Chapter 7

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Standing at the docks, Daenerys looked on as the Unsullied ships pulled into the harbour. Give or take, there were likely to be four-thousand of them left to join her. When she had sailed to Westeros she'd had eight-thousand trained Unsullied, and five-thousand untrained who she'd also freed from Master Kraznys. The untrained boys had remained in Meereen with the two-thousand Second Sons led by Daario Naharis to help protect the city as it took its first steps into a peaceful world. The Unsullied she'd lost in Westeros had fallen at the hands of the Army of the Dead.

On returning to Meereen she'd be able to assess the state of the city and its people, learning how in her absence they have hopefully managed to keep the city free of slavery. That outcome seemed likely, since Kinvara had explained that many of the once slaving cities had come to support her, despite her absence from Essos.

If she could remember correctly, all nine of the Free Cities had pledged themselves to her rule and were following in Meereen's footsteps. Yunkai and Astapor being so close to Meereen had its slave masters fall shortly after her leave to Westeros, when Daario Naharis had ordered the Unsullied there to support the slaves in fighting for their freedom. Last but not least, and to Daenerys' surprise, Qarth had now become a city free of slavery. Being a city so reliant on its imports and exports of goods, the other free cities refused to make business with them unless changes were to be made. And so, rather quickly, and without much persuasion, Qarth elected a council and began the long hard journey to ending its slaving ways.

Looking out to the sea where a single ship sailed to the dock to unboard, Daenerys could recognise a single person on board, looking out to her. Grey Worm.

As the crew descended, Daenerys felt her feet pulling her forward. Walking down the steps and making his way towards her, she felt herself wanting to run to him. She knew that he could see it by the look on her face, there was no time for formalities, they weren't Queen and Master of War here. They were friends, and when they reached each other, Daenerys wrapped her arms around him.

Thoughts of the struggles they had faced flashed before her eyes; him fighting beside Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah's valiant and noble end, Rhaegar plummeting into the sea as they sailed to Dragonstone, Missandei's body falling from the walls of King's Landing. Her own death in the halls of the throne room. Tears began to stream down her face and when they finally pulled away from their embrace, Grey Worm wiped a tear from her cheek.

"My Queen," he said.

"Torgo Nudho," she replied.

He looked down at the floor, shame and regret flashing across his face. Bending down onto one knee before her, he did not look up at her as he spoke.

"I have failed you. You named me your Master of War, yet I could not protect you. I tried. Yara and I. There had been a meeting. We wanted him gone. But he still lives," snarling he spat the words out with such venom in his tone that she could see that the outcome of this meeting had played on him till today.

"That traitor breathes." Grey Worm looked up at her, anger burning like a fire in his eyes, "I will get justice My Queen."

Daenerys leaned down to look into his eyes and placed her hands on his face.

"You have never failed me," she replied softly.

Standing straight she shook her head and Grey Worm stood also, standing tall before her. There was so much they needed to say to one another, about the past that had brought them here and about the future they were heading towards.

Before they could even think of where to start, Grey Worm looked past her at the sound of approaching footsteps. Turning around she could see, Kinvara, Maester Darvin, Myah, Naqqi, and a man Daenerys did not recognise heading in their direction.

When they stopped before her she introduced them to one another. "This is Grey Worm, my Master of War," she said turning back to him with a smile. "This is Kinvara, the Red Priestess responsible for my resurrection. Maester Darvin, born in Westeros and trained at the Citadel. Myah, an aspiring soldier. Naqqi, who I have high hopes to become a valuable member of the new government we have in place here. And-"

Daenerys stopped at the young man. He was tall, and steadily built, clean shaven with a head of charcoal black hair. He wore a tokar of gold and blue, and Daenerys sensed a familiarity in him to slave owners she had met in the past. And defeated.

Kinvara stepped forward, "This is Taevor mo Eraz. He was the son of a former slave master in Yunkai, and was elected as Volantis' voice for the newly established Council of Essos."

Taevor bowed before her and smiled warmly before speaking, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Queen Daenerys. I was in Myr with their council discussing some recent issues they had been having when news of your arrival reached me. I rode at once to come and meet you."

His name rang a bell in Daenerys' head. Taevor mo Eraz. He appeared to be a similar age to herself, and she could not recall ever having met him before. Taevor mo Eraz. Mo Eraz. Razdal mo Eraz. A former Wise Master in Yunkai. One who had opposed her. One who Grey Worm had slit the throat of.

Daenerys looked at Grey Worm and could see her own look of realisation mirrored on his face as he also recognised and remembered the name.

Facing Taevor, Daenerys looked at him questioningly.

"I knew your father. Not very well but well enough to know that he didn't believe in freedom and the liberation of those who had been slaves for far too long. He died for those beliefs, at the hands of my friend here. Why is it that you have been elected to help rule Volantis when you're the son of a former slave master?"

He did not seem surprised by the question and a smile played on his lips, making Daenerys feel warm in her cheeks and she clenched her fists behind her back to contain herself.

"It is true," he nodded. "My father was a Wise Master in Yunkai and though he was my father, he did not raise me. I was raised by women who wore collars around their necks. I witnessed everyday the outcome of slavery on the lives of far too many, and so, when I was old enough, I decided to make it my mission to help end it and rode to Volantis shortly after your victory at the Bay of Dragons, once known as Slavers Bay."

There was nothing she could say back to that and so Daenerys nodded at him before looking to Kinvara.

"So, I imagine there is much to discuss now that Grey Worm and the Unsullied forces have returned?" Daenerys asked but she already knew the answer to her question.

"Oh yes," Kinvara smiled. "Now we begin."

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