Chapter 8

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Maia's POV

I stood up and walked away from her. My head pained as I tried to think about this. I shut my eyes and shook my head repeatedly as I thought over her words. I love her I do but not in the way she was talking about. I can not even think straight right now.

"Maia I know this is a lot to think about and-"

"You are drunk Zo. You are not thinking straight" I said turning to her. She was walking toward me with caution. Her hands were reaching out for me but I couldn't take her hand right now.

"Yes I am drunk but my words are words that have been running through my head for the past three years. " She argued dismissing any thought to my words.

"Zo please" I pleaded because I couldn't even believe or even think about what she is saying right now. She is drunk and has no control over her words right now. I sighed and grabbed a bottle of the closest drink near me and took a shot sip from it. I needed a drink and water wasn't going to cut it right now.

"Maia listen to me, I am telling you the truth" Zo yelled yanking the bottle away from me.

"Alright I am ready to-" Nick said as he came into the room before pausing as he took a look at our state. Neither Zo or I looked his way as we stared at each other. Zora's eyes pleaded for me to listen but I couldn't even think about what she was saying right now. If what she is saying is truth we can talk about her when she is sober.

"Let's just go, we will talk in the morning when you are sober" I said moving past her toward the door.

"Mai" Zo said grabbing my arm as I moved past her. I shook my head and sighed.

"Please Zo I cant think about this right now and we will talk when we are alone and when you are sober" I whispered as I looked at her. She frowned in sadness and nodded letting my arm go.

"Let's go" I said as I walked out of the room with Nick and Zora soon following me. I turned to Nick waiting for him to led us out. He didn't say anything as he walked down the red hallway going toward a set of stairs.


The car ride was dead silent and it was my fault. I could not speak to Zora as I tried to think about everything she has said. Now that I think of it all, she has shown signs but not signs that make you realize what was happening.

"In 500 feet, you will have reached your destination on the right" The GPS lady said and I sighed as we reached our apartment. When Nick stopped the car in front of the building, Zora hurried out of the car and into the building. I watched as she left before I opened my car door.

"Are you guys okay?" I heard from behind me as I went to get out of the car.

"It is none of your concern Nick but thank you for the drive home." I said getting out the car. I held my purse close to me as I walked toward the doors of the building.

"Hey!" I turned around to see Nick jogging over to me. I looked away and sighed as I stopped and waited for him.

"What is it Nicklaus"

"Hey look I wasn't trying to get you to be mad at me or even have you think that I was trying to get in your business." He said as he stopped in front of me. His tall figure at me looking up at him.

"I know and I didn't mean to be rude to you. I am sorry" I said looking away and up to the window that was in my room. Zora's figure was at the window peeking from the curtains watching us, watching me. I sighed and looked at the ground.

"Look um if you need me just come down to the club" He said fiddling with his hands as he stared at me. I bit my lip and shook my head.

He means in a friendly way Maia stop thinking you could get somewhere with him.

"Yes of course thank you. I will see you later Nick I have to get back to Zora" I said pointing to the window where she was watching before backing away and heading to the building door.

"Tell her I said bye for me" He said as I opened the door. I nodded sadly and waved as he got back in his car. He waited until I went into the elevator, that was across from the door, before leaving and honking his horn at me. I sighed and pressed my floor level. When I reached my floor, I sighed once again and walked to my apartment door.

"Hey" I said as I walked into the apartment. Zora walked out of the kitchen with her arms crossed over her chest. I sighed and closed the door before walking into the kitchen.

"So you not talking to me" I said as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I heard her sit down at the island as I took a sip of water.

"I thought you was going to wait until I'm so called sober" Zora's cold filled voice said as I turned to her.

"Zora" I sighed as I looked at her. She shook her head and got up from her seat.

"You know what just forget what I said, I am not going to go through this with you" She said before leaving the kitchen. I sighed and closed my eyes.

Today is just not my day..

I don't know how I am suppose to have this talk with her if I am being honest...

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