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Sorry for not updating. Some stuff has happened since the first update. One of those things being a puppy! She's taking up a lot of time since we have to train her. But it's worth it. Anyway, sorry for not updating, heres the story. Enjoy!!


"Uh oh..."

A guy wearing a red and white varsity jacket came storming up to the table.

"My grades are not doing good, that's because you wont tutor me, you know what that means." Before he punched him he looked at me.

"What is the new girl doing hanging around you losers?"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my seat.

"Come on babe. Come sit with my friends and not these losers." He said to me.

"No thanks." I said pushing his arm away.

"Oh I see, Fenton has gotten to you, well Fenton, you're getting double the beating today."

"C-come on Dash. Cant this wait?" Danny blocked his face so he wouldnt get hit.

"Huh?" He was about to punch him, but I grabbed his wrist.

I twisted his arm and pinned him to the ground.

"If you think for a minute that you're going to interrupt my meal, pull me out of my seat, try to flirt with me, and then beat up my friend, you've got another thing coming. You threaten them again and I'll do more then pin you to the ground. Got it?" I said with a stern voice.

"Y-yeah I got it."

"Good. Now leave." With that I let him go and he ran back to his friends.

I looked back to find Danny on the floor. I held my hand out for him to help him up.

"Wow. No one has ever done that before." Tucker said when we sat back down.

"Dude, I come from the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens, you would think I would know how to take someone down. But seriously it's not that hard to stand up for yourself."

"With the amount of times I've been shoved into a locker by Dash, it's become a routine." Danny said.

"Well dont worry about him. My parents had me train in every type of fighting you could think of."

Thankfully we were left alone the rest of the night.

We were walking out of the restaurant and found Dash and his friends hanging around my car.

"Move." I said.

"Um excuse me?" This girl in a Spanish accent said. Might I add, with a lot of sass.

"If I have to say it again, you'll be pinned on the floor."

"Oh you dont know who we are. Honey we're the popular people. You're going to hang out with us at school." She tried to reach for my hand.

"Touch me and I'll break your hand." She backed away.

"And I'm fine. I dont hang out with barbie dolls. Now move."

"You kidding me? You cant drive. We're not even 17 yet." A jock said.

I just pulled out my license, held it for a second or two, and put it back.

"Sam, Tucker you're in the back. Danny called shotgun before." I said getting in the car.

They all got in and closed the door.

"Say cutie maybe we can hang out-"

"Dont even think about it." And with that I drove off.

"Oh my God I cant believe you said that to Paulina!" Sam said.

"Hey I'm being serious, those girls are just human barbie dolls. I already know you two have googly eyes for her. Seriously, I dont know what people see in people like her."


I dropped everyone off at Danny's house cause they said they had to work on some project. I was fine with it. I wanted to explore the town anyway.

I got home and changed from me to ghost me. I had a black and white jumpsuit on, my hair was white and kinda grey, and my eyes were green.

I phased through the walls to get outside, then I started to fly over the city. It's so beautiful up here.

But before I knew it, i was being tackled to the ground by someone. I looked up to see a boy with white hair and green eyes like me. He was also wearing a black and white jumpsuit. He would be cute if he wasn't pinning me to the ground.

"Who are you?" He asked with a stern voice.

"Well hello to you too."

"Dont play games with me. Who are you?"

"I'm your imagination. Now if you could let me go that would be great."

"Nope. Sam Tucker thermos now!"

I saw Sam and Tucker come out behind a bush with a thermos. I thought they said they had a project.

This ghost kid was about to use the thermos on me, but someone shot him with an ecto ray. I looked up to see my mom.


"You know it. Now leave my girl alone." She came down and helped me up off the floor.

The ghost kid split himself into two. Cool trick but so old.

"Wow. I'm so scared now. There's two of you." I said fake cowering. Me and mom just laughed. Yes I called Ember mom.

"You should be."

"Dude. That was a joke." I then split myself into 10 of me. "Bet you cant do this yet."

"Yet? What do you mean yet?"

I just fired my rays at him. I stopped to see how he was. He was on the floor trying to get up.

"Next time think twice before you try to capture someone. Come on Ember."


We were sitting on my house enjoying the beautiful night.

"I'm glad that I'm here with you. I was so done with dad. I dont know why I ever stayed with him."

"I'm glad you're here too. You can help me destroy the ghost kid." She said.

"Mom I'm not here to destroy anyone. I just want a normal life."

"Dani. You know I want the best for you, and you've got a good heart, so I wont hurt the ghost kid unless he goes after me, or he goes after you. Deal?"

"Deal. Ok I should get to bed. My friends are coming over to help me finish unpacking."

"Alright Dani. Love you." She said flying away.

"Love you too!" With that, I phased through the roof, changed back into regular me, got ready for bed and went to sleep.


Mystery POV

"We found her. She's in Amity Park." Someone said.

"Great. We'll be visiting her soon." Stepping into view was Tony Stark. The person who he was talking to was Natasha a.k.a Black Widow.

"We're going to get my daughter back."

A Different Ghost Kid (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now