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"Back in Green Falls again," Roxie sighed as the plane touched down on the private runway.

"Not happy to be home?" Xander asked, squeezing her hand.

"Not that it means I need to face the real world. I can assure you my mother is livid, I just took off for a week. I also have to contact Mitch and try to get my art back." She shuddered at having to talk to Mitchell Wright again.

"I kept meaning to ask, did you take your ex's last name?"

"No, I wanted to keep my last name on my art. Mitch's last name is Wright."

"Does he own The Golden Painting in New York?"

"Yes, why?"

"What name do you sell your art under?"

"Roxie Jones, although Mitch had a dumb idea of putting RJ to make me sound mysterious," Roxie grumbled over his stupidity.

"My assistant Anderson went to the gallery and called me about our next artist. The owner was being evasive about the artist RJ and refused to sell any paintings," Xander explained.

"That jerk! I had my lawyer check that he'd hung my art. Not if he was actively telling people no. I will have to figure out a way to get it all back. Knowing Mitch, he'll try to cite our divorce agreement for not giving them back." Roxie was seething with anger. Mitch wouldn't sell any, it would prove him wrong.

"Do you mind letting my lawyer look at your agreement? Maybe he can find a loophole," Xander offered, and she paused.

"Yes, I want to prove to him and my parents all my art can be sold." She knew Xander would do everything possible to help her succeed. He never tried to put her down just to make himself feel better.

"I'll call him first thing in the morning," Xander told her and she smiled. Life was looking so much better with him by her side.


The week went by fast; Roxie spent most of her time in her bedroom working her way through paintings of her time in Rome. Her mother called and yelled at her for not showing up to work.

"How could you leave your father in such a lurch? Do you know how bad that makes our family look?! I cannot believe you just quit! Where have you been this past week?" her mother yelled into the phone. Roxie used every ounce of willpower to keep herself from hanging up on her mother.

"I went away, I needed to get away from Green Falls. I quit because it is time for me to focus on my work as an artist. Xander Austin has asked me to show my art, and I have told him yes," she told her mother.

"That is the worst idea I have ever heard. You will never be able to make it financially on art. Don't you dare think about moving back in with your father and me either," her mother replied.

"Wouldn't dream of it Mom, I've gotta go, bye." She hung up and rubbed her temples. She needed Advil every time she spoke with her mother. She didn't get why she was so against her being an artist. She never insulted her work when she was in high school. It was as if going to art school made her dream real to her mother and suddenly, she was no longer good enough. It all began once she started to date Mitchell. Her mom kept encouraging her to quit and become a housewife.

"Hey Rox, how was your day?" Evelyn stood in her doorway with a concerned look on her face.

"Just spoke with my mother," she replied and Evelyn came over to give her an enormous hug.

"So, you need a drink?" Evelyn asked, and Roxie laughed.

"I could, or just some Advil. I want to get more done on my paintings of Rome," she answered.

"I can get you that, mind if I look at your paintings?" Evelyn asked.

"Sure, I am almost done with my one of the colosseum," Roxie got up from her stool and grabbed her bottle of Advil.

"These are so good; I am jealous you got to go and on your first date to boot! You have the best boyfriend." Evelyn gently touched her painting of the Trevi Fountain and Roxie smiled. 

"Xander is the most amazing man I've ever met. Our week in Rome was just what I needed to know he is the one for me. I wanted to wait until I sold a painting before I let him mate me, but I know Xander will love me no matter what. He won't care if I don't sell a single painting, he will continue to encourage me," Roxie shared, her eyes going soft at the thought of Xander.

"You love him," Evelyn accused her.

"I guess I do," Roxie agreed. She thought about everything Xander had done for her in the past two weeks. He loved her, even if he hadn't said the words yet, his actions told her.

"You are so lucky, I want to find my mate." Evelyn pouted, Roxie walked over and hugged her.

"You will find him. I know you will."

"I hope so. Does Xander have any cute shifter friends?" Evelyn joked.

"I can ask, I haven't met any friends here yet. We are going to speak to his lawyer tomorrow about getting my art back from Mitchell. I'll let you know if he is cute," Roxie promised, and Evelyn laughed harder.

"Deal, I am off to another Mate Me event, don't wait up." Evelyn waved goodbye and left Roxie to her art. 

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