she came. What she hadn't expected was him grabbing her, tossing her over his shoulder, and carrying her away from the exit.

"Xander!" she shrieked. Her glass slipped from her hand, shattering into thousands of pieces on the tile floor. He said nothing, shouldering through the door, taking confident strides down the hallway. He took her to a room that looked like the main office. He placed her on a leather wing-back chair and locked the door. She looked around the room. There was a desk in the center, quite a few pictures hanging on the walls of Josie and a man who looked a lot like Xander. The furniture was all black leather to accent the cream-colored walls.

"You are scaring me. Why won't you just let me go?" she demanded, jumping up from the chair. She was angry and aroused at the display of his dominant nature. Walking to where he stood leaning against the door, she glared, arms crossed.


"No," he replied, keeping a blank expression on his face. He was so good looking, but acting like a jerk wouldn't get him anywhere with her.

"What? You can't keep me here," she demanded, maintaining eye contact. She noticed flecks of gold in his hazel eyes that fascinated her.

"Yes, I can, you are my mate," he replied calmly.

"I am not! You just said that to get rid of the other girl." She waved a hand dismissively. How could he know they were mates?

"It made her go away, but that doesn't mean it isn't true."

"Impossible, you know nothing about me." She paced the compact room she hated being played with. The three years spent with Mitchell sprang to mind. He would always give her a sweet smile and make her feel like she was being paranoid about his behavior. Turned out, she was right to suspect her now ex-husband. In the last year of their marriage, he had been sneaking around with his secretary.

"Shifters know the instant we meet our mate. I knew the second your eyes met mine." He reached out and put his hands on her shoulders. She stopped pacing and looked up at him. His hazel eyes were sincere and flashed with desire when they stopped at her lips. She nervously darted her tongue out to wet her lips. His grip tightened and his head lowered slowly, he was giving her a chance to back away from the kiss. She didn't pull away, she wanted to know what his sculpted lips would feel like.

His soft, warm lips collided with her own, making her close her eyes. He felt right as if they had made him just for her. She opened her mouth when she felt his tongue run along the seam of her lips. Roxie let him in and he took control. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her curves against his hard body. She felt her belly tighten with desire as his hands slid up to cup her face, holding her gently as if she were made of glass. He nipped at her bottom lip and she moaned; she wanted him to touch her so badly she ached.

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