Chapter 15

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^Maia's outfit^
Maia's POV
Same Day
Three hours later

By time I was done working out, I was soaked in sweat from head to toe. After a hour of working out, Zo joined me but me being my size I would say I only worked out, two hours of those three hours. I got tired easily but Zo wouldn't let me sit down until I did one hour. We ran on the treadmill, well she ran I speed walked.

Nick let us use the private showers. He wouldn't let anyone in there until we were dressed and out. He was nice and I appreciated it. I let better after a shower.

You ever take your sweaty clothes off and your body just feels cold...?

"Thank you again" I said as we walked out of the gym. Nick nodded and watched us leave. Zo got in her car and left out the parking lot. I started my car but didn't pull off because I heard a tap on my window. I turned to see Nick standing there making me frown in confusion.

"What's up" I said after I rolled down my window. He motions for me to step out of the car. I did but frowning while doing it.

"There is a party event tonight at the club and I wanted you and Zariah to come." He said looking away like he was nervous. I almost laughed that I thought Nick would be nervous.

"Um I'll tell Zo." Was all I said and sent him a smile before turning to get back in my car.

"Wait!" He said grabbing my arm. A weird feeling rushed through my body as soon as he touched me making a shiver run through my body. I turned back around and he was holding out a piece of paper.

"Text me if you guys can come okay" Nick said sending me a smile. I took the paper and nodded sending him a smile before turning around and getting in my car this time. Nick stepped back and watched as I pulled out of this parking spot and left the parking lot. When I stopped at a red light, I called Zo.

"Wassup" Zo said into the phone. The light turned green and I drove continuing to the house.

"Yo you at the house yet?" I asked as I turned right at the light. She made a mhm sound before I heard pans in the back ground.

"Nick wants us to go to the club tonight. There suppose to be some special club party going on and he wants us to go" I said as I stopped at a light.

"Oh shit hell yeah we going" Zo said into the phone before I heard a microwave beeped in the background making me sigh.

"Okay I will be at the house in five minutes." I said as the light turned green. I saved Nick's number in my phone real quick after I hanged up and sighed.

What am I going to wear...?


"Oh my God you are so difficult! Get in that bathroom and put the outfit on" Zo yelled making me hurry into the bathroom and do as she told. It was a two piece set but I have to say it fit me nice too. I was just scared about my fat packs showing. It only showed a little bit but it was fine it wasn't too much.

"Here" I said coming out of the bathroom. Zo smiles and clapped like I won an award.

"You are wearing that."

"But don't you think my stomach shows too much..?" I said looking down at my fat stomach.

"I think you look fine better yet amazing" Zo said before sitting me in a chair. She started doing my makeup while I combed out my hair some.

"I'm thinking we could leave your hair just down and straight back but i don't know" She said looking at my hair. I nodded and shrugged. I didn't care honestly. She nodded and started doing my hair.

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