Chapter 5

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"Word of your resurrection has spread rapidly. The Dothraki are causing unease throughout Westeros and word claims the Greyjoy's and Martell's seek to find them out and sail this way," said Maester Darvin.

Daenerys nodded, looking down at the map before her. "They will be sailing for Meereen soon enough. Once I depart from here that is the direction they must take."

Studying the map, she traced her finger along the road from Volantis to Meereen. An Unsullied pawn was placed in the waters between Naath and Volantis. The Greyjoys and Martell's pawns were scattered throughout Westeros where they were last known to be recruiting the Dothraki. Slowly, she was regaining her power and support.

Myah stepped towards her. "What about Westeros?" She asked.

Shaking her head, Daenerys placed her Dragon pawn at Meereen "I sailed to Westeros once and I lost everything that meant anything to me. It's clear that Westeros will not support me. Even if one day I am to sail back there, if I start at Meereen I can rebuild my forces and the support of the people," she looked at the young girl. "Not only that, but I can be sure that the once slaving cities are now thriving under new rule."

Myah nodded and her face beamed with a warm smile.

When Daenerys had returned on Drogon that morning, with the people watching and cheering, it had become clear to her that her rule was not over. She'd come down from Drogon and made it known to Kinvara that she would play her part in this game once more, not for the sake of living by prophecies seen in the flames, but instead to finish what she'd always sort out to do; to free the world from the old ways that benefited no one but the rich and powerful.

They had returned to the temple immediately to begin planning the journey ahead. Daenerys had the healer who had checked the health of her child send hawks to Meereen, Naath, and all the way to certain parts of Westeros. She was surprised at his use of the hawks at first, but they were just as smart and faster than any raven and she could see why he'd trained them instead.

It turned out that the man was no ordinary healer to begin with, he was in fact a man known as Maester Darvin, who had sailed for Essos once he had completed his time in the Citadel so that he could help bring his newfound remedies to parts of the world that needed it. He was the type of man Daenerys needed, not just for his knowledge but for his kindness, and when she offered him a place amongst the small council she was rebuilding, he immediately accepted.

Kinvara took a place amongst that small council also, along with Myah and Naqqi. Kinvara's purpose was obvious amongst the small council but the girls' not so much at first.

The decision for them to join her came several days after the events in the city. She had been standing at the balcony of her room, having just bathed alone for a change, just as the sun was setting. All was peaceful until she heard grunts coming from the courtyard below. Swinging a staff at imaginary targets was Myah, with Naqqi sitting on a bench not far reading aloud from a book about fighting techniques.

Daenerys tightened her robe around her and headed out of her room to join them. It had been so long since she had spent time with people outside of council meetings and she yearned for a moment away from it all.

Upon entering the courtyard the girls hadn't noticed her, not until she approached the bench and sat beside Naqqi. The girl looked at her stunned and stumbled as she tried to find her words. Myah on the other hand bounded over confidently.

"Your Grace!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing out here?"

Daenerys smiled at the girls bluntness. "I could see you from my balcony. I thought that perhaps you wouldn't mind some company down here?"

"Oh not at all!" Myah showed off her staff and soon enough Daenerys began to learn about the girls and how they had come to be in Volantis.

Myah was aged sixteen and had been a slave in Yunkai all her life. She hoped to be a fighter for the Second Sons in Meereen and had been caught countless times by her master practicing fighting. She'd been whipped at the post several times for this but the scar on her neck came from something far worse. All those years ago when word had spread that Daenerys Stormborn had rid Meereen of its slave masters, the slaves became restless and rebelled in Yunkai. Myah and several other slaves had attempted to escape the clutches of their masters but had been caught and hung for their actions. A Red Priestess new to the practice, had approached her body that night as it hung on display on the walls of Yunkai and tried to resurrect her. It had worked. Out of the 15 slaves hung that day, Myah was the only one that could be brought back. That was almost four years ago.

Naqqi on the other hand, was fourteen and had been the daughter of a Dothraki Khal. She had been no older than five when he died and her younger brother, aged three, was killed by the men of his Khalasar who wanted to become the next Khal and didn't need the deceased Khal's blood running through the boys veins. Her mother had died protecting her brother and Naqqi had ran off in fear. On the run she was taken in by a couple on their way to Braavos and stayed with them up until two years ago. Her adoptive father died when his ship never returned from its travels. The money they should have received for her father wagering his life on the ship not returning, was never given to them. The money they had so desperately needed for her adoptive mother, who was dying of a terrible sickness. Sadly, she ended up at the House of Black and White. Naqqi travelled to Volantis with no family and no hope, seeking out the cities ever growing market for slavery so that she could work.

Daenerys was saddened by their stories but it was what brought them to be here, sitting beside her, that brought hope to her cause. Naqqi did not stay in Volantis' slave market for long. Slavery here had been abolished in the first few months of her arrival and Myah having been taken in by the Red Priestess' helped to do that. In time the slaves were fighting back and leaving their masters as opportunities for fair work appeared and soon enough, the slavers dispersed.

Since then, Naqqi had become skilled in many languages but most of all enjoyed politics. She could either be found with her head in a book or helping to diffuse situations on the streets. Myah still wanted to fight but it was difficult to find men that were willing to train her. Daenerys promised her that when her friend and Master of War, Grey Worm, came to them, that she would have him train her before they leave for Meereen.

"Perhaps," Myah had said, for once looking nervous. "We could accompany you to Meereen?"

Without hesitation Daenerys offered them to travel with her and, if they were interested, a place on the small council where they could observe and learn. Kinvara and Maester Darvin were unsure about the girls' presence on the council. After all, they had no experience in war tactics nor did they have anything to offer to Daenerys in terms of advice on what she should do.

However, Daenerys explained to them what it really was she saw in the girls.

"Myah is a fighter, when Grey Worm arrives she will have a chance to learn a lot from him and hopefully in time, she can join the Second Sons in protecting Meereen. Naqqi, though shy, has a kind heart. Her experience will only grow and with age she will make a great confident, perhaps sitting and ruling amongst a council in one of the freed cities here in Essos."

They could not disagree and so with that, the start of Daenerys' small council was established.

Looking down at the pawns on the map, Daenerys felt ready for what lay ahead of her. However, at the same time, she felt completely and utterly terrified. Her hand came to lay on her swollen belly and she thought of the life that grew inside of her. She could never sail to Westeros with a child, the child of Daenerys Stormborn and Jon Snow, who was really Aegon Targaryen. Their child would be the biggest threat to Westeros, hope of the Targaryen dynasty being restored. A threat to the false King, Brandon Stark, that now ruled over Westeros and a threat to the North, where Sansa Stark was now Queen.

When she looked up, Kinvara stared at her thoughtfully before speaking, "There is nothing we can do for the time being. Until Grey Worm and the Unsullied are here and we have received word from Westeros, this is only a waiting game. Get some rest my Queen, this is only the calm before the storm."

Daenerys nodded, a worried look crossing her face as everyone left the room.

Once more she was playing at this game, a game she had lost once already. Now this time, not only were others risking their lives for her but she was putting the possibility of a family at risk too. 

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